Evaluering fra Gold Cup i Tallinn

Martin Boidin har sendt os denne de-briefing fra Gold Cup

Hej Alle Finn Jolle sejlere

Jeg er nu hjemme i Danmark igen efter at have deltaget i min første Gold cup. Stævnet blev afholdt i meget let og springende vind, hvilket gav meget udfordrende sejladser. Den maksimale vind vi nåede op på var 4 m/s.

Jeg var alt i alt meget tilfreds med stævnet især over at jeg i enkelte sejladser viser at jeg godt kan følge med oppe i toppen. Jeg glæder mig til at arbejde videre med min fart og teknik i båden over vinteren og målet er næste år til Gold Cup at gøre det bedre.

Mange hilsner


Gold cup 2

DEN 23

DEN 23

Flyvende start for ny hjemmeside

Nu hvor vores nye hjemmeside har været i luften i godt en måned, vil jeg godt dele lidt statistik med jer.

Siden er blevet læst i 27 forskellige lande, og har opnået over 7.000 views. Det vil sige, at vi har flere læsere end der er seere på TV2 Fri. Den video som blev produceret til DM er, udover de knap 200 visninger her på siden, blevet vist næsten 1.800 gange på YouTube. Alt i alt en god start.

Second Hand er den mest eksponerede enkeltside, så hvis I står overfor at skulle skifte båd eller vil af med noget grej, så er det stedet at gøre det.

Hilsen Christian


On Saturday afternoon in Tallinn, Estonia, Jorge Zarif (BRA) completed the task he began on Friday and won the 2013 Finn Gold Cup. A ninth place in the medal race was enough for him to become Brazil’s first Finn world champion since the late Jorg Bruder in 1972. Ed Wright (GBR) placed third to keep the silver, while Pieter-Jan Postma (NED) won the race to take the bronze.

The sailors in the medal race launched on schedule for the first time all week but still, the wind died almost straight away and they sat and waited until past 14.00 until finally a stable breeze of around 6-8 knots became established and the race could start.

Jorge Zarif (BRA) had a 19 point lead and all he had to do was finish the race. He started safely and stayed out of trouble to cross in ninth to take the title. Ahead of him a fascinating race full of drama was played out.

Pieter-Jan Postma (NED) had promised to give it his all and he got a great start mid-line and controlled the lane to the favoured left side. However, Michele Paoletti (ITA) had managed to come up just enough to tack and cross ahead of the group to lead round the top mark from Ioannis Mitakis (GRE), Postma and Ed Wright (GBR).

Postma briefly passed Paoletti downwind but the Italian led through the gate and the leading four led the fleet back to the left side of the course. The wind started getting lighter and shiftier, which allowed Postma into the lead from Zsombor Berecz (HUN) on the final upwind. Wright rounded in third, just ahead of Milan Vujasinovic (CRO).

Postma and Berecz extended on the fleet downwind, but Postma needed one more place between himself and Wright to take the silver, and he almost got it. Wright picked up a penalty, did turns, and Vujasinovic closed the gap. Wright then found a lane away from the chasing boats and sailed back into a safe third to secure the silver, while Postma led Berecz across the line to take the bronze.

In taking the bronze a clearly elated Postma has broken a run a fourth places and adds to his two silvers from 2007 and 2011. He said, “I am very, very happy with this. I had quite a difficult week. I had a couple of good races but I was totally wrong a few times, and then it’s hard to focus until the end, as I had two bad results making it really hard to get the gold, which is what I wanted. But then you have to be strong and fight to the end, so I am very happy with that. It was a good race.”

“It’s been very light this week. Normally I am not that strong with the light winds as I am 5 or 6 kg more than the others. So I wished for more breeze and then in the light I also performed so I am happy.”

“It’s nice to have a strategy and a plan and even it you are not 100 per cent sure, make a plan and go for it. I had to focus all the race but it came together today.”

Wright has now been on the podium for the past four years and was also really pleased with his silver medal. “It’s been a really, really tricky week without much wind, so just keeping focus with all the waiting around has been very important so that you’re ready to race when you do go out there.”

“The medal racing today was pretty stressful and not that enjoyable. It was all pretty close. My goal here was a top three finish and of course you would always prefer to win, but I’m happy with silver after the week we’ve had. Things would have been a lot closer with the Brazilian if I hadn’t had my OCS yesterday.”

“This week has been really good for me as I’m mainly known for my strengths in the strong winds, and this week has been really light. I’ve lost weight and trimmed down a lot of my equipment for this season to be more competitive in the light winds, which we expect more of in Rio, so it’s great that that seems to be paying off and that I’m back showing more of the light wind form that I had when I first came into the class."

The new Finn world champion, Zarif, said “It’s feel great, fantastic. I couldn’t be happier. I tried to stay outside the action but it was hard sometimes. I tried to start a little bit after the guys and played the right because you can come back with rights, and in the end everything went quite well.” “I am surprised we actually raced. Three or four times we had some puffs because of the clouds, so I thought when the wind came it was just another puff, but it got a little bit stronger and was sailable.”

“I think this will have a big effect back in Brazil. There is much more money around because of the Olympic Games so I hope with a world title they can support me a little bit more.”

“I had no idea that I would win the Finn Gold Cup. I want to thank everyone who helped with this championship, the competitors and organisers. We didn’t have the best wind we could have but the organisation and the hospitality was fantastic here in Tallinn, so I would just like to thank everybody.”

At the prizegiving Saturday evening, the prizes and the Finn Gold Cup were presented by Esko Rechardt (FIN) who won the Olympic Gold medal during the 1980 Olympics in Tallinn.

Zarif also won the juniors. The top five were Zarif, Jake Lilley (AUS), Arcadiy Kistanov (RUS), Peter McCoy (GBR) and Riccardo Bevilacqua (ITA) – see photo.

In winning the 2013 Finn Gold Cup Jorge Zarif, who turns 21 next month, is one the youngest Finn world champions ever and he is definitely the only sailor to hold the Silver and Gold Cups at the same time.

After finishing 20th in the London 2012 Olympics Zarif went back to Brazil to recover and think about his next move. The removal of the Star class was instrumental in him teaming up with multiple world champion and Olympic medalist Bruno Prada (BRA). Prada asked if Zarif wanted to just take part at the next Games or win a medal. Zarif said he wanted to win a medal, so they started training together. They employed the services of former world champion and 2004 Olympic Silver medalist Rafa Trujillo (ESP) and the training began. Trujillo thought his young apprentice could could place top ten this week, but it seems Zarif didn’t want to wait and had all but confirmed the title before the final race. The medal race was a mere formality.

Zarif won the Junior Finn World Championship, the Jorg Bruder Silver Cup, in 2009 and 2013. His father Jorge Zarif Neto (BRA) sailed two Olympic Games in 1984 and 1988 but passed away in 2008 at the age of just 50. But as the young Jorge has said many times this week it was his father winning a race at the 2004 Finn Gold Cup in Rio that inspired him down this path to top level Finn sailing. You get the feeling it is only just beginning.

Final results after medal race (medal race position in brackets)
1 BRA109 Jorge Zarif 63 (9)
2 GBR11 Edward Wright 70 (3)
3 NED842 Pieter-Jan Postma 71 (1)
4 CRO69 Milan Vujasinovic 76 (4)
5 FRA112 Jonathan Lobert 80 (8)
6 ITA146 Michele Paoletti 87 (5)
7 HUN40 Zsombor Berecz 88 (2)
8 GRE77 Ioannis Mitakis 90 (7)
9 NZL24 Josh Junior 98 (6)
10 GBR85 Andrew Mills 99 (10)

Full results at:http://www.finngoldcup.org/2013/data/Results/res-after-medal-overall.html

Written by: Robert Deaves, International Finn Association


Søndag var dagen som var stålsat på at være bedre end lørdag. Umiddelbart skulle man mene at der var en overkommelig opgave. Men hvis man ikke har forudsætningerne til at løse en opgave, så kan det godt gå hen og blive svært.

Det begyndte ellers godt. En anelse mindre vind, ingen hvide skumtoppe i horisonten og så videre i den dur, I har fået billedet.

Nå men. Så kom Staal. Og det som sker når Staal skifter til sejltøj det er, at himlen åbner sig og det begynder at regne. Ikke bibelske dimensioner med frøer og fisk og den slags, men det regner. Den opmærksomme læser vil nu have fået et dejavu til beretningen fra i går. Og det er med fuldt overlæg. For dagen lignede på mange måde en kopi af lørdagen. Og så er det ligesom ikke lykkedes for søndagen at være bedre, vel? Nej. Dog var det nogle andre som kæntrede, blandt andet undertegnede. Og Kenneth. Når Kenneth vælter så er det svært. Det ved alle.

Nå men, der blev sejlet tre sejladser. I tredje sejlads havde Svend krammet på hele banden, altså de som var tilbage, og så kom der et 40 grader vindspring. Og så står verden altså ikke mere. Svend er blevet gode venner med sin 1/2 bror, så alt er godt igen.

På podiet var nogle af de lokale, Jacob og Mads. Rækkefølgen kendes ikke lige, men imens de to blev båret i guldstol op på torvet for at blive fejret af hele byen, måtte vi andre med bøjet nakke og skammen malet i ansigtet pakke joller og køre hjem. Hjem og træne til næste år. For vi ses næste år. I smilets by :-)



Først blæste det

Så blæste det lidt mere. Og for at runde dagen rigtigt af, så sluttede dagen med at det blæste yderligere op.

Det har ellers været en spændende dag, som udover at være blæsende, startede med en ordentligt regnbyge. Så var der ligesom sagt velkommen til Århus.

Dagen har ellers budt på masser af vandleg, bytte både og ikke mindst en del ventetid mellem starterne. Lad os tage det fra en ende af; i krabsø og masser af luft ned af bakke, var der mere end en som væltede. Nogen var hurtigt oppe igen og andre brugte lidt mere tid på det med at rejse skøjten op igen. En enkelt blev sågar taget i mål mens han var kæntret. Det er noget som tærer på kræfterne, men Kenneth viser sig atter fra sin mest godmodige side og tog den på hovedet i baljen så der atter kunne komme styr på det. En sand sportsmand! Finnjollerne var ikke de eneste som væltede på Bravo banen. Contenders kan også vælte på kryds. Og halvvind. Og alle andre retninger. Ligesom Wayfarer og Bananbåde.
Så var der det med at bytte både. Udover Kenneth og Christian Poulsen, så synes Ole at det med at lave kæntringsøvelser var en brilliant idé. Hvilket bedre sted at lave dem end under Bøgeskovens lumske vinde!? Som sagt så gjort. Men Ole må have haft en lang uge, i hvertfald kunne han ikke få den op, jollen. Det blev Svend lidt træt af at se på, så Ole og Svend byttede joller. Ole mente at det måtte være hans gamle jolle den var gal med, så for lige af teste hypotesen valgte han at kæntre Svends. Det gik ikke meget bedre, men nu ville Svend så godt have sin egen nye jolle igen. Så det fik han og til sidst var alle i havn igen. Og det var vidst meget godt. Nu har jeg aldrig været nogen wind guru, men det var åbenlyst at der nu kom endnu mere luft.

Da dagen var omme var der gennemført tre sejladser, det kunne være blevet til flere, men med alle kæntringerne fordelt på fire klasser var der meget ventetid på banen. Måske Finnjollerne ville være mindre fejlcastede blandt E-jollerne som alt andet lige sejler og ser en bane på samme måde som Finnjollerne.

Resultatet er at nogen vandt og nogen kom til sidst. Den præcise rækkefølge kendes ikke her på redaktionen på Hotel Ritz, men uanset hvad så er der en som fører.

Senere på aftenen blev en del af den hårde kerne spottet i nærheden af vandet igen. Nærmere bestemt nær Kanalen i midtbyen, hvor sorgen over at skulle undvære de bedre halvdele blev skyllet ned med et par kolde fadøl, mens der blev håndsejlet.

I morgen kan da næsten kun blive god.

Update fra Tallinn – 29. august 2013

FinJolleDM (34 of 73)
Der er indtil videre sejlet 4 sejladser, i et stævne præget af let luft. Martin Boidin ligger samlet nr. 74, efter en BFD i 4 sejlads.

I skrivende stund er 5. sejlads tæt på at gå i gang, du kan se med på TracTrac her.

Se videoer fra Gold Cup her.

On board with Andrew Mills at the Finn Gold Cup in Tallinn.

On board with Oliver Tweddell at the Finn Gold Cup in Tallinn.

Se hele Finn Gold Cup’s side her: http://www.finngoldcup.org/2013/en/

I morgen går det løs – Update fra Tallinn

Martin Boidin skriver:

Hej Alle

Så starter VM på mandag, som eneste danske deltager skal jeg ene mand stå for at repræsentere de danske farver, jeg vil gøre mit bedste. Vi ankom til Tallinn sidste søndag efter at have haft en uges træningslejr i Skovshoved.

De første dage i Tallinn gik med et teststævne, som gik ok. Starterne og strategien skal blive bedre til Gold Cup, men ellers var farten på kryds og læns blevet bedre.

Efterfølgende har haft nogle dage med mere træning, registrering igår samt sikre at båden er helt i top til Gold cup. Idag (lørdag) har vi afholdt hviledag, for at være helt friske til selve stævnet.

Organisationen har indtil videre vist at være helt i top. Generelt har Tallinn budt Finn sejleren velkommen med maner.

Alt i alt føler jeg mig klar, jeg synes jeg har haft gode forberedelser og kommer godt forberedt. I morgen søndag er der practice race, og mandag går det løs, jeg glæder mig til at forsvare de danske farver!



Jeg har vedhæftet 3 billeder: Det ene billede viser sejlområdet fra oven, taget fra dagens udflugt hvor vi tog op i Tallinn’s tvtårn.
Det andet er fra igår da båden skulle poleres.
Det sidste er et stemningsbillede fra havnen.

Finnjollesejler saver feltet midt over til OK-DM

I det netop afholdte DM for OK joller, perfekt afholdt af Bønnerup Strand Sejlklub, viste en af Danmarks bedste Finnsters, hvordan man skal sejle jolle.

Jeg rundede som nummer fire ved første topmærke, men sejlede hurtigt forbi de andre. Det blæste 11-12 m/sek. og det var ligesom at jeg satte båden i gear ud mod slagmærket. Jeg gik luv om Myralf, jeg blæste forbi ham og ved slagmærket bommede jeg, mens Lindhardtsen og Myralf stagvendte for ikke at kæntre, og så var jeg endnu længere foran.

Flot sejlet og tillykke fra Dansk Finnjolle Klub

Jørgen Svendsen til DIF-DM for Finnjolle 2013

Læs hele artiklen i minbaad.dk

2013 Finn Gold Cup Preview: Tallinn beckons world’s best sailors


Tallinn beckons world’s best sailors for 2013 Finn Gold Cup

Estonia holds a special place in the hearts of Finn sailors and the opening of the 58th Finn Gold Cup in Tallinn this Sunday, 25 August, will be a momentous occasion for many reasons, and for many people.

It has been 19 years since the Finn Gold Cup was last, and first, held in Estonia. In 1994 it was sailed at Pärnu, but next week it heads to the country’s capital to be raced from the Tallinn Olympic Yachting Centre at Pirita, which was originally built for the 1980 Olympics. Estonia has only ever hosted four Olympic discipline world championships, and two of those will have been in the Finn.

The organising yacht club, Kalev Yacht Club, is situated on the left bank near the mouth of the River Pirita, and is one of the oldest and most respectable clubs of its kind in Estonia. The large complex at the yachting centre also includes the iconic Olympic SPORT hotel, which was built for the 1980 Olympics and has been renovated and renmed the Pirita Top Spa Hotel. Many of the sailors are staying there. The race area is just a 10-15 minute sail outside the harbour in Tallinn Bay, which is a closed bay within the Gulf of Finland.

The large pre-entry list includes 97 sailors from 30 nations and is the first time that virtually all the top Finn sailors have raced together this year. With last year’s winner Ben Ainslie (GBR) leaving the class and the 2011 world champion Giles Scott (GBR) sailing on Luna Rossa in San Francisco, the only former world champion competing this week is the 2010 winner Ed Wright (GBR), who is on top form after picking up the silver at the European Championships last month.

Wright leads a strong British team that have won all the major European events in the early part of the year and includes Mark Andrews (GBR) and Andrew Mills (GBR), as well as the young Peter McCoy (GBR) who will be looking to capitalise on his recent Junior European title win. However he will now have to reckon with Jorge Zarif (BRA), who won the Finn Junior world title in July.

Vasilij Zbogar (SLO) has had an eventful few weeks, which started with him winning the 2013 European championships, his first major title in the class. “I had a rest for a week, and then another Finn sailor, my son, was born on the 6 August and I spent a few days with my family and the kid.” Back home in Slovenia, “My result made headline news, so that was really good, for me and my supporters. I asked them to not make a big party as usual after a good result, so they made a small one. After that I went to Valencia for some training.”

“It is going to be hard for the worlds, a few things happened that took away the focus for the Gold Cup. I hope in the few days to the start I can push myself so I will be ready for it.”

The line up also includes several sailors from North and South America who were absent at last month’s European Championship. Caleb Paine (USA) will be sailing his first event as the new ISAF ranked world number one, while Olympians Greg Douglas (CAN), Jorge Zarif and Bruno Prada (BRA) are also competing.

The Kiwis Andrew Murdoch (NZL) and Josh Junior (NZL) have performed well so far this year and are now joined by New Zealand’s top ranked sailor sailor Matt Coutts (NZL). Murdoch was the surprise bronze medalist at the Europeans. He said, “It has been a great season for me so far. I was aiming for top 10s this year, so to place third at the Europeans motivates me to keep learning and working hard to make gains.”

Looking ahead to the Finn Gold Cup, “I know it’s going to be tough, but I’m really looking forward to the challenge. The more time I spend in the class the more I hear some of the great stories from times past. The Gold Cup has been won by some big sailing names over the many years it has been contested. I’m sure I’m not the only person wanting to add their name to it.”

Will the addition of Coutts to the team add further motivation? “Everyone wants to be the top performer for their country but getting caught up in that doesn’t help your regatta. He’s just like anyone else in the fleet, another boat to beat.”

Estonia’s number one Finn sailor Deniss Karpak (EST) is very excited about the prospect of racing the Finn Gold Cup in his home town. He said, “The 2013 Finn Gold Cup is only the fourth World Championship in any Olympic discipline in Estonian history. So it’s a big sporting event and the largest this year I think. To me personally it’s a huge opportunity to show my best on my home water. I feel so proud to see the top Finn guys sail in our gulf, it’s awesome.”

Staging the event has also done a lot to promote sailing in Estonia. “The organisers are trying to promote this event in all the newspapers, making a momentous occasion from it. It’s cool to have this mass attention.”

On his own preparations, he said, "This year has been a post Olympic year, which is always a hard year for getting back in shape. After six months out of professional Finn sailing, it was hard to come back, but now I feel ready to show some speed during the Gold Cup. But my goal is just to sail my best, to be consistent.”

Other top sailors lining up in Tallinn also include double European Champion Ivan Kljakovic Gaspic (CRO), London 2012 bronze medalist Jonathan Lobert (FRA), Pieter Jan Postma (NED), long time world number one, Brendan Casey (AUS), Thomas Le Breton (FRA) and Piotr Kula (POL), while Double Olympian, Gasper Vincec, (SLO) also returns for his first regatta for more than a year.

New talent continues to emerge and after some great performances earlier in the year names to keep an eye on include Zsombor Berecz (HUN), Alican Kaynar (TUR) and Oliver Tweddell (AUS).

More interviews will follow over the coming days and of course during the event next week.


There will be several ways to follow the 2013 Finn Gold Cup. As well as the usual on-the-water Twitter feed and daily reports, each day will be live streamed courtesy of ERR Sport at http://sport.err.ee. Video summaries will be released each day on YouTube.

A special media release will follow with further details and all the links you need to follow the Finn class event of the year.

The practice race is scheduled for the afternoon of Sunday 25 August, followed by an opening series of ten races from Monday 26 to Friday 30 August, with the medal race for the top 10 and the final race for the rest on Saturday 31 August. The opening ceremony will be held at Sunday 25 August at 19.30.

Event website: www.finngoldcup.org/2013
Daily live on the water coverage: http://sport.err.ee/

Class website: www.finnclass.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Finn-Class/110408332633
Fickr (free of rights photos for editorial use): http://www.flickr.com/photos/97957734@N04/

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