The RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2013 has started in earnest; 21st - 25th May.

We are proud to see the continuing use of black dye in so many of the medal winning gardens at Chelsea again this year, and would like to remind gardeners that they do not need to employ the services of celebrity garden designers to achieve the same stunning effect!

Dyofix Pond Black used in gold medal winning design: Waterside Nursery, Gold Medal Winner 2012.

A safe non-toxic solution to controlling algae

It can be very time consuming to clear algae and submerged weeds from ponds, lakes and fisheries that have become choked with the unsightly nuisance.

Dyofix is a safe, non-toxic, algae control solution. Within a short space of time your pond or lake is turned into an aesthetically pleasing expanse of water, in an environmentally-friendly way.

Dyofix algae control solutions are all propriety blends of European Food Approved colours and do not pose any threat to humans, animals, fish or insects etc.

How do Dyofix algae control solutions work?

Products for domestic ornamental ponds and lakes

Pond dye for small garden ponds.

Dyofix Pond Black inhibits algae and submerged weeds growth, but principally the stark black coloured algae inhibitor is used for aesthetic purposes.

Dyofix SGP Blue is an algae and submerged weeds growth inhibitor with a very slight blue tint (using recommended ratios), ideal for algae prevention in domestic fish ponds and lakes.

Dyofix SGP Shadow is a colourless algae and submerged weeds prevention for a completely natural look in garden fish ponds and small lakes. It works the same way as Dyofix SGB Blue.

Products for professional lakes and fisheries

Algae inhibitor for lakes and fisheries.

Dyofix Pond Blue is a blue-tinted algae and submerged weeds growth inhibitor designed for large, deep lakes and fisheries. The concentrate is formulated for professional use by municiple councils, golf courses and stately homes. A slight blue tinge is noticable when using the recommended amount.

Dyofix Lake Shadow creates an artificial shadow within the water to halt light from reaching the bottom of the body of water. The shadow inhibits or halt any algae and submerged weeds growth. This natural looking inhibitor is aimed at the professional or municiple user.

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An expert's comments about Dyofix

"we are being actively encouraged to use dyes as an environmentally friendly weed management technique."

Full response about Dyofix (MS Word 15Kb).

Dr Jonathan Newman is the head of the Aquatic Plant Management Group at the Centre for Ecology. He also runs Waterland Management, which is a consultancy and contracting business for aquatic weed control.

Centre for Ecology and Waterland Management.

Dyofix gives excellent results

For more advice on how to rid your pond or lake of algae or submerged weeds, please email or telephone 0113 256 4251.