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Poster: Paul Greenberg Date: July 21, 2013 09:29:18am
Forum: web Subject: Re: Can I use archive.org like Google?

I read someplace about a program the archive used called Recall, it enabled us to use keyword search like you can on their other service archive-it. Do keep in mind this is an on-line archive/library and not a search engine like google.
It would be useful if they had a complete index of whats been crawled but that's not the case.

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Poster: Hip4D Date: July 21, 2013 03:05:48pm
Forum: web Subject: Re: Can I use archive.org like Google?

Is it this? http://recall.archive.org/
How do you work it?

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Poster: Paul Greenberg Date: July 22, 2013 07:05:18am
Forum: web Subject: Re: Can I use archive.org like Google?

To the best of my knowledge it no longer works. Maybe an admin can point you in the right direction.

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Poster: Hip4D Date: July 24, 2013 01:48:58pm
Forum: web Subject: Re: Can I use archive.org like Google?

How do I reach one?

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