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Judge Grants Preliminary Injunction to Protect Free Speech After Electronic Frontier Foundation Challenge
NJ's child sex ad law under legal scrutiny
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Cultural institutions warned: go digital or perish
Surveillance, Legal Access Could Weaken Internet Infrastructure
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Museum Saves Creative Projects From Their Archaic Formats
The Internet Archive Rescues Bitcoiners From Banking Oblivion
Who can help the Bitcoin companies when the banks say ‘no’? The Internet Archive is a strong alternative
The Internet Archive rescues Bitcoiners from banking oblivion


Staff < >
Aaron Ximm Engineer
Aaron joined the Archive in 2011, where he aims to assist with the alchemy of converting ephemera into artifacts. As an artist, Aaron is interested in documentation and its possibilities.
Abigail Hall Lead, Digital Scanning Satellite
Abigail has been with the Archive since 2009. She started out as a book scanner at North Carolina State and Duke University Libraries, and is now a supervisor at the Library of Congress. This position suits her well, as she is endlessly fascinated with the language and illustrations found in old books. Abigail enjoys people-watching, sitting in coffee shops for extended periods of time, sewing, and building websites on delightfully random topics.
Alexis Rossi Collections: Content & Access

Alexis is on her second tour of duty at the Internet Archive, working on a program to archive the entire Internet and thinking about questions like "what does 'the entire Internet' mean?" and "do we really want it ALL?" Alexis currently manages all aspects of Internet Archive collections work for movies, audio, TV, and books, and runs the Wayback Machine project. From 2006-2008, Alexis managed the audio and video collections and Open Library, as well as working on the Open Content Alliance, and the Zotero/IA project.

Alexis has been working with Internet content since 1996 when she discovered that being picky about words in books was good training for being picky about data on computers. She spent several years managing news content at ClariNet (the first online news aggregator), worked as the Editorial Director at Alexa Internet, and as Product Manager at Mixercast. Alexis has an MLIS, concentrating on web technologies and interfaces, and enjoys making jewelry, dancing, and baking Cookie Smackdown-winning cookies.

Andy Bezella Senior Systems Administrator
Andy enjoys working and playing with linux (and solaris, too) in environments small and large. He graduated from Carleton College in 1996 with a degree in math, and has lived in or near most of the major metropolises of the upper midwest: Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Chicago, umm... Minneapolis again. Andy shares the stereotypical interests of fantasy, sci-fi, and electronic music, but also likes both cats and dogs, t'ai chi and chai tea.
Brewster Kahle Digital Librarian and Founder

Brewster Kahle, Digital Librarian and Founder of the Internet Archive, has been working to provide universal access to all knowledge for more than twenty-five years.

Since the mid-1980s, Kahle has focused on developing technologies for information discovery and digital libraries. In 1989 Kahle invented the Internet's first publishing system, WAIS (Wide Area Information Server) system and in 1989, founded WAIS Inc., a pioneering electronic publishing company that was sold to America Online in 1995. In 1996, Kahle founded the Internet Archive which may be the largest digital library. At the same time, he co-founded Alexa Internet which helps catalog the Web in April 1996, which was sold to Amazon.com in 1999.

Kahle earned a B.S. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1982. As a student, he studied artificial intelligence with W. Daniel Hillis and Marvin Minsky. In 1983, Kahle helped start Thinking Machines, a parallel supercomputer maker, serving there as a lead engineer for six years. He serves on the boards of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Public Knowledge, the European Archive, the Television Archive, and the Internet Archive.

Chris Butler Office Manager
An unrepentant dilettante, Chris has successfully parlayed his twin degrees in Environmental Science and Film Studies into a near decade of slumming around various non-profits in the SF Bay and Detroit Metro Areas. During that time, he has fought with and cleaned up after little kids, made sure the supply cabinet wasn't out of paperclips, and helped manage high-level legal issues and inquiries from federal and international law enforcement. As a fan of things that are preposterously good, Chris' involvement with the Archive has been a natural fit. The interests of the moment are tai chi, other "internal" martial arts, and pushing the socially-acceptable limits of film snobbery.
Christine Wagner NY Scanning Center Loader
A love of books and reading and working experience in both a library and bookstore made it an easy decision to want to join the Internet Archive in July 2009. Christine had previously spent 4 years in the retail art supply business. She has a degree in fashion design from the Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC but has been working towards a career as a fine artist. In addition to her job at the Archive she also programs and curates an art gallery in Newark, NJ and freelances as an artist's assistant and consultant.
Dan Hitt Engineer
Dan is a programmer in the books group.
Dominic Dela Cruz Web Crawl Engineer
Dominic studied Political Science at the University of California at Riverside because he wanted to figure out why democracies succeed. He still can't tell you why, but he can tell you that restricting access to information is the first step in their failure. Dominic joined the Internet Archive in April 2008. Before that, he worked for the independent online news magazine Salon.com as a software engineer. The Archive lets him play with his favorite technologies like Gnu/Linux and internet-based applications. He is also a mammal who enjoys running, biking, and reading about the history of science/technology.
Gabe Juszel Digital Scanning Coordinator - Toronto
Degree - B.A - Highest Honors - Cinema
Gabe has worked as an Archivist for the Library and Archives of Canada, in the Audio Acquisition and Research Section and various other academic/research institutions. From Ottawa, he moved to Toronto to work on Feature Films and Television as an Assistant Director for the D.G.C. for 6 years. He still works on feature films in his spare time and has been Regional Scanning Coordinator with Internet Archive Canada - based out of the University of Toronto - since 2004.
Gordon Mohr Chief Technologist, Web Group
Gordon Mohr has been creating innovative applications for the Internet since 1995. Before joining the Internet Archive, Gordon founded and led Bitzi, a collaborative universal media catalog built by volunteers over the web. Previously, Gordon led the design and implementation of "Ding," an extensible all-Java peer-to-peer instant-messaging platform, for Activerse, an Austin-based startup acquired by CMGi in 1999. In 1995, Gordon helped create VisualWave, an early object-oriented web application server and development environment, for Sunnyvale-based ParcPlace Systems.
Hank Bromley Software Engineer
Hank is enjoying his second helping of computers, having taken refuge in the social sciences and academia for two decades after a stint of AI work (at AT&T; Bell Labs) in the 1980s, and now taking refuge from academia and the social sciences by plunging back into the geek realm. Although the work was fun the first time around, it did nothing to make the world a better place, thus the detour into grad school and faculty life; this time, it's not only fun (and a bit addictive), it's got Purpose. The Archive rocks. Since 2007 Hank has been supporting the books project at various points from book ingest, through processing, to web presentation of the results.

Hank has S.B. degrees from MIT in math and computer science, and an M.A. and Ph.D. in Educational Policy Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is answerable for the books Lisp Lore: A Guide to Programming the Lisp Machine, and Education/Technology/Power: Educational Computing as a Social Practice (co-edited with Michael W. Apple).

Jacques Cressaty Director of Administration
Jacques Cressaty, Director of Administration A long time transplant from France, Jacques joined the Internet Archive in 2001. He brings financial and administrative expertise, as well as a highly developed sense of order, to his position. Jacques is a published and exhibited landscape photographer. Most mornings you will find him sculling in SF Bay.
Jeff Kaplan Web Marketing & Collections Manager
Jeff joined the Internet Archive in 2010 to collaborate on SEO and Social Media efforts. Prior to joining the Archive, he worked for as a Creative Director and Senior Designer at several marketing-communication firms in San Francisco. He holds a B.F.A from California College of the Arts, and most recently has focused his studies on website design, UI, SEO and Social Media. Outside of work, he enjoys playing Scruggs-style banjo in local bluegrass bands and surfing along the Northern California coast.
Jeff Sharpe Midwest Regional Scanning Center Coordinator
Jeff's work experience in administration and research led him to the Coordinator position at the Scanning Center in the Allen County Public Library. He's really excited about being a part of the Internet Archive. He is a voracious reader with a great love of books, nowadays mostly focusing on non-fiction. He has a love of Archaeology with emphasis on Mayan civilization, and has traveled extensively visiting Mayan ruins. He enjoys hanging out with his kids, is a news junky and also enjoys gardening, bicycle riding, hiking, traveling, pretty much anything outdoors. He has a Bachelors Degree from Indiana University in Bloomington 1984.
Jennifer Leebove HR
Jennifer enjoys delving into all aspects of Human Resources. She works closely with the Archive's administration department making sure all payroll, benefits and other issues are resolved. Prior to working in HR, Jennifer was a an English Language teacher in Madrid and Italy for 10 years.
Jesse Bell Digital Scanning Supervisor
Jesse joined Internet Archive in July of 2009 as the Digital Scanning Supervisor for the 300 Funston Scanning Center at Archive headquarters. After graduating from Pennsylvania State University in 2001 with a degree in English, he moved to San Jose, CA to participate in an Americorps program working with elementary school students. He then moved on to the video game industry where worked for Electronic Arts and Namco Bandai Games America, getting the opportunity to travel abroad. Jesse knows more about music than anything else. And you can find him on a bike, on a trail, or in a tent on the weekends and holidays.
Jude Coelho Books Group Process Engineering Manager
It has been Jude Coelho's pleasure to work for the Internet Archive since 2008, when he started as a Book Scanner. He is the Process Engineering Manager for the Books Group, working out of Archive headquarters in San Francisco, and, before that, he served as Coordinator for the regional scanning center in Princeton. His duties include designing new processes and software tools to increase efficiency and productivity in the Archive's book scanning operations, supporting these operations with tech support and troubleshooting, and wrangling red rows. Jude, a self-taught programmer and former punk rock musician, currently enjoys comic books to a degree that is probably inappropriate for a man in his thirties. He resides in Petaluma, CA with his wife and three children.
June Goldsmith Director of Administration
June joined the Internet Archive without knowing bits from bites. She started her career as a chef and event planner eventually graduating into development, stewardship, and donor relations. Non-profits do not run on cache alone and she hopes to improve outreach and development for the Archive. Outside of work, her other interests are foreign and domestic ice cream, competitive sleeping, and Biscuit the dog.
Ken Le Tran Systems Administrator
Ken has worked at a number of different large corporations including AMD, Microsoft, Cisco Systems and JDSU. But thoroughly enjoys the challenge of working at the Archive where there is always something new to learn and do every single day!! He enjoys his free time being outdoors and traveling.
Kenji Nagahashi Web Collections Software Engineer
After working for a Japanese computer company as a researcher for 17 years, Kenji joined the Internet Archive in August 2010 to implement a system archiving everything on the Internet. Being a positively lazy engineer, enthusiastic about making computers work for humans with least effort, he likes mixing tools and programming languages to get things done. Loves handicrafts, cooks pasta and bakes biscotti.
Kris Carpenter Director, Web Archive
Kris Carpenter joined the Internet Archive as Director of the Web Archive in September 2006. In her role, she works closely with national libraries, archives and universities to provide technical expertise and services in web archiving and web search.
Prior to joining the Internet Archive, Kris worked in the high-tech-industry, for-profit sector. For the last 15 years, she divided her time between the online consumer and business-to-business services and software sectors. For the majority of her career Kris has served in product and general management roles for venture-backed Silicon Valley start-ups.
Kris has a Bachelor of Arts and a Masters in Organizational Behavior from Stanford University.
Kristine Hanna Director, Archiving Services
Kristine Hanna is focused on developing collaborative and long lasting relationships with partners to further the mission of the Internet Archive. She works with institutions and foundations to fund and implement existing and/or new projects and programs; and is the founding Program Director for Archive-It, a web archiving service first deployed in 2006 and currently used by over 260 institutions in 46 states.

She is particularly passionate about saving "at risk" collections and content. Kristine has been working on the internet since 1997 when she co-founded GirlGeeks, a career site for women in technology, which was flipped to a non profit in 2002. Before joining the Archive in January of 2006, she held senior level and management positions in online content and business development in media and educational internet companies. Before founding GirlGeeks, Kristine worked extensively in film and television at Lucasfilm, (Colossal) Pictures, and Lorimar/Warner Brothers; and attended USC's School of Cinema and Television. She has earned two team Emmy Awards, as well as two individual Emmy nominations as the Visual Effects Producer on "The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles".

LaShanda Daniels Administrator Assistant
LaShanda started working with Internet Archive in late 2010 through the Jobs Now program. She's an Administrator Assistant and is also a parent of two. She works on requests that come into Internet Archive; taking Internet Archive green by changing out all the supplies we use here at Internet Archive and replacing it with compostable and earth friendly cleaning supplies. She also loves organizing, customer service and helping out at Internet Archive events.
Laura Milvy Special Projects Assistant
Laura joined the Archive in the beginning of 2010. After a 20+ year derailment as a graphic designer, where she focused on editorial design for magazines, publications and playbills, she is again working as a special projects assistant. She had originally started doing this at the Metropolitan Opera House, where she organized the Opera Ball and the ABT opening party. She is now working again on such events at the Archive and has helped organize the Ted Nelson Book Launch, BIB 2.0 and the second annual Personal Archiving Conference besides working on in-house events. Laura is looking forward to working on the IA new series - the Archive Presents .
Lori Donovan Partner Specialist, Web Archiving Services
Lori graduated from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor with a Masters of Science in Information, specializing in Archives and Digital Preservation. She previously studied history and political science at Boise State University. She is very excited to be working at a mission-based organization and helping libraries, archives and other cultural institutions fulfill their own missions by archiving the web. In her spare time, Lori enjoys cooking, running and tv shows on dvd.
Mario Murphy Books Processing Engineer
Previous to the Archive, he was "Systems Manager" at Octavo where many very rare & valuable books were digitized for preservation and access. He's also worked at Apple Computer as a High Level Quality Test Engineer, and at the Berkeley Macintosh User's Group where anyone could find help with their Mac, and then the internet happened.
Noah Levitt Web Crawl Engineer
Noah joined the Archive in October 2007. He does development and administration mostly around the Archive-It service. Previously he worked at Columbia University on digital library projects. Before that, in 2001, he got his BS in computer engineering from the University of Michigan. Noah is an advocate of all things free and open, including software, information, and society in general.
Raj Kumar Engineer
Raj writes open source software for the book scanning, BookServer, Open Library, and Petabox projects.
Ralf Muehlen Cluster Engineer
Ralf develops software to run on the petabox cluster. For many years, he has led the SFLan project, trying to build a fast and free wireless network in San Francisco. Ralf is an avid bicyclist and hiker.
Robert Miller Global Director of Books

Robert Miller leads the Internet Archive's global eBooks digitization project as Global Director of Books. In this capacity, he has three main roles; establishing and maintaining the relationships between all categories of Libraries and funding partners, building and managing the teams that perform the digitization, and evangelizing within the library community to move more items from non-digital to digital. Robert brings a blend of Fortune 500 management experience and successful start up company talents to the non-profit community.

Robert, in 7 years, has built the Internet Archive team from a single test location to a world class operation where eBook digitization is now being performed in 7 countries at 33 locations. Over 500 library partners and content providers have worked with the Internet Archive ranging from the Library of Congress, Harvard University, the Natural History Museum in London to Zhejiang University in Hangzhou.

Prior to joining the Internet Archive, Robert co-founded or was a principal in 5 consumer product start up companies bringing over 85 products to market in the US, Europe and Australia. In addition to building sales, marketing and product development teams, he also established supply chain networks between Asia and North America. During this period, Robert was hired to be the CEO of FocusEngine, a VC funded, Israeli search engine startup that pioneered a fine-grained ASP search technology.

Robert honed his business expertise prior to this period with 15 years at two Fortune 500 companys; with rapid career growth in each company; Mattel Toys (consumer products) and AMP/Tyco (electronics). His domestic and international roles encompassed brand management, engineering and manufacturing and sales.

Robert has been featured in various media such as the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Inc and has appeared on TV networks such as ABC, NBC, CNN and QVC. He is a frequent speaker at numerous North American and International conferences.

Robert's board experience includes the California based non-profit; Youth in Arts. Robert also is a key member of the AFS Global Innovation Team; AFS is the worlds largest student exchange program.

Robert brings multi-cultural experience to the Internet Archive; having worked extensively through out Asia and Europe.

He was an American Field Service Scholarship recipient and lived in Kabul, Afghanistan and subsequently worked and lived in Germany; where he studied Farsi and German respectively.

Robert holds a BS in Industrial Engineering from Lehigh University in Pennsylvania USA.

Roger Macdonald Director, Television Archive
Roger joined the Internet Archive to help create an open digital public library of TV news, providing a means to thoughtfully reflect upon the most pervasive and persuasive medium of our time. Certainly no coincidence that he had spent the previous eleven years helping to manage the nation's largest independent noncommercial TV network, Link TV. Prior to co-founding the network devoted to global news and culture in1999, Roger helped create and manage several other organizations engaged in addressing international challenges, often through media, including the Gorbachev Foundation. His favorite quote: Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity. -- Horace Mann, abolitionist; father of U.S. public education; and founder of Antioch College.
Samuel Stoller Cluster Engineer
Samuel is a software engineer and Unix systems administrator.
Scott Reed Partner Specialist
Scott is excited to work at the Internet Archive, assisting archivists and librarians across the world to preserve the web for future generations using Archive-It. Previously, Scott was the Community Technology Lead at a service agency for homeless families. He received a BA in Feminist Studies from UC Santa Cruz where his undergraduate research project was focused on the work of digital literacy training programs in Kano, Nigeria. Lately he has been baking bagels, writing, country western dancing, and reading fiction.
Sean Fagan Scanning supervisor
graduated from RPI in 2004 with a degree in Product Design. After bouncing around the country in his trusty Mustang "Mac" for 3 years, he ended up in Los Angeles acting in some well known Hollywood productions. Some of the characters in his portfolio include "Audience Member 437" on the second season of "don't forget the lyrics", and "Sleeping Audience Member" on "Are you smarter than a 5th grader?". Coming to hate the drudgery of celebrity life, he answered a craigslist add in 2007 for the position of "book scanner" at the Internet Archive. Now a supervisor at the Physical Archive in Richmond, CA, Sean spends most of his time organizing material for scanning in the San Francisco center as well as the Shenzhen center in China.
Shelia DeRoche Digital Scanning Supervisor
Shelia has been scanning, cataloging, and / or providing quality assurance with Internet Archive since 2009. An avid reader and librophiliac, she takes great joy in the fascinating books she's able to read and digitize every day at work. Before joining the Archive, Shelia interned at the Louisiana Democratic Party while getting her Bachelor's Degree in Political Science from LSU.
Stacy Argondizzo Regional Operations Manager
Stacy has been with the Archive since 2007 and is presently heading up the Princeton Scanning Center. Previous to that, Stacy spent fifteen years working alongside reputable corporations within various creative arenas in the fields of production, archiving, photography, printing and rich media for the web. More than five of those very years were specifically dedicated to managing content for Getty Images.
Stacey Seronick Scanning Coordinator, Library of Congress
Stacey brings a passion for aesthetics to the Archive; her attention to detail and love of repetitious things serves her well here. Her personal background involves formal training as a visual artist and writer and her professional background includes web, graphic, packaging, and industrial design, as well as managing an independent record label for several years. Stacey is fluent in English, BASIC, and LOGO.
Sylvie Rollason-Cass Partner Outreach Specialist
Sylvie is happy to be supporting Archive-It partner institutions' web archiving programs. She holds a Master of Science in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign where she focused on Special Collections and Preservation. Before coming to the Internet Archive, she worked as a Graduate Project Assistant in the preservation department of the U of I library and as a library assistant at the Newberry Library in Chicago. In her spare time, Sylvie enjoys making and rebinding books, and not paying attention to recipes while cooking.
Theresa Zhang Accounts Receivable & Payable Specialist
loves to play with numbers and has been providing full-cycle accounting services to various companies for more than ten years. Her accounting expertise helps the problem-soving and decision-making process of the company's financial system, and ensures the accuracy of record-keeping of the accounting system.
Tracey Jaquith Web Engineer
Tracey was a founding coder and the system architect for the Internet Archive in 1996, writing multi-threaded servers and crawlers, as well as parallel processing code. She continued on with the company and Alexa Internet. In 2000, she left for four years to follow her Cornell mentor, Dan Huttenlocher, and was a technical lead and founding engineer at a financial services software startup. She returned to the Internet Archive in October 2004 and is most excited about being at a non-profit and doing digital video. Tracey holds a Master's and Bachelor's degree in computer science from Cornell University where she focused on machine vision and robotics.

Outside of work, she has worked on political campaigns and is a road biker, seamstress, video producer, and time-lapse digital photography enthusiast. She adores two longhaired, beautiful, clawed balls of fluff at home and defies her diagnosed cat allergy. poohBot.com

Vinay Goel Senior Data Engineer
Vinay joined the Internet Archive's Web Group in 2006. At the Archive, he has run focused crawls, deployed web archive access and index infrastructures and developed automated tools to help improve the quality of web crawls, and to extract and analyze large portions of the Web Archive. He also administers the Web Group's Hadoop cluster and applies big data solutions to gain insights from web scale datasets.

He graduated from Lehigh University with a M.S. in Computer Science. While at Lehigh, he researched techniques to combat web spam, and mobility management schemes in Disruption Tolerant Networking. Outside the office, he enjoys exploring the outdoors and has a thorough love of food, movies and books.

Board of Directors

Brewster Kahle Board Chair
David Rumsey David Rumsey is President of Cartography Associates, a digital publishing company based in San Francisco, and Chairman of Luna Imaging, a provider of software for online image collections. Rumsey's collection of historical maps numbers over 150,000 cartographic items and is one of the largest private map collections in the United States. In 2002, he received a Webby Award for Technical Achievement and an Honors Award from the Special Libraries Association for providing free public access to his private map collection at the David Rumsey Map Collection.

Rumsey received his BA and MFA from Yale University where he was a lecturer in art and a founding member of Yale Research Associates in the Arts, a group of artists working with electronic technologies. He serves on the boards of the Long Now Foundation, John Carter Brown Library, Advisory Board to Stanford University Library, and is a trustee of Yale Library Associates and the Samuel H. Kress Foundation.

Rumsey has lectured widely regarding his online library work, including talks at the Library of Congress, New York Public Library, Digital Library Federation, Stanford University, Harvard University, and at conferences in the U.S., Hong Kong, Mexico, Japan, United Kingdom, and Germany. He has contributed to several publications on cartography and the advent of GIS. In 2005 ESRI Press published his book Cartographica Extraordinaire. Recently, Rumsey has been creating historical map projects both in Google Earth and the virtual world of Second Life.

Kathleen Burch Board Secretary
Kathleen Burch has decades of experience in non-profit management, strategic thinking, and community activation, all to serve her passion and commitment to universal literacy and book publishing.

After studies at Mills College in Oakland in English Literature and and graduate work in the Book Arts department, she founded a type & design studio and collaborated with an independent publishing house, Burning Books, both of which thrived in San Francisco throughout the eighties.

An understanding of the community's needs, along with her value for arts organizations, book arts and social entrepreneuring, drove Burch to go on to co-found the San Francisco Center for the Book in 1996. She now serves as its board vice-chair and on the executive committee in perpetuity. Besides sitting on several other community-based boards, she also chaired the board of Pro Arte Libri, an international arts organization devoted to the art of fine bookmaking.

She has practiced symbolic communication through typographic languages since 1974, publishing the works of big thinkers such as John Cage, Robert Ashley, Yoko Ono, Laurie Anderson, and her own work on game theory and the culture of card-playing, with recent studies in the Visual Criticism department at California College of Art in San Francisco. Her work with Burning Books was the subject of a retrospective exhibition at Mills College in 1996. She was a Xerox PARC artist-in-residence in 2000.

Rick Prelinger Board President
Rick Prelinger prelinger.com, an archivist, writer and filmmaker, founded Prelinger Archives, whose collection of 51,000 advertising, educational, industrial, and amateur films was acquired by the Library of Congress in 2002 after 20 years' operation. Rick has partnered with the Internet Archive to make 2,000 films from Prelinger Archives available online for free viewing, downloading and reuse. With the Voyager Company, a pioneer new media publisher, he produced fourteen laserdiscs and CD-ROMs with material from his archives, including "Ephemeral Films," the "Our Secret Century" series and "Call It Home: The House That Private Enterprise Built," a laserdisc on the hostory of suburbia and suburban planning. Rick has taught in the MFA Design program at New York's School of Visual Arts and lectured widely on American cultural and social history and on issues of cultural and intellectual property access. He sits on the National Film Preservation Board as representative of the Association of Moving Image Archivists and is Board President of the Internet Archive and also the San Francisco Cinematheque. His feature-length film "Panorama Ephemera," depicting the conflicted landscapes of 20th-century America, opened in summer 2004. He is co-founder of the Prelinger Library, an appropriation-friendly reference library located in San Francisco.

Archived Archivists

Aaron Binns Senior Software Engineer
Aaron joined the Internet Archive in January 2008 to bring full-text search to the archives, as well as an elevated sense of sartorial excellence to the archivists. Previously, he has worked at various technology start-ups in San Francisco and outside of Washington D.C. Aaron graduated from Case Western Reserve University with a B.S in Computer Science.
Alyse K Parrino Executive Recruiter
is a veteran with 20 years experience in the Staffing and Recruiting Industry has joined Internet Archive as their in-house IT Recruiter. She has managed and sold staffing and recruiting services both locally and nationally. Clients included Fortune 500 companies, as well as smaller private and public companies. Positions ranged from "impossible to find" individual contributors, to key corporate officers. She is excited to bring her Human Capital and Leadership experience to an organization that parallels her passion for books. A third Generation San Franciscan, she is excited to be working for a San Francisco based non-profit. She is a former Board Member of Goodwill Industries, San Francisco, Marin, and San Mateo. When not working, she enjoys spending time with her daughter, hiking with her friends and dog Stanley, reading and listening to music. .
Andy Seronick Scanning Coordinator, Boston
Andy Seronick came to The Internet Archive after studying and writing Journalistic poetry, craving technology and being apart of two World Series with the Boston Red Sox. Since 1996, Andy has made the internet a strong slice of his life. Crowning moments include winning professional championships in online-space- ship- computer- game; actively contributing to the development of future communications; and inventing this emoticon "] Andy believes that the Internet is the most meaningful advancement in humankind since the invention of the printing- press. The marriage of unabashed free thoughts and simplistic, global publishing is why Andy believes so strongly in advancing the possibilities of the web through working with The Archive. Ultimately, Andy plans to become elected as President of the Unknown Universe.
Andy Wright Executive Assistant-Development Coordinator
Andy Wright was born and bred on the sandy shores of Southern California. She attended Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio where she earned a BA in Media Studies, learned to hate snow, and developed a love for non profit work. She cut her teeth as a traveling intern, acting as support for farflung non profits throughout the country and has also worked as a freelance journalist and office drone. She loves unicorns, bacon, making stuffed animals and media democracy.
Aryana Farsai Roborough SCRIBE Technical Support
Aryana F. Roxborough has been involved in supporting hardware and software for 8 years, first interning at CBS Marketwatch in San Francisco, and then later working in the Klystron Department at SLAC, where she supported enterprise software and hardware. She has previously been a bamboo propagation manager, collective bakery and cafe entreprenuer, and self-defense instructor. After work, and between tech positions, she enjoys organic gardening and natural building with and emphasis on alternative energy and sustainable development. She is a graduate of the New College of California Culture, Ecology, and Sustainable Community program and currently lives in an urban eco-village located in Oakland, CA. Hobbies include making mosaics, ceramanic sculpture, riding and wrenching classic Honda motorcycles, and electronic music.
Beatrice Murch Executive Assistant / Development Coordinator
Beatrice comes to the Internet Archive with five years of non-profit administration experience, working with both non-profits and foundations. She claims to understand technology and has had a web presence since 1996 in some form or another, which you can check out courtesy of the Wayback Machine. She enjoys working in the non-profit sector and making the world a better place. She believes that universal access to all knowledge is a worthy goal and enjoys creating that reality. In the late 1990s, Willamette University gave her a B.A. in art history and French literature with a minor in mathematics. Apart from work, Beatrice enjoys travelling, political activism and geeking out with her friends. www.murch-sitaker.org
Bernardo Elayda Technical Support Enginner
When Bernardo was not looking at crawls of the web, he's a graduate student at University of San Francisco. And because he is a big fan of art, he volunteers as a webmaster for Art Design San Francisco.

Turn-ons : Open Source, cognative learning systems, sushi, tapas
Turn-offs : Fake people, bad breath, brussel sprouts, traffic

Bill Moyer Software Engineer
Bill Moyer has been developing distributed technologies for five years, and commercial and open source software for ten years. Prior to working in the Data Repository and the Collections departments of the Internet Archive, Bill worked at The Sausalito Group and at Flying Crocodile, developing distributed demographic database and data analysis software for corporate intelligence applications. Prior to Flying Crocodile, Bill developed and maintained the GNU C Compiler and related applications in Cygnus Solutions' GNUPro toolchain (acquired by RedHat in Jan 2000) from 1996 to 1999. Prior to Cygnus, Bill developed embedded communications software for First Pacific Networks.
Bonnie Real Project Manager, NASA Images
Since she joined the NASA Images project at the Internet Archive in 2008, Bonnie's role in providing universal access has been providing access to the universe. Her previous endeavors in information include overseeing production for an online journal at the Public Library of Science and editing articles for the IU Knowledge Base. She has a degree in cognitive science and an MLS from Indiana University.
Brad Tofel Data Archivist
Brad Tofel has been working with Internet technologies since 1997. Prior to the Internet Archive, Brad worked at Alexa Internet, participating in the architectural design for several initiatives, including the Wayback Machine. While at Alexa Internet, Brad managed the storage of the Web collections, performed data mining and indexing of the web collections, and was the Lead Developer for the Toolbar group. Prior to Alexa Internet, Brad built a variety of web applications at Ephibian, a Tucson-based organization that outsourced software engineering and Network Operations Center services for military, research and Internet organizations. Brad received a B.S. in computer science at the University of Arizona in 1996.
Bruce Baumgart Research Engineer
Baumgart is a hardware tinker, software hacker, and geezer geek who now serves the Internet Archive as a petabox cluster technical support engineer, computer scientist, and open source evangelist. He spent the 1980s as an entrepreneur -- founded, ran and sold Softix, Inc. which built computer ticket systems around the world, including BASS San Francisco and Ticketek Australia. His formal education included a Harvard 1968 B.A. in applied mathematics and a Stanford 1974 Ph.D. in computer science for work done at the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab. His informal education includes work at institutions such as Xerox PARC, Foonly Inc., Yaskawa Robotics, and IBM Research at Almaden. The top two computer science questions he is pursuing for this year, 2005, concern characterizing disk data decay and tabulating lexical string frequencies on large corpora. Outside the I.A. Baumgart supports John Nagel's Team Overbot which is competing in the DARPA grand challenge robot race across the Mojave desert. Inside the I.A. Baumgart supports extending the computer science 'research access' part of the Archive's mission to provide 'universal access to all human knowledge'.
Calvin Yee Collections Project Manager
A fellow traveler on planet Earth, Calvin enjoys listening to funk, playing baseball, eating a simple meal, and riding on Amtrak. He now calls San Francisco his home after having lived in Los Angeles, along with stops in Atlanta and New York City. Just grateful to be a participating human being in this digital revolution.
Cameron Ottens Special Projects Assistant
Cameron joined the archive in November 2012 to help out in the admin department with various projects and start the apprenticeship program. He has a BA in politics from SFSU and spent some time living in a bus as a project manager on a farm before upgrading to an apartment in rural Bulgaria as a Peace Corps volunteer and finally returning to California for the good life in the Golden State.
Cara Binder AmeriCorps VISTA volunteer
Cara joined Internet Archive in December of 2008 as the AmeriCorps VISTA working in collections and outreach. Cara went to school at Michigan State University, earning a BA in Journalism with a specialization in Women, Gender and Social Justice. She was associate editor for MSU's alternative online magazine, spent six months interning at Utne Reader in Minneapolis, and was a bookseller since she was old enough to be employed. Cara loves hiking and camping, seeing live music, reading all day, and playing with her two big dogs in her backyard.
Casey Nelson Executive Assistant
Casey Nelson has worked at many non-profits prior to his arrival at the Archive. He is delighted to be back in San Francisco after a protracted stay in Seattle. He attended Gannon University and has a B.A. in English and Philosophy. He looks forward to the day that his favorite poet, Russell Edson, wins the accolades he deserves and until then enjoys reading, writing, swimming and road biking in Marin.
Chris Jones Illinois TSP Supervisor
Chris was born and raised in Iowa City, IA. In 2001 he earned a B.A. in French with an emphasis in business from the University of Northern Iowa. In 2002, he earned an Master's Degree in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. For four years after that he was the assistant to the curator of special collections at the Rare Book & Manuscript Library at UIUC, and in January 2007 he joined the IA team. When he's not glued to his video games, he can be found outdoors reading, gardening, biking, hiking, or photographing is findings as he aimlessly wanders the back roads of Illinois.
Czeslaw Jan Grycz Curator of Books
"Chet" (much easier to pronounce than his full Polish name) came to the Internet Archive following a varied and successful career in academic and scholarly publishing, library research, and non-profit management.

For six years immediately prior to joining the Internet Archive, Chet was CEO of Octavo, a company founded in 1997 by John Warnock (co-founder of Adobe Systems). Octavo specialized in ultra-high quality digitization of rare and extremely valuable books from leading libraries around the world. It provided access to those books through innovative electronic and published editions/collections for both scholarly use and the pleasure of the general public, setting a high bar for standards in digital book imaging and visualization. Prior to his tenure at Octavo, Chet was on the staff of the Office of the President of the University of California, for 14 years at the University Press, and for 6 with the Division of Library Automation.

He has been active in the library community of Central and Eastern Europe through his participation in the non-profit organization Libraries Without Walls, and has produced a television program called Great Libraries of the World. Chet is also a widely-admired speaker and author of several articles and books on publishing technology and library-related topics.

Dan Avery Technical Product Manager, Archive-It, Web Archving Services
Dan has been at the Archive since July 2004. Working on Archive-It gives Dan a way to apply his technical expertise and experience to ensuring that memory institutions achieve their objectives and fulfill their missions. Previously, Dan was a co-founder of an internet consulting company, a search engineer at a major search engine company, and a research scientist
Daniel Bernstein Developer, Archive-It
Daniel joined the Web Group in 2005 as a contributor to IA's Archive-It service. While creating tools to help librarians and archivists archive and analyze vast swaths of the Internet, he cultivates the habit of asking himself the following question: What things, among all that can be saved, are truly worth saving? Daniel graduated from Columbia University with BA in History.
Edward Betts data munger, Open Library
Edward is a software engineer with passion for web scraping, big databases and search. He built the back end for a video archive at television news company ITN in London. Edward has a BS in Computer Science from the University of East Anglia and also studied at the University of Colorado, Boulder. .
Eric Ostlund System Administrator and Technical Support
Eric has been programming computers since the early eighties. He is the System Administration and Technical Support for the Book Scanning Centers. He has lived and written code in Minneapolis, Seattle, Boston, Geneva and the San Francisco Bay Area.
Eric Volpe System Administrator
Eric has been running unix systems since 1986, and has a particular interest in doing things on a large scale -- big archives, big mail servers, etc. Prior to joining the Internet Archive, he was chief Systems Architect at Critical Path, where as one of the first engineers, he designed and patented a scalable email infrastructure which served tens of millions of end-users. When not at the Internet Archive, Eric is a photographer specializing in semi-abstract large format work, and exhibits in the Bay Area and elsewhere. Eric has a B.A. in German literature from the University of Rochester, and also enjoys tinkering with old motorcycles.
Fred Cirera Web Operations Engineer
Born in France, Fred holds a Master in Computer Science and Micro Electronics from the University Of Paris 8. After several years designing and developing software for the banking industry, his passion for the Internet led him to create Mygale, the very first French-speaking online community, providing free web hosting and email to all. Mygale was later acquired by Lycos Europe. He moved to the US to work for Sun Microsystem as an engineer and developed system administration tools for the Sun Cluster Group. Before joining Internet Archive in 2008, he was focused on providing hosted anti-spam solutions and free web utilities. At Internet Archive, Fred manages the web group's data center and designs, maintains and develops tools to ensure that the systems run smoothly..
George Oates Lead, Open Library
George has worked on the web since 1996, in a variety of roles that normally revolve around front-end design and online community. She is entirely comfortable with "amateur" metadata creation and hopes to explore this within the context of Open Library. What happens when you blend expertly crafted librarianship with the masses?

In January 2011, George was appointed as a Research Associate with the Smithsonian Libraries.

Ginger Bisharat Executive Assistant Books
Ginger Bisharat came to the Internet Archive through the JobsNow program. Her background includes a stint as a natural childbirth educator, and regular event planning at PTA fundraising events. She spent five years at Bloomberg News as the Western Regional Newsroom Administrator, based in San Francisco. Her BA in Psychology is from UC Santa Cruz, and she grew up playing in the fields of El Sobrante in the East Bay. She lives in SF with her family of two awesome little boys, and loves cycling, running, reading, and being surrounded by geeks all day.
Greg Williamson Internet Collections Engineer
joined the NASA Images project at the Archive in January 2010. Most of his previous professional life has been spent helping business people count their money faster and more accurately, having been among other things a Senior DBA at DigitalGlobe, a Senior Software Engineer at TRW, and a host of other techie jobs. He has worked in the non-profit world before as a programmer at the Berkeley Community Memory Project and as one of the founders and main creators of the Shaping San Francisco history project. Some of his ill-advised attempts at writing may be viewed both at the ShapingSF web site and the Processed World site. He owns a bachelor's degree in psychology from U.C. Berkeley. Non-computer interests include hiking, cooking and sampling the rich music in the Bay Area.
Igor Ranitovic Crawl Services Manager, Web Archiving Services
Igor has been working with the Internet Archive since June of 2002. He came to the Internet Archive as a Data Archivist intern and in January of 2003 he became a full time employee in the Web group.

Igor has a B.S. in computer science/mathematics from Birmingham-Southern College, and a M.S. in computer science from the University of San Francisco.

Igor is originally form Novi Sad, SCG. He enjoys music, art and geeeeek soccer.

J. Mauthe Digital Scanning Coordinator - Bay Area
As Digital Scanning Coordinator, J. is managing the daily operations of the Archives West Coast Scanning Center. It is her task to take hard copy books and turn them into Digital on-line masterpieces in a high volume operation.

J. has been on the front line of publishing and retail distribution for 23 consecutive years. She has seen both sides the book business from managing large-scale retail and mail order book operations for Whole Earth Access to Associate Publisher for KQED Books, Sales and Marketing Coordinator for Hunter House Publishers and Editor for Cogito Learning Media. J has also built Internet businesses from the ground up for the two largest antiquarian bookstores in the Bay Area.

J. discovered the Archive while researching her senior thesis on the digitization of libraries. Although J. is a recovering book hoarder by profession she is now a vocal advocate for open source materials. Her passion remains solidly linked to antiquarian books and their preservation

Jacqueline Morfin System Administrative Associate
has been working with Computer hardware\break fix issues as a Desk-side Support specialist since 2000. She has been with Internet Archive since January 2010 as Assistant System Administration and Desk-side Technical Support for the Book Scanning Centers. She loves spending time with family and friends. She enjoys volunteering at her daughter's school, Children After School Arts and political campaigns
Jason S. Berland aka DJ Ju LP Site Coordinator
Born and raised in Queens, New York City, Jason has had a love for music since he was a little boy teaching himself how to play on his Grandmother's piano. That love for music soon turned into a record collection that totaled over 30,000 LPs, almost all of which have been digitized. Jason has been a DJ since the age of 14 and did parties for recording artist Pink, People magazine, and many other clientele from NYC to LA to SF. Jason also was in the music business since the age of 17, working and interning for companies like Def Jam Records, BMI, EMI Music Publishing, and John Mellencamp's management company. Jason also graduated from the internationally recognized Bronx High School of Science and New York University with a BA in the Music Business. While most of the 30,000 physical LPs have been sold, Jason is holding on to his favorite 1,000 records to pass on to his son, Jonah Louis.
Jermaine Standfield Maintenance
Jermaine came to the Internet Archive in 2009 under the Jobs Now Obama stimulus project. Jermaine likes to listen to music while working and loves to learn new things. He is fully dedicated to the beautification of the Internet Archive facilities.
Jim Shankland Manager of Operations
Jim Shankland started working with computers in Ithaca, New York when a job driving a school bus fell through. He has been writing code for UNIX, FreeBSD, and Linux for over 20 years, and loves open-source software, but is frustrated that for all the technical progress, everything involving computers remains ten times as hard and a tenth as reliable as it ought to be.

Jim has a B.A. in English from Wesleyan University, and a M.E. in computer science from Cornell University.

Joel Krauska Cluster Hacker
Joel has been hacking on Linux systems and networks since 1994, and as a youth he ran a BBS out of his bedroom. He joined the archive in 2006 to help support the Petabox cluster. Past careers include Network Engineer for BBN/Genuity and Network Architect for Exodus Communications. More recently he has spent time as an embedded systems engineer, open source evangelist and doing cluster application research at Cisco Systems. Outside of the archive, Joel enjoys sailing on the San Francisco Bay, skiing in Tahoe and supporting local theater.

He has a BS and MS in Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Illinois.

Joerg Bashir System Administrator
Joerg is a System Administrator who loves linux and complex distributed systems.
John Berry VP of Operations
John Berry is a veteran technology executive, having served as a CTO, VP of Engineering, and technology consultant for companies such as Planet U, Zatso, IBM, Rational, and AT&T.; He has over 20 years experience building highly reliable distributed systems. He earned his B.S. from the University of Maryland.
John Lee Project Manager, Web Group
John has been developing software and managing projects for about 11 years. Most recently, he managed development and operations in a genomics lab at UC Berkeley, writing bioinformatics software and building Linux and Mac OS X compute clusters. John previously held software engineering positions at SGI and Apple, and served as lead server architect for the first- and second-generation wireless Palm handhelds. He has also spent some time coding in Amsterdam, skiing in Tahoe, and running marathons.
Jon Hornstein Director of NASA Images Project
Jon has been helping organizations manage and monetize digital media for over 15 years. Most recently Jon served as General Manager of Erickson Productions, a stock media agency. While there he guided the company through rapid growth to become one of the world's leading premium stock agencies.

Previously, as VP Strategy for iXL's Digital Media Solutions Groups, Jon managed the development of the digital media business strategy for a wide range of companies including Kodak, Virgin, The Golf Channel The Financial Times, as well as many start-ups. In 2000 Jon co-authored the white paper "COPE: A Create Once, Publish Everywhere Strategy" which is widely considered one of the first papers to outline how media companies can take advantage of the advent of new mobile and broadband media devices.

Jon received a BA from San Francisco State University and an MA from The George Washington University School of International Affairs.

Julie Lefevre Digital Projects Librarian
Julie Lefevre has worked on the Internet Archive's books digitization program since 2005, contributing to the development of metadata retrieval and reporting tools, and standardizing workflow in the Archive's scanning centers. After serving as Quality Assurance Librarian and Digital Scanning Coordinator of the Archive's northern California scanning center, Julie is now the Archive's Digital Projects Librarian, working on metadata and curation issues. She has an MLIS from San Jose State University and an MA in Liberal arts from St. John's College in Santa Fe, NM.
Juliessa Meranda Rivera Partner Support Associate
was born and raised in San Francisco, California and is registered with The Navajo Nation. She studied Psychology and Education, while working in marketing and office management. Developing a passion for counseling urban youth led her to a ten year career in the Education field, teaching Art, Cooking and Recreation for private and non-profit organizations. As the Partner Support Associate with the Internet Archive subscription Archive-It service, she provides the first line of contact for our partners and facilitates on-going partner support and outreach efforts
Karl Thiessen Testing and Automation Engineer
Karl has a knack for hanging around with people who are making the world a better place, so it's really no surprise that he wound up at the Internet Archive. A colleague said of him once: "We were changing the world before changing the world was cool." From helping to provide the first free UNIX services to students at UC Berkeley, to bringing the most effective HIV-prevention programs in San Francisco to the Web, to assisting engineers in designing earthquake-proof buildings, Karl has a fierce commitment to using computers to improve (and sometimes save) the lives of people.
Kate Odell Partner Specialist, Web Archiving Services
Kate joins the Internet Archive after several years managing projects at a startup in Silicon Valley. Prior to that she spent time teaching computer science to kids of all ages, as well as traveling in Asia. Kate received a B.S. from Stanford University, where she studied computer science and how society and technology interact. She is fascinated with how people and institutions are transitioning into the 'digital age', and is very excited to be working with the partners of Archive-It to help them archive the web for future generations. In her spare time she can be found reading good books, playing in Northern California's beautiful outdoors, planning her next travel adventure, and generally enjoying life.
KD Frazier Digital Scanning Supervisor
attended the University of Redlands, where he majored in Music, Vocal Performance. He served in the U.S. Navy as a seabee, and performed with the Navy Band. He has also worked as a performer (singer/actor) for Disney, and various professional regional theatres throughout the continental United States. KD is card carrying, dues paying member of Actors Equity. During the day KD has worked as a social worker, an HIV Pre and Post Test Counselor, and as a property manager (specializing in affordable housing). Kieleil-DeLeon "KD" Frazier Scanning Center Supervisor
Kelly Critch Site Coordinator
Kelly has been with the Archive since 2006 and is presently the site coordinator in Los Angeles, which includes the Getty Research Institute TSP. Prior to working at the Internet Archive he managed a real-time video and chat department for an on-line retailer that was one of the first of it's kind to use such tools on the web as a means to sell products. He also worked for an architectural firm that specialized in commercial spaces. He enjoys all things motorcycles and anything motorcycle racing related.
Kris Brix Scanning Center Coordinator
After a traditional east coast upbringing in Massachusetts, Kris relocated to California in the '80s and eventually made her way to UCLA where she received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Art History with a focus in Film Study. She will be continuing her education in 2009 by pursuing a Master of Library and Information Science degree with a specialty in Digital Libraries. In addition to a decade spent working within the UCLA Library system, she has worked for a wide variety of employers including the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and the American Film Institute. Kris joined Internet Archive in 2006 and as the Los Angeles Scanning Center Coordinator she has enjoyed working to help digitize the many diverse library collections on the UCLA campus and at the neighboring Getty Research Institute.
Lajolla Young Digital Scanning Supervisor
As one of the original book scanners of the pilot scanning project, he is proud to have worked with the first and #1 books team in North America, Team Toronto, and the Internet Archive. He began as a book scanner but over time has held many other titles and responsibilities. After spending 5 great years with Toronto, he hopes to continue to be a positive influence for the team here in SF and to reflect what the project stands for. Some of Lajolla's favorite pastimes include meditation, cycling, and Jiulong Baguazhang martial arts. Before working for the Internet Archive, he was a certified massage therapist .
Lance Grabmiller Officer Manager
Lance spent six years as an administrative and legal assistant for a small law firm and several years in other administrative service and management settings prior to joining the Internet Archive in October 2008. Jack of all trades, and master of only a few, he is an active participant in the San Francisco Bay Area's creative music community, performing in, presenting and organizing concerts and festivals throughout California and runs his own record label for creative electronic music.
Mark Johnson Lead Engineer, Books Group
Mark started at the Internet Archive in the Books Group, first writing the Java user interface for the Scribe scanning machine, and then the PHP image processing pipeline. His core expertise is in server-side Java/database applications where he spent 10 years consulting for large businesses, startups, and open source projects. In his spare time, Mark enjoys travelling to far away places, teaching, and playing with high voltage electricity.
Melissa Bell Site Coordinator
Currently, I am the Site Coordinator in Boston, digitizing materials. I have spent the last year or so working in several of our scanning centers in different capacities. I also attend school part-time pursing a degree in a science/research related field. Prior to working for the Archive I have worked many years in the manufacturing industry as a Supervisor, QA Inspector and computer hardware integrator. I have also attained an EMT certification allowing me to volunteer my services working with and giving back to the community.
Michael Ang Senior Software Engineer
An engineer by trade and artist by aspiration, Michael came to the Internet Archive to further its goal of Universal Access To All Knowledge. In addition to a degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Waterloo in Canada, Michael holds a Master's Degree from the Interactive Telecommunications Program at New York University and sports more than a few battle scars from Bay Area and Canadian startup companies. Michael is currently working on the Internet Archive's online BookReader, the software that provides immediate access to the Archive's gigantic collection of books. The open source BookReader software is now used by the Library of Congress and other libraries. In his copious spare time he takes gigapixel panoramas, surfs and creates technological artworks designed to enhance the human experience.
Michael Earle Facilities Manager / Jr. System Administrator
Michael came to the Internet Archive from Olson and Company Steel where he worked as an Estimator/Project Manager. Prior to that, Michael was the Operations Manager at Scale8 where he designed, built and managed multiple data center both domestically and internationally. He received a BA in Psychology from UC Berkeley.
Michael Magin Web Crawl Engineer
Michael joined the Internet Archive web group in May 2006. Before that he did Linux software engineering at Sun Microsystems. He has a BS in Computer Science from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Michael likes to cook, lift weights, write, ride motorcycles, and is learning to knit. He owns his own oscilloscope.
Michael Stack Software Engineer
Michael works mostly on Heritrix, the Archive's open-source crawler. He has always had a fascination for postulates such as "information wants to be free" and "property is theft", so it's not surprising that he breaks out in goose bumps whenever he hears the Internet Archive motto "Universal Access to All Human Knowledge (for Free, for Ever)." In the past, Michael has been a sysadmin (once), stage manager, a not-very-good dishwasher, director of engineering (twice), laborer (demolition mostly), and software engineer (three or four times).
Michele Kimpton Director of Web Archive
Michele Kimpton has been a Director at the Internet Archive for three years. In her role, she works closely with national libraries, archives and universities to provide technical expertise and services in web archiving. She has developed partnerships with several of these institutions to collaborate on web archiving activities, including co-founding the International Internet Preservation Consortium.

Prior to the Internet Archive, Michele worked in the high-tech-industry, mainly for-profit sector, for the last 20 years. Before coming to the Internet Archive she was one of the co-founders of an online digital imaging company, which was subsequently bought by one of the larger photo imaging companies. For the last ten years of her career she has worked primarily in technical management and business development. She has worked and lived in both Europe and Asia during her career.

Michele has a Masters in mechanical engineering from Lehigh University, and a Masters of Business Administration from University of Santa Clara.

Molly Bragg Partner Specialist, Web Archiving Services
Molly has been working at the Internet Archive since May 2003. Working with Archive-It gives Molly a great opportunity to expose memory institutions to the importance and methods of web archiving. She also enjoys helping make Internet technology important for and understandable to everyone. Before coming to the Archive, Molly worked for Hostelling International (a non-profit organization with youth hostels worldwide) at two of their San Francisco hostels. Molly graduated from San Francisco State University cum laude with a B.A. in English. In her spare time, Molly studies philosophy with a committed reading group and plans to take up the cello again any day now.
Molly Davis Books Project Manager
As an experienced animator, Molly Davis ran her own animation business as well as a design collective in San Francisco for four years. She came to the Internet Archive with a background in creating things for the Internet, as well as a strong record of running organizations. Molly received her B.F.A. from Florida State University and in her spare time djs on KALX Berkeley kalx.berkeley.edu and draws monsters www.rawr.net.
Parker Thompson Data Archivist
Parker worked with the Internet Archive from 2003 to 2005. He came to the Internet Archive as an intern in the Web group working on the Heritrix web crawler, and in May of 2004 became a full time employee in the collections group, where he built systems for storing and distributing digital collections (audio, video, software, texts, etc), and worked with owners of large collections to organize and include their data in the Internet Archive.

Before coming to the Internet Archive, Parker worked for a small consulting company as a project manager/developer, and as a programmer for a large university developing CRM and knowledge management software.

Parker holds a Master's degreee in information management and systems from the University of California, Berkeley as well as a B.A. (political science) and B.S. (informatics) from the University of Washington.

Paul Forrest Hickman Office Manager
Paul graduated from Oberlin College with a potentially useless liberal arts degree. Now, Paul lives in the Bay Area, skipping winters for a while and biking a lot! Hopefully, someday, Paul will be a piano tuner. Now, Paul reads a lot, cooks and bakes. And then eats it.
Paul Jack Software Engineer
Paul Jack has written and maintained software applications for organizations ranging from community nonprofits to the world's largest banks. He produced a cable access show on which he invited strangers into his home and then wrote poems for them, made an independent gay sci-fi action adventure superhero movie in his living room, and in general strives to be the strangest person you'll ever meet.
Paul Nguyen Process Manager
Paul Nguyen has been with the Archive since 2005. He has built and coordinated large-scale digitization operations in Boston and San Francisco. In his current role as Process Manager, he is responsible for for guiding new initiatives through the project cycle as well as optimizing and standardizing existing processes. He has a BS in Business Management from San Francisco State University.
Paul Ruben Books Engineer
Paul is a veteran of several free software projects, a former member of the L5 Society, and a lifelong space cadet. These days he works mostly on the Open Library search infrastructure. His other interests include math, cryptography, security, advanced programming languages, and of course beer and sushi.
Raul Rodriguez HR Assistant
I'm originally from El Salvador and I moved to San Francisco on 1993, to the Mission District. I have my AA'S degree of Business Administration (with emphasis in Accounting) from Heald College on 2005, and I am currently studying at Devry University, taking my BS in Technical Management (with emphasis on Human Resources. I am also building a company of Wicker Furniture, because business is my passion, and this will be for my little one Victor, who I love with all my life.
Peter Brantley Director of Bookserver
He is the co-founder of the Open Book Alliance, an organization dedicated to ensuring an open market in digital book access. He contributes regularly to several blogs on libraries and publishing and speaks widely on transformations in media and information access. He serves on the board of the International Digital Publishing Forum, the standards setting body for digital books. Peter has significant experience with academic research libraries and digital library development programs, and was previously the Executive Director of the Digital Library Federation, a not for profit membership organization of research and national libraries.
Renata Ewing Partner Specialist, Archive-It
Renata has worked on the Web since 1995 when she wrote reviews of web sites for Magellan's search directory. She was one of the first employees at Ask Jeeves where she helped create and manage Ask Jeeves for Kids. In 2004, she returned to graduate school to study the web while becoming an accredited librarian at the School of Information at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. During graduate school she was a summer intern in Yahoo's editorial department. She also has MA in creative writing from San Francisco State. Her first book of poems was recently published.
Reno Villarico Facilities Supervisor
has been with the archive for nine months. He started out as a scanner and one month later, June brought him over to 300 Funston to help with the restoring of the building. Reno was promoted to Facilities Manager and thanks to June, is very happy with his title. He wants to continue to do the best he can for the Archive and learn as much as possible about the company. He is fairly new to computer. His background is in Loss Prevention where he was an Agent for 15 years and a Manager for 3 years, so he is very Security minded about things . Reno hopes to retire at the Archive and prosper with all of you.
Ronnie Peoples Site Coordinator
Ronnie Peoples heads the Scanning Center at the Library of Congress. His background is Records Management, he has over 30 years working in the area of Micrographics, lithographics, Reprographics and Digital imaging and over 25 years in managing and training staff in all area of Government and Law firms. His passion is restoration of antique cars and attending car shows. He spends a lot of time mentoring youth in his neighborhood, and this is his way of giving back.
Roxane Williams Books Processing Engineer
Roxane has been working with computers since 1995, starting as a desktop hardware technician, then doing top tier hardware technical support at Digital Equipment Corporation, and most recently was a senior web developer at Zone Labs. She used magic to get books into the Internet Archive as well as support the book scanning operation's hardware systems. In her free time, Roxane likes to read and ride motorcycles, but not at the same time.
Sabine Abrahms-Reynaud Community Outreach Specialist
Originally from Germany, Sabine came to San Francisco via Costa Rica and has been enjoying the City by the Bay ever since. A Geographer by trade (Georg-August Universitaet, Goettingen and San Francisco State alum), she has worked for local non-profits for the past 11 years, as Volunteer Program Manager, GIS Project Manager and Office Manager. In her role as Outreach Specialist for the Archive-It subscription service she is providing extra attention to existing partners, as well as reaching out to potential partners.
Samantha O'Connell NASA Images Manager
Samantha loves information, especially when it's free! As manager of the NASA group at Internet Archive, she finds the work and the media both fun and educational. Her degree in Interdisciplinary Art and her current studies in Information Technology equip her well for the work. Previously, Samantha taught computer literacy throughout the Bay Area via a technically equipped bus that allowed her to travel to numerous populations that would not otherwise have access to computers. Her educational outreach programs were directed primarily for inner-city children, new citizens, and the elderly. She found the work incredibly rewarding and loved in particular the opportunity to meet so many lovely people. Samantha currently lives with her wife and son in San Francisco and she looks forward to a time in the near future when it is again legal to marry the one you love.
Simon Carless Data Archivist
Simon is an editor and writer when not helping out at the Archive, and currently acts as managing editor for videogame industry website Gamasutra, part of the CMP Game Group. As well as authoring the book Gaming Hacks for technical publishers O'Reilly, he has previously worked as one of the editors for popular tech website Slashdot as well as a videogame designer for companies including Eidos Interactive and Atari.
Steve (siznax) Software Engineer
Steve is helping to write software for the petabox, the books group, and the web group. He learned to program from his friends that make software for spacecraft. He's interested in not driving a car or eating animals, but hopes to play a gig at the first sushi restaurant on a near-earth asteroid.
Stewart Cheifet Director of Collections
Stewart Cheifet has been an attorney, a media executive, and a technology journalist. He has worked in various capacities for ABC, CBS, NPR, and PBS in the United States, Europe, Asia and the South Pacific. He has managed broadcast radio and television stations and was CEO of several media production and distribution companies.

He was former Executive Producer and host of the PBS series Computer Chronicles and Net Caf. He has served as President of PCTV, a company focused on broadcast and new media production in the field of personal technology.

He holds a B.S. in mathematics and psychology from the University of Southern California, a J.D. from Harvard Law School, and he was a post-graduate fellow in technology journalism at the University of Chicago.

Stuart Blair Imaging Engineer
Stu joined the Archive's Books Project in the spring of 2005, an avid reader enthralled with the dream of the Open Library. Focusing on image quality, he developed the Scribe image processing, color management, and camera management software, and consulted on the scanner lighting system.

An entrepreneur and technology leader, he's a veteran of two successful startups. He was co-founder and President of LaserTools, a company known for high-performance and high-quality printing technologies that was acquired by Adobe Systems. Later, he co-founded and served as CTO of Nimblefish, which developed and markets the leading high-response direct marketing system used by many Fortune 500 customers.

Travis Wellman Crawl Engineer
RIT alum, AI dabbler, HCI trend watcher. Existentialist optimistic agnostic realist. Functional programming and decentralization advocate. Likes big words in short sentences. Has the Java API tattooed on V1 to avoid having to open a new browser window. Has been known to wear a fake mustache some Fridays.
Venus I Jones Digital Scanning Supervisor 2nd Shift at S.F.P.
was born and raised in San Francisco. She came to the Archive in Sept 2009 starting at 450 Mission St and transferred to the new building, where we staffed 19 afternoon FTEs. She studied at S.F. State University with interests in Business Management. Most of her supervisor and management skills were acquired in the Newspaper business, 22 years of a 29 year career. She loves the outdoors, kids (1 son), people and animals. She is proud to be at the Archive.
Yolanda King User Support
Previous to the Archive, Yolanda has held positions such as Administrative Assistant/Executive Assistant for companies such as TRI Commercial and Merrill Lynch. Her passion for technology came from working at CMP Media for eight years where she worked on several trade shows and conferences like Autodesk, PCB, 3D, Embedded Systems, among several others. Yolanda has always been fascinated with the wonders and thought-process when it comes to technology. She enjoys helping others better understand the mind of an engineer on the "HOW TO" when dealing with users on the Archive. Outside of work, she enjoys family time with her son Dasan in addition to writing her book and getting her own website started soon.
Zahara Docena Software Engineer Intern
Zahara Docena worked at the archive as a summer intern in 2010. She came to the archive as a double major in Computer Science and Mathematics from the University of San Francisco. During her time here, Zahara created the open source program Sahara Analytics, which the archive currently uses to collect data and analytics on how the archive is being used. The tools she created for the program are easy to use and they make parsing large log files simple. Zahara plans to go on to graduate school to pursue a Masters in Computer Science.

Terms of Use (10 Mar 2001)