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Your Staff 

This section looks at the legal requirements applicable to clubs when employing staff, including their recruitment, payment, support and dismissal, and their relationship with the officers and other members of the club.

When a person carries out work for a club, it is important for both parties to understand and agree the relationship between them. An individual may be an employee; a service contractor; a casual worker; or a volunteer. 

The Employment Rights Act 1996 defines an employee as 'an individual who has entered into or works under a contract of employment'.  Whereas a self-employed persons works under a contract for services.  There is a subtle difference which can be difficult to distinguish.  Over the years the Courts have developed and applied various tests to formally determine an employee from a self-contractor.

This section focusses on employees and also deals with the important distinction between a contract of employment and one for self-employment, as well as the question of employment rights for casual workers.

If you require further assistance please do not hesitate to contact the Legal Team Tel: 0844 5569519 Email:

Employment Contracts
General guidance on the essential terms.
Employee Rights
Rights and Obligations of Employer and Employee.
Minimum Wage
Guidance on the Minimum Wage Act.
Working Time Directive
A guide to the Working Time Directive.
Self Employed Contractors
Guidance on the issues.
Casual Workers
Rights and obligations.

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See Also


Equality Act 2010