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The role of ministry wife in today's culture can be a challenging path for a woman to walk. In addition to her own set of responsibilities, her life's path frequently is found alongside her husband, keenly experiencing his pressures, his disappointments, his heartaches and his defeats as her own.

In this unique role, the ministry wife can use support, trustworthy friends, and wise counsel. Her Green Room: A Place Out of the Spotlight is a new ministry premiering at General Council in August to help ministry wives with specific needs.

Kerry Clarensau, national Women's Ministries director, explains she kept hearing the question, "What is the Assemblies of God doing for ministry wives?" Realizing God was prompting her to reach out to women who urgently need love and support, Clarensau began to research how ministering to ministry wives could be most effective.

Recognizing the potential for God to move in the lives of ministry wives across the nation through this ministry, Clarensau called a team of key leaders together to brainstorm and discuss direction for this ministry.

Her Green Room ministry team members include: Johanna Garrison, wife of Assistant General Superintendent Alton Garrison; Sandy Mundis, wife of AG World Missions Executive Director Greg Mundis; pastors' wives Tiffany Cooper and Kim Dailey, Debbie Lindell, director of Designed for Life conference; U.S. and World missionaries Laurel Harvey (Rural Compassion); Denise Ryan (Latin America Child Care); and Angie Trementozzi (Regional Director, Europe); Mary Beth Bradshaw, a church planter's wife; Debbie Cole and Lori Jacobs, district officials' wives; and Jodi Detrick, chairperson of the Women in Ministry network.

The premiere of Her Green Room will take place Tuesday, August 6, from 2 to 4 p.m., in the Valencia Ballroom of the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando. The General Council event will include give-aways, gifts, energetic group discussions, prayer time, resources, and more. Clarensau serves as coordinator of Her Green Room, and welcomes all ministry wives to the event in Orlando.  

"We want to pour into your life, rejuvenate you, inspire you, and flat out spoil you!" says Clarensau. She explains that this event and ministry will be a resource for experienced ministry wives to pour into the lives of younger, less experienced ministry wives, or for the discouraged, disheartened ministry wife to find encouragement and renewal.

In addition to the General Council event, Her Green Room ministry will be launching a website in August 2013, as a base for video posts, group discussion questions, weekly blogs, and suggested resources. The videos will feature two to four ministry wives discussing character topics, such as soul care, humility and courage.

Video discussions will also cover practical aspects of ministry, such as: managing disappointments, dealing with difficult people, and much more. The website will provide discussion questions for each video, so that groups of ministry wives or a mentoring team could schedule times to watch videos together, then discuss the topic.

To register for the event, click here. After August 15, follow the blogs and view videos at



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Thu, 25 Feb 2010 - 10:46 AM CST

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