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28 November 2006, 01:07 pm
Results Close At FESPIC Games
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Disabled Sailing News
Port Dickson, Malaysia

Once the rain cleared leaving an overcast day, another two races of the FESPIC Games Sailing Competition were sailed on day three in Port Dickson, Malaysia. Light breezes and a sloppy sea remaining after the morning's strong wind made for very challenging conditions.
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With seven races now completed, sailors discard their worst result. Scores have become very close in three of the four divisions being sailed.

Jovin TAN (SIN) has closed within 1 point Duncan MACGREGOR (AUS) in the Access 2.3 division thanks to consistent 2,2 scores today and being able to drop a fourth place from the first race of the series. MACGREGOR went 1,3 today, but the final two races will be crucial for the young Australian. Al Mustakin MATRIN (MAS) holds third overall and is another 3 points behind TAN.

Joanne TOH (SIN) scored 2,1 today and remains 5 points clear of Rachael COX (AUS) who sailed to an impressive win in the first race of the day. COX seems to have consolidated her second position with Sabrina SAFRI (MAS) only managing a 3,4 in today's difficult conditions to be a further 5 points behind.

JUNELL's Lead Reduced

In the Men's Liberty division, the lead of Mustafa JUNELL (MAS) has been cut to just 2 points. The combination of JUNELL's fifth place in the first race of the day with Alson TUMBAGAHAN (PHI) going 2,2 and discarding his DSQ from the first race of the series, has closed the gap considerably. Karim ABDUL (SIN) took a win in the first of the day and could well have consolidated his second place position from yesterday but was OCS in race 7. He now has 4 points to make up with only two races yet to sail.

Ding Zhi YUN (CHN) regained a slim lead in the Women's Liberty division today after discarding her OCS from day two. YUN is tied on points with Desiree LIM (SIN) but has two more first places. The experienced LIM also had the opportunity to build a gap on the Chinese girl, but was OCS in the first race of the day. Pamela MURRAY (AUS) is 6 points behind the leading pair, but has a 4 point buffer over Cherrie PINPIN (PHI) in fourth.

Chairman of the International Jury, Noel ALLEN (AUS), commented, 'Competitors in this event have quite varied levels of sailing skills, but the leaders in each division are very competent.

'All the sailors have been very well behaved, taking alternative penalties on the water and there have been very few protests', he said.

'The venue, and the Malaysian hospitality for sailors and officials, has been wonderful', said ALLEN.

It is expected that racing will be completed on Wednesday 29 November, although a reserve day is available on 30 November in case of poor weather.

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David Staley (As Amended By ISAF). Image, Jovin TAN is closing in on the lead:© David Staley
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