Tech World Pours Cold Water on Omnicom, Publicis Merger | Adweek
Publicis Omnicom Merger

Tech World Pours Cold Water on Omnicom, Publicis Merger

Social media reactions

The rise of Google and Facebook, as well as the increasing importance of data in advertising, are just two public reasons Publicis and Omnicom are planning to merge into one super agency. The plans generated some social chatter today, with a leaders of the digerati weighing in.

Hippeau expounded on that last point in an email to Adweek: "While the merged company may be No. 1 in terms of market cap, it has a long road ahead before it can credibly claim to be a tech company on par with the Googles and Facebooks of the world."

And, of course, what's a big news story without a little satire? The announcement was big enough to prompt The Onion to get in on the action. 

Before the deal was official, a parody "Publicis Omnicom" account had cropped up on Twitter. Below is the account's most recent tweet:

