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    New service provider for Fáilte Ireland National Quality Assurance Framework

    New service provider for Fáilte Ireland National Quality Assurance Framework

    01 August 2013

    A new service provider, SouthWestern, has been appointed to operate Fáilte Ireland’s National Quality Assurance Framework for both statutory and non-statutory listings which was previously operated by Tourism Accommodation Management Services (TAMS) and Tourism Standards Assessments Ltd., (TSA). 

    This new contract commenced on Monday, 29 July 2013 and SouthWestern are now responsible for managing assessment, advisory and promotional visits to tourism businesses that are approved, or seeking to be approved, within Fáilte Ireland’s National Quality Assurance Framework.

    Why has Fáilte Ireland appointed SouthWestern at this time?

    Fáilte Ireland is responsible for implementing certain tourism quality assurance programmes.  This year the contracts to operate the statutory and non-statutory quality assurance frameworks became available and Fáilte Ireland has taken this opportunity to seek to appoint one contractor for the provision of all assessment, registration and classification services for all approved sectors of the tourism industry. 

    These sectors are:

     Fáilte Ireland’s National Quality Assurance Framework

    Tourist accommodation sector

    Tourism sector


    Irish home B&B’s



    Holiday & Youth Hostels

    Equestrian centres

    Holiday Cottages & Apartments

    Golf courses

    Caravan and Camping Sites

    Coach tourism


    Historic houses


    Spa and wellness



    Following a European tendering process, companies submitted applications for this piece of work with SouthWestern subsequently selected.

    How will this impact on registered businesses?

    Renewals for registered businesses in the statutory sectors will take place at the same time as in previous years.  Letters and forms for renewal will be sent out in August and 15th October is the last date for renewal.

    There may be some unavoidable delay in advisory and assessment visits as Failte Ireland transfer from one contractor to another.

    Updates will be provided on

    What other changes are planned?

    It is also intended that Fáilte Ireland will work with SouthWestern as part of this new contract to introduce an online system for the application and renewals process along with the associated payments from tourism industry operators commencing with Statutory Renewals in 2013

    To contact SouthWestern:

    Phone:         1890 697000

    Address:      SouthWestern, P.O. Box 51, Clonakilty, Co Cork



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