The Official
Website of the
Sailing Federation

Become an International Measurer

ISAF Race Officials Administration is governed by Section 3 of the ISAF Regulations.

An International Measurer (IM) appointment is made for a specific Class or Rating System. An IM can only be appointed to a maximum of three classes unless authorized otherwise by the Race Officials Committee.

The basic requirements for a candidate applying to become an IM are:

  • a recommendation by the relevant Class Association or, for Rating Systems, by an ISAF Rating class and another IM.
  • a candidate shall have acted as an Equipment Inspector in at least two prinicpal events of the class he is applying for
  • attendance of an ISAF International Measurers Seminar within the last four years
  • an intimate knowledge of the relevant class rules and the Equipment Rules of Sailing.

All candidates must ensure they have read the relevant Regulations in full in order to understand the complete qualifcations required to become and International Measurer.

Race Officials - First Applications & Renewals

Welcome to the application process for Race Official First Applicants and Renewal for 2012.

Please complete the below form to apply. Please note you must have a valid Sailor ID in order to apply or re-new. If you do not have a Sailor ID you will need to apply for one here before you can complete the application form.

Please click on the submit button and you will receive a zip file back within 48hrs for you to complete and return to us.

Please visit for the link to the updated Regulations.

Your details

Fields marked * are required

Title: *
First name: *
Surname: *
Sailor ID Number: *
E-mail address: *
First Application IJ:
First Application IRO:
First Application IU:
First Application IM:
Renewal IJ:
Renewal IRO:
Renewal IU:
Renewal IM:

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