An innocent bystander in my French Guillotine and the story of two Kings. King Louis XVI of France and Jesus Christ the King of the Jews. Some startling ironies and some very big differences!
“Having grown up in a pretty regular family I had always believed in God but when I was about 20 I came to the realisation that God believed in me! Very soon after I began using my slightly quirky personality and very loud voice to present the Gospel of Jesus on the streets. In those early years, when I didn’t know any better, I used whatever I could find to draw a crowd in order to tell as many people as possible how Jesus had changed my life.
As the years went by I learnt how to get out of a straitjacket, saw someone in half and operate a full size guillotine! The crowds got bigger. The next stage was to believe God for a team and the resources to communicate in a better way, to many more people, to inspire and develop churches and travel the country. Miracle Street was the result…more
July 30, 2013 - August 2, 2013 Steve with the AOG church
Fuente Palmera, Spain
August 5, 2013 - August 9, 2013 Mobilestage festival
August 24, 2013 Steve with Light & Life network of churches