



For those visiting the RSGYC

The Royal St George Yacht Club is based in Dublin, Ireland and located within Dun Laoghaire Harbour, on the south side of Dublin Bay and some seven miles from Dublin City Centre.

Dun Laoghaire is home to many yacht clubs and club racing is organised on a combined basis with upwards of 300 boats competing regularly 3 times a week during the sailing season. Dun Laoghaire is mainly a leisure harbor, but enjoys a daily car ferry service with Holyhead, and is home to a 900 berth marina. For anyone going North or South on a cruise it is a natural and convenient stopping place as well as a destination in its own right.

Today, the George has a Membership of 1,900 and a full range of sailing, social and race activities. The Club House was conceived as a miniature classical Palladian Villa a feature which has been faithfully maintained despite all the extensions built since. The Club offers a full bar and catering service for Members, Visitors and Guests.

The George is first and foremost an active Yacht Club with a strong commitment to and involvement with all aspects of the sport of sailing, whether racing your one design on Dublin Bay, to offshore racing in the Mediterranean and Caribbean, to junior sailing, to cruising and all that can loosely be described as "messing about in boats".

The facilities of the George have that sailing focus strongly at the forefront. As well as a fully equipped Club House we have a substantial forecourt with space for 50+ boats dry sailing as well as our entire dinghy fleet. The Club also has a dry dock, 4 cranes (limit 12 tonnes) and a dedicated lift out facility enabling Members keep their boats in ready to race condition at all times. The George also has a floating dock for short stays and can supply fuel, power and water to visitors. These facilities are run by our professional boathouse staff.

Sail Training is a core part of what the George does, and training programmes start with the Sea Squirts aged 5 to 8, continues through our Irish Sailing Association (ISA) Youth Training Scheme for ages 8 to 18, with adult sail training a new feature in 2009. We run probably the largest and most comprehensive programme each summer with upwards of 500 children participating. All of the Clubs current Flag Officers came to sailing through their participation in the Club's junior programmes.

This junior focus continues at competitive level, with coaching programmes run for our aspiring young racers from Optimist through to Laser's, 420's and Skiff's. Thanks to our close association with the excellent RYA Schemes and coaches we aspire to learn the lessons of our very successful neighbours in Team GBR and bring an equivalent focus to bear on our aspiring athletes. The George, with our neighbouring Yacht Clubs in Dun Laoghaire, will host the ISAF World Youth Championships in 2012. This will take place immediately before the Summer Olympics in Weymouth in August 2012.

The George is delighted to welcome the many sailors who visit Dun Laoghaire each year.

Liam O'Rourke