The Official
Website of the
Sailing Federation


Connect to Sailing brings together marine industry partners to help enable nations develop the sport effectively through the Connect to Sailing Partner Programme.

There are four levels of Partnership which includes Equipment Suppliers, Performance Partner and Regional Partners. More information about becoming a Connect to Sailing Partner can be read in the document below.

ISAF thanks all of those companies that are a part of the scheme for their sponsorship and support. The Connect to Sailing Partners are:

Connect to Sailing - Performance Partners

No ALT tag specified No ALT tag specified
Goalscape MBrands

Connect to Sailing - Official Suppliers

No ALT tag specified No ALT tag specified RS Sailing
Hobie Cat LaserPerformance RS Sailing
Topper Sailboats Hartlet Boats Spinlock Ltd
Topper Sailboats Hartley Boats Spinlock Ltd

For more information about sponsoring Connect to Sailing click here to email ISAF

Information about opportunities for Connect to Sailing Partners

C2S Partner Proposal Document
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