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IOC Executive Board welcomes athletes’ recommendations      15/08    Final countdown is on to the Nanjing 2014 Youth Olympic Games   Sochi 2014 countdown enters final six months      14/08    It all began three years ago today!      12/08    IOC awards broadcast rights in 17 Asian countries for Sochi 2014 and Rio 2016    London 2012 - Day 16 - Goodbye London, hello Rio!      11/08    London 2012 - Day 15 - Bolt cements place in history      10/08    London - Day 14 - Dutch women retain hockey title   London 2012 venues and infrastructure already providing strong Games legacies      09/08    IOC Executive Board nominates a candidate for WADA presidency             More news                document.addEvent('domready', function() { var OgItemList = $$('.OgItem a'); var OgLiItem = $$('.OgItem'); linkList = $$('.OgBlock .list'); var listSize = linkList[0].getSize().x; relatedLinks = $$('.OgBlock .links li'); // defines the current item index in the list OgLiItem.each(function(item, index) { if (item.hasClass('current')) { var itemPos = -listSize / 2 + index * 85 + 97 / 2 + 13; linkList.setStyle('backgroundPosition', itemPos + 'px bottom'); } }); if (OgItemList != undefined && OgItemList != null) { OgItemList.each(function(item, index) { item.addEvent('mouseover', function(event) { resetAllItems('.OgItem'); item.parentNode.addClass('current'); hideAllLinks(relatedLinks); relatedLinks[index].setStyle('display', 'block'); var itemPos = -listSize / 2 + index * 85 + 97 / 2 + 13; linkList.setStyle('backgroundPosition', itemPos + 'px bottom'); }); }); } // loop on all the OG items to unset the "current" class function resetAllItems(selector) { var itemList = $$(selector); itemList.each(function(item, index) { item.removeClass('current'); }); } // hide all related links function hideAllLinks(selector) { var linksList = $$(selector); linksList.each(function(item, index) { item.setStyle('display', 'none'); }); } });    Olympic Games    Turin 2006   Beijing 2008   Vancouver 2010   London 2012   Sochi 2014   Rio 2016   PyeongChang 2018       Turin 2006 videos Turin 2006 photos     See all the Beijing 2008 Highlights! 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