Fetching for 167 (dog) years

Dependable software since 1989

Fetch 5.7

Fetch is a reliable, full-featured file transfer client for the Apple Macintosh whose user interface emphasizes simplicity and ease of use. Fetch supports FTP and SFTP, the most popular file transfer protocols on the Internet… Learn More

Fetch is a reliable, full-featured, easy-to-use file transfer client for the Macintosh… Learn More

Roadshow 1.0

Collect your favorite web videos, and play them back on your iPad anytime, anywhere you like… Learn More

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  • Fetch 5.7.3 for your Yahoo! file transfer needs by Jim Matthews

    Yahoo! has announced that, as of the end of September, its small business customers will need to use FTP with TLS/SSL (a more secure variant of FTP). We applaud this move towards better security. Unfortunately, a change in OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion has kept some Fetch 5.7 users from connecting to Yahoo! servers using FTP with TLS/SSL; instead they received a mysterious -9807 error. We are therefore very happy to today release Fetch 5.7.3, which fixes the -9807 error.

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  • iKeepinCloud by Jim Matthews


    We’re pleased to announce that Fetch is compatible with cloud storage provider iKeepinCloud

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Website Update
by Jim Matthews
December 11, 2012

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