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Throughout the week of the 55th General Council held in Orlando, the Office of Prayer & Spiritual Care and a prayer team from Freedom Fellowship International, Waxahachie, Texas, hosted the 7:14 Prayer Room from 7:14 a.m. to 7:14 p.m. each day. By week's end, more than 1,300 people had come by to pray and receive prayer.

John Maempa

"I would have been thrilled to have 500 people come by during the week," states John Maempa, director of the Office of Prayer & Spiritual Care, "but we had nearly three times that number visit the prayer room."

More than 45 members of Freedom Fellowship, under the direction of lead pastor John Bates, ministered to people in shifts throughout the week, and God poured out His blessings in amazing ways.

"A number of people were healed as a result of the prayers," states Maempa. "Some were relieved of migraine headaches and there were reports of healing of back pain, heart issues, as well as knee problems. One person who had been unable to bend because of a spine issue was able to bend forward."

In addition to healings, people were also blessed in powerful ways by the presence of the Holy Spirit. Several people were lost (slain) in the Spirit as they received prayer.

"God did a deep work in peoples' hearts as they were moved upon by the Holy Spirit," Maempa says. "Many were encouraged and strengthened in their spirits as the Holy Spirit ministered to them.

"We experienced a fresh Pentecost," Maempa continues, "something that many people prayed for prior to and during Council, and God honored those prayers."

Numerous comments from Council attendees were expressed during this time regarding a powerful sense of God's presence in all of the services, events, and activities of the week.

For more information about AG Office of Prayer & Spiritual Care, click here.


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