Social Media Week Spotlight: Building a Positive Hospitality Brand Online
This February, there are Social Media Week events being held from the 18th to the 22nd in Washington D.C. The Baltimore-Washington Metro area is a much smaller world than it seems, so much so that we in the local Women Grow Business community often find that our members and supporters are speaking or otherwise participating in local events. In the interest of expanding that community to include more of you, we're going to highlight some of the sessions that will be of interest to...

by Tinu Abayomi-Paul - January 24, 2013

Web.com Live Business Forum Goes Nationwide in 2013 with SCORE

Web.com Live Business Forum Goes Nationwide in 2013 with SCORE

Web.com's Free Business Forum Expands Across the United States

As we've written about in previous months, Web.com started a successful local business forum series, following the sites of the Web.com Tour last year. The backstory: in June 2012, Web.com became the umbrella sponsor of the Web.com Tour and an official marketing partner of the PGA TOUR. They then developed the Web.com Small Business Forums as a way to bring additional benefit to communities where Web.com Tour and PGA TOUR...
5 Strategy Lessons from CEOs – Good Strategy from Start-up to Sustaining by @TRethore

Blackboard CEO lives his own advice, shares practical strategic advice

Blackboard, Inc. sprang onto the scene to become a well-recognized giant in education technology, seemingly overnight. Accused of steadily gobbling up its competitors, Blackboard - and its self-effacing CEO, Michael Chasen - instead doggedly pursued an idea to become InformationWeek 500’s Top Technology Innovator in 2010. Everything they do reflects a “drive to make a difference and lead the evolution of...
Setting the Tone for 2013- January Women in Business Twitter Discussion
Time for another Women in Business community discussion. In just a couple of days we'll be half way through the first month of 2013 - and it still feel weird to type that, instead of 2012. Especially since the world didn't end. Did you make New Year's Resolutions? Have you taken the change on the calendar as inspiration for change in your life? Or do you have a goal in mind that you were already striving for, New Year's or no? Tomorrow, at noon Eastern, 9 am Pacific, we're going to...

by Tinu Abayomi-Paul - January 10, 2013

“Why Do You Attend Conferences Like #NMX?”

“Why Do You Attend Conferences Like #NMX?”
The short reason for attending conferences that may not be at my skill level: people. The slightly longer explanation - and a slideshow filled with people from the New Media Expo- is below.

A question I am asked a lot by peers is why I attend conferences and offline gatherings so much. When I told some work friends I was going to NMX, I heard everything from "conferences are rip-offs" to "why would you attend a conference you could speak at if you're not speaking?" to "you're just wasting...

by Tinu Abayomi-Paul - January 3, 2013

Recently at Web.Commentary

Recently at Web.Commentary
As you may already know, Women Grow Business is hosted by Network Solutions, a Web.com company. What you may not realize is that both have regularly updated blogs with articles targeted to small business owners. About every seven days (assuming there are enough posts to warrant a summary) I’ll be doing a round-up of the posts I’ve read on our sibling sites. Click on a link title in the gallery below to read the full post on Web.com, and hover over the title to see a...
What You Didn’t Know You Needed to Know About Vegas – After the Conference
Since I used to live in Las Vegas, people are constantly asking me what they should do while they're there. My response is usually that there's a different Vegas for everyone and it depends on what you're into.

Image via Flickr user Vanessa Chettleburgh 

Despite the image of Vegas as purely a party town, you could have a more conservative, relaxing spa-like trip if you knew where to go. Or you could have an experience a lot like the ones in the movies, even if you're on a budget. So...