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26 January 2012, 12:11 pm
Four Star Pizza ISAF Youth Worlds Equipment Reservation Deadline - 31 January 2012
ISAF Youth Worlds
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2012 Four Star Pizza ISAF Youth Worlds
Dublin, Ireland

The deadline to reserve equipment for the Four Star Pizza ISAF Youth Worlds is 31 January 2012.
To date 102 nations have competed at the ISAF Youth Worlds and that number is set to grow at Dublin Bay 2012 after Georgia, Madagascar and Qatar reserved equipment for the regatta.

Alongside the new trio, the Youth Worlds is set to welcome back Macedonian sailors, who have only made one appearance, which came in 2010 as well as Tunisian sailors whose single Youth Worlds appearance came in 2001.

Only Member National Authorities are to complete the registration form, which can be found here.

The 2012 Youth Worlds will take place on Dublin Bay, based at Dun Laoghaire. Dun Laoghaire is a historic town on the outskirts of Dublin. The harbour, opening on to Dublin Bay is a large man made port dating back to the 19th century when it was built for a visit of Queen Victoria.

The horse-shoe shaped bay, open to the east and approximately six miles cross, allows for fair racing. The winds are predominantly driven by the North Atlantic weather systems passing over the country resulting in a prevailing south westerly breeze giving a range of sailing conditions. Dublin Bay is subject to tide and although the speed of the current is not excessive it is often of tactical importance. The size of the bay is capable of accommodating large fleets and multiple courses.

The Royal St George Yacht Club (RSGYC) will host the 2012 championship in association with its neighbouring clubs, the National Yacht Club (NYC) and the Royal Irish Yacht Club (RIYC).

Open to competitors aged under 19 in the year of the championship (i.e. for Ireland, under 19 on 31 December 2012) in the events and equipment listed below (all supplied), the Youth Worlds occupies a unique place in the sailing calendar. Simply getting to the championship is a major achievement for most as entry is limited to one boat per nation, per event, meaning sailors first having to win through their national qualification series.

2011 ISAF Youth Sailing World Championship Events
Event - Equipment

Boy's One Person Dinghy - Laser Radial
Girl's One Person Dinghy - Laser Radial
Boy's Two Person Dinghy - 420
Girl's Two Person Dinghy - 420
Boy's Windsurfer - RS:X with 8.5m2 sail
Girl's Windsurfer - RS:X with 8.5m2 sail
Open Multihull - Sirena SL16
Open Skiff - 29er


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