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AG Disaster Relief Fund

Extreme Heat s Record Blizzards s 100-Year Floods s Mass Destruction s Killer Storms.

These are just some of the phrases that the media is using this year to describe the natural disasters that have left behind death and destruction in their wake worldwide.  Here at home winter storms, deadly heat waves, wildfires, floods, and tornadoes have taken their toll in millions of dollars in property damage and hundreds of lives, especially in Tuscaloosa and Joplin.

But God, through you, is giving these victims and survivors help and hope that there is a future.  Your compassionate gift to AG Disaster Relief has helped to give food and water through our first response partner, Convoy of Hope.  AG Chaplains trained in Critical Incident Stress Management were sent to help the survivors and their rescuers — police, EMTs, firemen, and 911 dispatchers.  With specialized counseling they helped those rescuers get beyond the traumatic events during which they bravely served those needing life-saving help, and the victims who needed to be recovered and returned to their families.

God bless you for expressing your compassion through giving.  During these disasters, money is desperately needed to purchase the essentials given out by Convoy of Hope, to send chaplains to the area impacted by the disasters, and to start the rebuilding process in lives and property.

Thank you for being the outstretched arms of Christ to fellow believers in churches who were touched by disasters and to those outside the family of faith who saw the love of God extended to them.  They will never forget and some have even come to faith in Christ!  It is a powerful witness.

God is able to work good out of tragedy when His people get involved.  Thank you for partnering with us to do His work for disaster relief victims and survivors.

Doug Clay

General Treasurer & Chairman of the Disaster Relief Committee

When a disaster strikes we partner with Convoy of Hope as the disaster relief arm of the Assemblies of God.  When you give to the AG Disaster Relief Fund, you can know that your contribution will be used to provide the maximum assistance in this great partnership effort of the Assemblies of God Disaster Relief and Convoy of Hope.

ONLINE DONATIONS are the fastest way to get help to people.  

Online donations can be made by credit card.  You can contribute directly to the "AG DISASTER RELIEF" fund online via a secure server by clicking this link:

AG Disaster Relief Fund.   

CHECKS - send your "AG DISASTER RELIEF" check to the address below.

AG Disaster Relief USA
1445 N Boonville Ave.
Springfield, MO 65802-1894

Please write fund 881001 on your check or on a note that you send with your check.

PRAYER - Pray for the people in these disaster areas. Pray for volunteers, pastors, and churches that are on the ground ministering God's love to those who have lost everything.

Disaster Can Strike ANYTIME!

AG Disaster Relief, in cooperation with other ministries, reaches out with a compassionate touch in Jesus' Name to victims of a disaster, either natural or man-made, in the United States.

No one knows where or when disaster will strike next! It could be in your state, your county, or right in your own city or town.
Because concerned friends have supported this vital ministry throughout the year, funds can be made available almost immediately to help those in need.

AG Disaster Relief Fund.

AG Church Disaster Relief Fund

Who can receive AG Church Disaster Relief?

The AG Church Disaster Relief Fund was established to provide emergency assistance to USA Assemblies of God church properties, affected by a natural or man-made disaster.

Download: AG Church Disaster Relief Application (PDF)

Is AG Church Disaster Relief a substitute for insurance?

AG Disaster Relief is not meant to be a substitute for adequate insurance coverage.  Each church is responsible for having enough insurance to repair or replace the church property.  Some churches need help with a high deductible.

However, churches located in certain areas may not be able to obtain or afford the high premiums of insurance against crime and vandalism, or certain natural disasters.

In cases where large areas are hit by disaster, AG Disaster Relief, in partnership with other Assemblies of God ministries, will respond with assistance as they are able.

What if our church is hit by a natural disaster?

If your Assembly of God church is hit by a natural disaster, your pastor can contact AG Church Disaster Relief and request an application for disaster relief or you can download an application by clicking on the link below.  Contact the AG Disaster Relief office by email ( or by phone 417-862-2781, ext. 2177. 

Download: AG Disaster Relief Application (PDF)

If possible, include photos before and after the damage when the application is completed and returned. This way, the extent of damage and the assistance required can be accurately determined. Please take good quality photos as they may be used in our publications. When assistance has been approved, a check will be sent to the church, with a copy of the letter to the district office.

Follow these steps from Application to Payment

Application:  Upon receipt of inquiry, AG Church Disaster Relief will send an application to determine the extent of damage and the need for assistance.   Applications can also be found online at or can be downloaded - see next line.
Download: AG Disaster Relief Application (PDF)

Approval:  Applicants must submit completed applications to the AG Disaster Relief office for review.  The completed application will be sent to the district for endorsement.   The district-endorsed application will be presented to the Disaster Relief Committee for review and to determine the need for and amount of assistance.

Payment:  When assistance has been approved, AG Church Disaster Relief will send a letter with a check to the church with a copy of the letter to the district office.  Thus, the district office will be aware that the application has been approved and disaster relief has been granted and disbursed.

Replacement of lost GPH curriculum: 

GPH will replace any lost or destroyed GPH-produced curriculum at no additional cost to the church through the application process, if it is available at that time.  An email with the pastor's contact information will be sent to GPH, and the church will be contacted by GPH regarding curriculum lost and needed.

What can I do to help fellow churches in need?

Give:  It is only as concerned friends continue to support the ministry of  AG Church Disaster Relief that funds will be immediately available to churches in need. You can show your concern for fellow churches through financial gifts. This way, they can begin rebuilding and ministering to a community who needs them more than ever before.

Click here to use our online secure server connection to send your offering to AG Church Disaster Relief today!  

CHECKS - send your "AG CHURCH DISASTER RELIEF" check to the address below.

AG Church Disaster Relief
1445 N Boonville Ave.
Springfield, MO 65802-1894

Please write fund 874001 on your check or on a note that you send with your check.

Remember, no one knows when or where disaster will strike next. Help us remain ready to meet the needs as they arise.

Volunteer:  If your church would like to send teams to help in the repair of a damaged church, contact the AG Disaster Relief office by email ( or by phone 417-862-2781, ext. 2177. 






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AG Disaster Relief | 1445 North Boonville Avenue | Springfield, MO 65802-1894
Email: | Phone: 417-862-2781, ext. 2182
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