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Poster: newphotos Date: August 11, 2013 01:43:22pm
Forum: software Subject: Free pdf readers for windows 8

Free PDF readers are in demand as the need for portable document format has increased among the tech savvy populace. It is a fact that PDF or portable document format is a open standard file exchange which is independent of operating system, hardware and application software.

All PDF format files have encapsulated fixed layout of 2D documents which include text, font’s images and 2D vector graphics. In the year 1993 adobe systems released the PDF formatted free software. But certain vulnerabilities found in adobe’s PDF file system has mad it a sidetrack for many PDF file format users.

So, for them free PDF readers are available on the internet which are detailed and listed below.

Free PDF readers for reading purpose- for only reading purpose the following list of PDF readers is available for free on the internet.
Foxit reader- Foxit is now the mot used PDF reader after Adobe and takes 2.9MB download space on the hard disk. This freeware also has features to edit bookmarks in the PDF file and also allows filling out the PDF forms. Foxit is only presented for non commercial use

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Poster: shotacon Date: October 29, 2013 01:54:29am
Forum: software Subject: Re: Free pdf readers for windows 8

I recommend Evince for typical viewing, and Adobe Digital Editions for actual reading. Firefox Chrome have each a built-in reader.

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