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OC Radio lets you preview and download select songs from up-and-coming Christian music artists.

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  • Not Today: A God-Backed Film--A Call For Freedom

    Traveling over 8,700 miles to India, to live and work amongst the Dalits, a people group considered “the untouchables” by the rest of their native country, is not something one does on a whim.

  • Soul Fuel: Jesus Wants You to Help the A Team

    “’The A Team’ came from an experience I had when I did a gig at a homeless shelter,” says songwriter Ed Sheeran of the song.

  • Soul Fuel: The Harlem Shake: Jerusalem Style!

    One might have argued last year that the internet explosion of "Gangnam Style" signified the possibility that the end of the world was drawing nigh, as it didn't seem possible for the world to fall into a lower place.

  • Citizen Kane: Why You Should Watch It

    You’ve probably heard about “Citizen Kane.” It’s one of those “classic” films everyone talks about but isn’t your top pick for Friday night. 

  • VOTA: On a Love Mission

    One small band is making a big impact, one album sale at a time. partnering, in 2013, with Tiny Hands International to help prevent human trafficking overseas.


  • Faith in Difficult Times with Todd Ballard

    Todd Ballard

    Todd Ballard tells the story of his mom's journey to healing from a brain tumor to show readers that we can have faith that Jesus is always with us, even through the most difficult circumstances in life.

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