Report copyright infringement.

Fill out the form below to request help.

Twitter only handles requests that are submitted by the copyright owner or an authorized representative of the copyright owner. Please see our Copyright Policy for more information.

About the material on Twitter

Limit reported items (images, Tweets, or other) to 10 or fewer. Submit additional reports as needed.

Report an image

@Please provide the @username of the account using your work.

The content you are reporting is not hosted by Twitter, and is actually posted on a third-party website. Twitter does not provide support for content hosted by other applications or non-Twitter websites. To report this content, you'll need to contact that website's support team.

About the user's avatar (profile picture)

Please provide a detailed description of the original work (e.g., photograph of a dog in a bathtub). Include direct links if available.
Tip: Generally the photographer and not the subject of the photograph is the actual rights holder.
Please specifically describe the alleged infringement (e.g., The reported account is using my copyright protected logo or image as their profile picture or background).

Unfortunately, we cannot process a takedown request unless we receive notice from the actual rights holder. However, if you believe this account is impersonating you, please file an impersonation report.

About the user's background image

Please provide a detailed description of the original work (e.g., photograph of a dog in a bathtub). Include direct links if available.
Tip: Generally the photographer and not the subject of the photograph is the actual rights holder.
Please specifically describe the alleged infringement (e.g., The reported account is using my copyright protected logo or image as their profile picture or background).

Unfortunately, we cannot process a takedown request unless we receive notice from the actual rights holder. However, if you believe this account is impersonating you, please file an impersonation report.

Please specifically describe the alleged infringement (e.g., The reported account is using my copyright protected logo or image as their profile picture or background).

Unfortunately, we cannot process a takedown request unless we receive notice from the actual rights holder. However, if you believe this account is impersonating you, please file an impersonation report.

About the image in the user's Tweet

Please provide a detailed description of the original work (e.g., photograph of a dog in a bathtub). Include direct links if available.
Please provide the URL to the Tweet. Instructions on how to find the direct URL to a Tweet.
Tip: Generally the photographer and not the subject of the photograph is the actual rights holder.
Please specifically describe the alleged infringement (e.g., The reported account is using my copyright protected logo or image as their profile picture or background).

Unfortunately, we cannot process a takedown request unless we receive notice from the actual rights holder. However, if you believe this account is impersonating you, please file an impersonation report.

Report a Tweet

@Please provide the @username of the account using your work.
Please provide a detailed description of the original work (e.g., photograph of a dog in a bathtub). Include direct links if available.
Please note that we are unable to process a DMCA takedown for Tweets that do not contain links to allegedly infringing materials unless the content of the Tweet itself is copyrighted (e.g., song lyrics, poetry).
Please provide the URL to the Tweet (if the Tweet is publicly accessible, the content will appear below). Instructions on how to find the direct URL to a Tweet.

Report Other

@Please provide the @username of the account using your work.
Please provide a detailed description of the original work (e.g., photograph of a dog in a bathtub). Include direct links if available.
Please note that we are unable to process a DMCA takedown for Tweets that do not contain links to allegedly infringing materials unless the content of the Tweet itself is copyrighted (e.g., song lyrics, poetry).

Required statements

Please type this exact statement into the field below:

The information in this notification is accurate, and I state under penalty of perjury that I am authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.

If you are unsure whether the material you are reporting is in fact infringing (and, for example, not protected by fair use), you may wish to contact an attorney before filing a notification with us.

Please electronically sign this notice by typing your full name here:
I understand that in order to process this notice, Twitter may provide third parties, such as Chilling Effects and the affected user, with a copy of this complaint. For more information see our Copyright Policy.
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