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Just posted: Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 II Preview with real-world samples

Jun 27, 2013 at 04:14:07 GMT
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Just posted: Our hands-on preview of the new Sony Cyber-shot RX100 II. The RX100 II offers a host of improvements over its predecessor, including a new BSI-CMOS sensor, hot shoe, and articulating LCD. We've had a working sample of Sony's new 20MP 1"-type sensor compact for a few days, and we've prepared a hands-on preview, including a gallery of real-world shots, showing off its improved image quality. Click through for a link to the preview.

Click here to read our first impressions of the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 II

Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 II

Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 II

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Total comments: 119
By skyrunr (23 hours ago)

If ONLY turning the flash on and off wasn't so complicated (4 button presses and a pre-focus). A textured surface would also improve the feel considerably (Like a Canon 300HS in black.)

I've had 4 Canon mid-level point and shoots before my RX100, and NEVER experienced a dust on sensor problem. I also can't stand that all zoom point and shoots can't close focus at full telephoto. Often they focus through the focusing point letting you know it might be physically possible but you're going to miss the shot.

The menus could stand a major update; there's a balance between too many pages left/right and too much scrolling up/down which they need to consider. Or make a quick/custom menu section.

So many limitations on what the camera can do in what mode too, especially related to the dial. I don't regret the purchase, but I can't say I'd buy one for even more money unless all these issues were addressed.

By Digitall (1 week ago)

Amazing how Sony is now in its second model of this camera with 1" sensor, and a space of nearly two years there has not been another manufacturer to compete in this segment.

1 upvote
Griffo 155
By Griffo 155 (5 days ago)

Erm, Nikon 1 are in this market as well and have produced a number of camera bodies V1 V2 J1 J2 J3 over the last 2 years I think you will find that a V3 is soon to come out... Not with standing the body production, Nikon have released a number of quality lenses to fit in their system....

By hawat (4 days ago)

nikon 1 is not in the same pocketable camera segment, those are huge compared to the rx100 if you want to try to get similar specs.

Sam Carriere
By Sam Carriere (1 week ago)

The RX100 had a serious flaw which is replicated with this new version, unfortunately and that is the placement and too easy availability of the "movie" button. I can't count the number of times I have inadvertently hit that button. Video on a still camera is a gimmick I would very happily do without altogether. If I ever decide to shoot movies, I will get a video camera. This camera would be greatly improved if this button were not there at all or, at least, if it could be disabled.

1 upvote
By splendic (1 week ago)


I have a few thousand shots logged on mine, and I've never (not a single time) accidentally recorded video with that button.

As a matter of fact, I have to be so intentional about pushing it, that more than once I've meant to push it and must have missed, losing out on capturing the video I wanted.

I'm also really happy with all the new video features they've added to the upgrade.

By T3 (1 week ago)

"Video on a still camera is a gimmick I would very happily do without altogether. If I ever decide to shoot movies, I will get a video camera."

Geez, do you realize how grumpy, ancient, and outdated you sound? You're also probably the kind of person who just wants a cell phone that can only make phone calls, too! Digital video shooting uses the same hardware, the same sensors, the same lenses as digital still shooting. So as far as I'm concerned, calling a camera a "still" camera vs a "video" camera is arbitrary, artificial, and rather pointless.

You know you've become an outdated lone voice regarding video on "still" cameras when even Canon and Nikon's top pro "still" cameras are also built to excel at shooting video.

By Inars (1 week ago)

I'm too outdated.
For 10 years captured ~10 pics with phone. 2 times filmed with my LX5 (not bad video).
Finally, I'm not categorised - move out video from camera :)

By Digitall (1 week ago)

It happened to me several times inadvertently pressing the video, it is a matter of software, and Sony could introduce an upgrade to disable this button in the RX100 I too. among other details.

1 upvote
By sarkozy (1 week ago)

I prefer to buy a second Nikon V1

1 upvote
white shadow
By white shadow (1 week ago)

My first experience with Sony was when I bought a Sony P&S camera, the Sony DSC-V1 about 10 years ago. At that time, the V1 was about the best in the market, even beating Canon to it. The technology was ground breaking with night vision. It can take photos in complete darkness like what the army does. It was very useful for stalking animals in the dark. After a subsequent model, the V2, they discontinued it. One cannot see such a camera from Sony again.

Sony will innovate something "ground breaking" but will not follow through with it.

Often, they have good ideas but they are not so user friendly, like their menus in cameras.

Accessories like spare batteries are difficult to get.

After sales service is slow.

Products are often more expensive than the competitor. Laptops is a good example.

Until today, their DSLRs seems incomplete. That's the reason very few pros use Sony.

Cameras are made with novelty in mind that for real photography.

They could and should do better.

Comment edited 6 minutes after posting
1 upvote
mark moe
By mark moe (1 week ago)

So you are a Sony hater.i see that, posting about a ten year old camera and blah, blah, blah. From my POV you are also very ignorant about Sony's current cameras.

1 upvote
By _Federico_ (1 week ago)

Agree. Sony is making great camera for photographers. Canon is not even near....

By mccltd (1 week ago)

I bought the RX-100 to replace my DSLR but being Sony dont bring out firmware updates I shall not be buying another.
They ought to support their products as well as bringing out new ones.

By Najinsky (1 week ago)

I had a Sony Vaio laptop with DVGate video software installed. When XP service pack 1 came out to fix a bunch of critical security issue updates DVGate stopped working.

10 hours on the phone to Sony, 9.5 trying to find out the right person to speak to, 30 minutes being told they wouldn't be making an update available (to sign a driver with a new certificate, if I recall) and I'd have to pay £500 for a new copy of the software. I bought a Mac instead.

Then they tried to copy-protect CDs by having some software that loaded when you played it on a PC, but the software broke many of the computers. They refused to fix it until a class action lawsuit was filed, won, challenged, upheld. I was really glad I'd switched to Mac, avoided that mess, and enjoyed listening to my CDs.

In the west, they became known for their appalling customer care more than their great products, and when you consider how great their products used to be, thats a huge achievement, but in a really bad way.

1 upvote
By splendic (1 week ago)

Is there a feature missing from your original firmware, or a problem with it that required addressing?

By Neodp (1 week ago)

Sorry Sony... not good enough. It's not, that I don't respect the combining efforts, and a play at progression; but I doubt we'd even see this much, if Sony wasn't the underdog. Then there's the overpricing, and for what's UNFINISHED. It's too much of a compromise.

By CyberAngel (1 week ago)

Cut the price and I will recommend this to a beginner (I know a 20 year old girl)
Add Sony EVF and Sony grip and Sony Flash and...oops!

By jcmarfilph (1 week ago)

I've always wondered why DPR is always rushing in to review a camera from either Sony, Canon, Nikon and Panasonic? Just imagine, they announced the product and then a day or two DPR has a review/samples right away. =D

For Fuji, sorry you have to wait 6 mos to 1 year.

Naveed Akhtar
By Naveed Akhtar (1 week ago)

its about the availability.. a problem down to Fuji!
another review site cameralabs dont review fuji at all, bec fuji refuses to borrow them a model to test!
the companies you named are good in marketing their products, and they value dpr and other pro rating!!

By jcmarfilph (1 week ago)

I don't think so. Fuji can send even pre-prod sample to some reviewers. One folk at FTF received a sample (not just one but two different models) for review just after making a call to them. I think there is something big going on why DPR almost never review a Fuji camera.

Just imagine, no review at all for HS20, HS30, HS50 and even X-S1. I don't think time or resource is problem coz DPR is wasting hours
reviewing worthless camera phones and tablets an even plastic accessories and lousy filtering apps.

Something is going on and it must be under the table or inside a drawer. =D

By MrTaikitso (1 week ago)

Dumb question, but which camera offers the best IQ, the NEX series (say the mid range 5R, that I own) or the RX100/(I&II)? I understand the NEX has a larger sensor, so am assuming the only benefit of an RX100 is the genuine pocket ability?

1 upvote
By ET2 (1 week ago)

Nex (if paired with a good lens) offers better image quality. RX100's advantage is pocketable camera with (relatively)large sensor and 28-100mm zoom.

By Frenske (1 week ago)

I always say: the best camera is the one that you have with you. Being pocket-able means that people will carry it more often with them so it will take excellent pictures which you would/could not with a NEX.

I am waiting for RX110 with a 24-120mm lens.

By MrTaikitso (1 week ago)

Yup, I love the 16mm component of the 16-50 NEX PZ lens, (ignoring what it does in the corners) and that is the one pro of the Panasonic quality compacts, a good wide angle. Else the RX100MK2 would be superb.

By SDPharm (1 week ago)

"I always say: the best camera is the one that you have with you....I am waiting for RX110 with a 24-120mm lens."

Very funny. ;)

Griffo 155
By Griffo 155 (5 days ago)

I have used both Nex 3 and Nikon V1 the latter being my preference. I was never happy with the IQ from the NEX3. Blues seemed to be always destroyed by its sensor it would take me ages in LR4 to correct the turquoise blue to real blue! Since I switched to the Nikon1 V1, I've never had that problem...

Onur Otlu
By Onur Otlu (1 week ago)

This comment isn't going to be about the RX100 II, but about an improvement in the recent reviews/previews:

Has anyone else noticed that the recent reviews are much better from a "redaction" point of view? In reviews 2-3 months ago there could be numerous typing/grammar errors, which could confer a "cheap" feel. In the recent reviews I have come across very few writing mistakes, and often none at all.

Thanks for the improvement, it creates a much more "professional" impression for the articles.

By Plastek (1 week ago)

Grammar Nazis. Everywhere.

1 upvote
Onur Otlu
By Onur Otlu (1 week ago)

I did not really mind the typing/grammar mistakes myself, but they did look a bit "out of place" at a website such as dpreview. It's better now, and I wrote the message to compliment the effort that goes into it - not to criticize past articles.

Onur Otlu
By Onur Otlu (1 week ago)

Since 2003 I've learned most of what I know about photography and photo equipment from dpreview (reviews, articles and forums); I wish nothing but success for the site, and I was happy to see an "improvement", no matter how insignificant it may be to some.

By chillgreg (2 days ago)

Good onya mate, sincerely. Your compliment also stands out as a warm positive light in an otherwise often grey murky sea.

It's a pity DPR editorial staff have missed the chance to thank you. Their recent focus (no pun intended lol) on improvements needs to better encapsulate the positive tone and *feeling* that (especially) new visitors to DPR expect.

By Dimit (1 week ago)

Excellent little thing!! Why? Because prices-worldwide-didn't decline at the least for RX100,same presume for mk2 as well.This is the actual proof that people actually voted for the undisputable quality.All negative comments are being made for show off,simple as that!
I'm always cautius on models showing significant drop on price as time goes by.specifically 3 to 6 months after release.
Example? A lot.To start with: 99% Nikon gear,more or less Pana.
Just a thought..

By FreedomLover (1 week ago)

Not everybody likes the reduction to a fan club, Dimit.

new boyz
By new boyz (1 week ago)

True. Early buyers may feel cheated.

By marike6 (1 week ago)

Sony hardly ever reduces the prices on it's gear aside from rare promos. The NEX-5R, NEX-6, and NEX-7 are exactly the same price now at B&H as they were when they hit the shelves. Sony just doesn't believe in lowering prices on it's gear. This is the first time I heard someone who's happy about prices staying high.

By ET2 (1 week ago)

NEX-5R and NEX-7 are 100 to 200 lower than initial MSRP on Amazon.

Comment edited 1 minute after posting
By Sean65 (1 week ago)

Ah man, Sony din't update this or even do that and it would have been nice if they did this and that but no. Sony thinks it knows better than the DPreviewers. Either way, this camera should have at least included an updated this and that with extras. Man, there's no way I'd buy this camera until Sony do this and that.

Some of you guys are really weird.

By FreedomLover (1 week ago)

Sean65 commented on Samsung Galaxy NX Hands-on preview:
"It's quite an unsettling camera to look at. The lob sided aesthetic is troubling. How did the design team at Samsung, who have some pretty cool designs under their belts, get this one so wrong."
It looks like we are not the only really weird ones :-)
Also, Sony makes these cameras for us, Sean, we are the buyers, we decide about success or failure of Sony products :-)

By Sean65 (1 week ago)

Did I hit a nerve Freedom Lover? Scrolling through previous posts. You need to get a life.

By CyberAngel (1 week ago)

but, But, BUT commenting on dpreview *IS* life???

By vapentaxuser (1 week ago)

Raising the starting price over its predecessor by $100 is a risky move on Sony's part. I guess they're operating on the assumption that any other enthusiast compacts coming out later in the Summer/Fall will still have 1/1.7" sensors. It might be worthwhile to wait a few months to see what else comes out before buying this camera.

By trekkeruss (1 week ago)

Since the new mode is not a replacement but an addition, it is hardly a risky move. Those that want the new sensor, articulated LCD, and hot shoe can pay the $100 more, and those that don't can save $100 and buy the original.

By b534202 (1 week ago)

That's the advantage of selling sensors to a large number of makers. You get a pretty good idea of what you're up against.

new boyz
By new boyz (1 week ago)

Well, the cheaper choice would be the RX-100 Mark 1(also made by them), so they ain't losing nothing.

1 upvote
By Impulses (1 week ago)

Not really much of a risk, worse comes to worst they can always adjust the price later... Coming out with the RX100 to begin with was a huge risk, this is more of a no brainer really. They've got a year's worth of sales data on the original and probably a pretty good idea of what the competition's up to.

By Neodp (1 week ago)

"save", LOL.

By vapentaxuser (1 week ago)

Okay, so maybe in the short term they aren't taking much of a risk, but I think Sony is trying to test the limits of what people are willing to pay for a camera like this. And as long as this remains a unique product, I'm sure they will sell many of these cameras at the $750 price point. However, I can't help but have a great deal of skepticism regarding whether you get your money's worth with this camera.

Comment edited 2 minutes after posting
By Hannu108 (1 week ago)

The new sensor of RX100 II seems to be very good, indeed. See this comparison against Nikon J1 @ ISO1600. The RX100 II image is down-sized to the size of Nikon J1: Source:

Comment edited 2 times, last edit 10 minutes after posting
1 upvote
By DDWD10 (1 week ago)

I must admit, I'm a bit surprised that this sensor isn't used in any other cameras. Does Sony license it out like they do their other sensors like the 1/2.3" Exmor R?

new boyz
By new boyz (1 week ago)

There's no other manufacturer that uses 1" inch sensor right now, other than Nikon. But Nikon uses Aptina sensor, and I don't think they will switch to Sony as Aptina's sensor has some advantages as well - very high fps, fast on-sensor PDAF, just to name a few.

By FreedomLover (1 week ago)

Thank you for the tilting display and the improved sensor, Sony.

RX100 is the best pocketable camera, but it is crippled by:
- slow 50mm equivalent, needs to be f1.8
- slow tele
- mediocre IS
- no real macro

The new hot-shoe is good for your revenue, bad for the pocket.
Firmware needs to be open source for better options.
Also missing an in-camera manual.

By NowHearThis (1 week ago)

Fine. Just give up the size of the 1" sensor for the size of the one in the iPhone and you might be able to get a "jeans-pocketable" camera with a fast zoom lens. Even Olympus (XZ-2) and Fuji (X20), that use smaller sensors still ended up making their cameras too thick for jeans pockets.

There has to be tradeoffs somewhere: Zoom, Aperture, Physical Size, Sensor Size, etc.

In my opinion, Sony has struck a nice balance. Small "carry everywhere" camera with a useful zoom range, nice feature set and improved Low-light Iso performance.

By Impulses (1 week ago)

There's some very real physical limitations to what you can do with a lens in relation to sensor size and camera size. Something like the LX7 has a lens you'd probably like, but then it no longer fits in a pocket and if you were to put Sony's sensor in there it'd be even bigger still. You can't have it all...

Is there any camera manufacturer making open source firmware btw? That'd be awesome and a big shift on the industry... Samsung's Android cameras aren't really it tho, at least not yet.

By FreedomLover (1 week ago)

Look at the front lens: there is ample space for the few additional millimeters needed for a fast 50mm equivalent inside the existing barrel. Camera size remains exactly the same, weight difference is minimal.

By NowHearThis (1 week ago)

But a 50mm only would suck for my wide lanscapes or for some of my shots from the cheap seats.... My NEX7 + 50mm suffices when I need that range/speed. My NEX 7 doesn't offer me a pocket-zoom camera.

By FreedomLover (1 week ago)

NowHearThis, a FF pocketable 50mm with good 360° panorama function will be great.

But here I am speaking about just making the existing zoom faster.

By Plastek (1 week ago)

NowHearThis - shouldn't have bought NEX. Told you. ;)

By ipribadi (1 week ago)

Not so fast. Just adding a larger lens or upsizing the front lens doesn't get you larger aperture. The entire lens system must be larger. Besides there's also the auto lens cap.

I regard this CZ lens system much more compact for what it is compared to the LX7's f1.4-2.3 24-90mm Leica.
Seriously .. a 1" sensor is huge! we're lucky to get f1.8 at 28mm equiv (10.4mm actual)!

Just checkout the 1 Nikkor lenses (also for 1" sensor) .. they are all huge and none come close to a 10-37mm zoom with f1.8 at wide.

1 upvote
By FreedomLover (1 week ago)

Yes, the lens needs to be a few millimeters larger, still fitting well inside the existing barrel.

Optimal Prime
By Optimal Prime (1 week ago)

I wonder if the next version will be called 'Mark III'...

By cplunk (1 week ago)

Having the original RX100, I'm sure it's not the most comfortable camera to hold. But any real changes (adding a grip, etc) is either going to increase the size of the camera or decrease the size of the LCD (cause I always want to put my thumb halfway across it).
But the size is the only reason I bought the camera, a little larger and it might still fit in my pocket, but just to have a little bit of otherwise useless plastic to hold onto, forget it. It's works well enough the way it is.
The accessory shoe and tilt-able screen might be worth the upgrade if it wasn't my only camera. But I can't really imagine taking this camera along with even an HVL-20M flash that's almost as large as it is (and that's the smallest flash I'm aware of that'd work) and would take the other (larger) camera if I needed the viewfinder.
I wonder how many owners of these don't have other cameras, I would imagine it's a pretty limited number?

1 upvote
Optimal Prime
By Optimal Prime (1 week ago)

You can always hold the flash unit upside down with the camera now positioned on top of the flash like a mount of some sort. The lower centre of gravity might provide additional stability... Steady cam style!

By marike6 (1 week ago)

Such a small camera doesn't really need a deep grip as you can rest the entire base of the RX100 on your left palm and keep your thumb and index finger on the lens ring. But a small rubber strip or indentation like the Canon S100 or Nikon P330 would have provided a bit more security for your right hand.

By luigibozi (1 week ago)

I am one of those (many?!) RX100 owners not having other cameras. I'm quite happy with it. There's a long-long way to a Leica M...

Robert Deutsch
By Robert Deutsch (1 week ago)

Does anyone know if ACR 7.4 supports the RX100 II? If not, and Adobe forces you to buy into Photoshop CC, I would consider that a major reason not to upgrade from the RX100.

By Shakens (1 week ago)

I doubt it will as the camera isnt even out yet,but the next upgrade to ACR will im sure

Robert Deutsch
By Robert Deutsch (1 week ago)

I'm sure the next ACR will support it, but I think that will require buying into Photoshop CC, which I don't want. The reason I asked if ACR 7.4 will support the RX100 II is because the RX100 II Raw files have the same designation as for the original RX100.

But I suspect this is just wishful thinking on my part, and the truth is part of Adobe's dastardly strategy forcing people to sign on to CC even if all they want is a version of ACR that will support a new camera. I'll just have to use DxO, which has been very prompt in upgrading to accommodate new cameras.

By TinyShoots (1 week ago)

You could try buying the newest version of lightroom instead, then you get the raw processing, it's not subscription and you get a powerful cataloguing tool.

1 upvote
By Impulses (1 week ago)

Is Element's ACR version updated as often as LR or PS? I know it's more limited, but it could be another alternative. Unfortunately their website for the manual updates lists an update from December as the newest (and for the previous version of Elements to boot) but I dunno if maybe that website is lagging behind what's being pushed thru their auto updater...

By EsVeeFoto (1 week ago)

I am planning on shooting just JPGs. The NIK tools are very powerful in fixing white balance, exposure and contrast issues even on JPG files. There's no way I will upgrade to CC just for support of RX100 II RAW files. I am done with greedy Adobe.

Comment edited 17 seconds after posting
Robert Deutsch
By Robert Deutsch (1 week ago)

Good news--and bad...

I downloaded RX100 II RAW files from Imaging Resource, and ACR 7.4 (with non-CC CS6) DOES convert these files. That's the good news. The bad news is that, as has been reported elsewhere, at low ISOs the original RX100 produces better results than the RX100 II--and that's with RAW files at default settings. I compared RX100 ISO100 and RX100II ISO160 (the base ISO), and RX100 image was clearly sharper. I then used Smart Sharpen with settings of 0.4 and 70 on the RX100 II converted-from-RAW jpegs, and the converted-from-RAW jpegs from the RX100 was still sharper. It seems that the RX100 sensor is better at high ISOs but not as good at low ones. I don't think I'm willing to make this tradeoff.

By Digitall (1 week ago)

At least Richard Franiec can continue to sell their grip for this model, the same as for RX100 I, what is good. Regret is that Sony does not learn in the second version to redesign the camera to hold better. The Achilles heel and highly acclaimed by its users. But life goes on...

1 upvote
By Tapper123 (1 week ago)

Note: SONY now sells a grip for the RX100 and II for those who want one. It's just $15; cheaper than Franiec. For those who want to keep the camera low profile and compact as possible, the grip is an option. I think this is a good setup.

They also have a new filter adapter, and a ton of other accessories the II can use. I'm not seeing anything to really complain about with this camera, aside from price. And as I posted before, if you're a student or teacher, register on for the education store and you'll get $75 off the RX100 II.

Comment edited 39 seconds after posting
By Digitall (1 week ago)

Yes the Sony have a nice grip too, shorter in height than Richard. I prefer the finger support on Richard model. But for the price, the Sony will eventually be the second best handle, imo.

Seagull TLR
By Seagull TLR (1 week ago)

<It's just $15; cheaper than Franiec.> The Sony grip is plastic.

Fredy Ross
By Fredy Ross (1 week ago)

I went to the sony site as it stated an accessory will be a wired remote but it isn't in the list. Is it the same as for another sony camera and not yet added or is it still to be announced?

By bzanchet (1 week ago)

Too bad they didnt release a firmware update... I love my RX100, but it has a much less pleasant skin tones on jpeg than my old Canon S100 and my Olympus E-PM2. It is great for landscape, not so much for people pictures.
A 180º tilting lcd would have been so great for self pics, too bad!
I wonder if the zoom while video remains so much slow...
Except for this minor glitches, it is still the best pocket camera available, but for the amateur photographer, doesnt Worth the upgrade for the RX100 II IMO.

By radissimo (1 week ago)

LINKS to grip and add on filter adapter: sweet and fairly cheap!:

By Timmbits (1 week ago)

For optimal leverage, you will have to order two grips.
Slice one horizontally, keeping the bottom part at equal height to what is missing on top. Place complete grip upwards of that one.
Some trimming of the circle on top grip required.
But it will cover the whole vertical, so you have a grip on the front as high up as where your thumb is on the back.
You get a better hold if holding camera at top than at center.
Dumb Sony designers.

Catalin Stavaru
By Catalin Stavaru (1 week ago)

That filter adapter looks kind of huge, adds unnecessary bulk to the camera. I think the MagFilter adapter is actually nicer.

1 upvote
By Gaffman (1 week ago)

The fact that this camera can mount an electronic viewfinder sounds great until you learn its the same near $400+ unit that goes with the RX1.

I still see the hot shoe benefits for flash shooters and video users but this viewfinder thing is a joke.

By Tapper123 (1 week ago)

Agreed! The ability to use an EVF is a huge plus for the RX100 II, but the price of the EVF is insane. When it was only for the RX1 the price seemed high, but in line with the price of the RX1 itself. Now that the same EVF works with HX50V and RX100 II, the price is way out of line with the price of its compatible cameras.

Sony really needs to rethink the EVF price. At $200 - $250 they would probably sell a ton of them. At $450... not so much.

1 upvote
By flipmac (1 week ago)

I agree that the Sony EVF for this seems expensive. It would've been better if Sony had multiple options that are reasonably priced, like Olympus. Olympus has 3 starting from $150 and the new VF-4 with 2.36M dots is only $280, only $80 more than the VF-2.

By Plastek (1 week ago)

Think about it this way: You buy it once and than will be able to use for next X-years as every newly released Sony camera is using same EVF mount. So IMHO in the end it's worth it.

1 upvote
By calking (1 week ago)

Looking at this upgrade from a practical point of view, the additional $100 retail up-charge seems reasonable enough, but adding the optional EVF, stereo mic, magnetic filter holder, flash, and hand grip will cost hundreds of extra dollars on top of the already premium price. I own a RX100 and bought it with the intention of having a high quality pocket shooter and video recorder extraordinaire, and it has delivered in spades. When it comes to shooting high ISO in low light I still prefer my Fuji Xe1, and I'd imagine most enthusiasts have bigger, more capable cameras for challenging work already. In that sense, the 2nd release is likely more justified by first-time RX100 buyers than existing owners seeking to upgrade. Nothing wrong with that if you've got money to burn, but the original is still very, very capable.

1 upvote
By viking79 (1 week ago)

See, that is how these companies market products, they want you to buy expensive accessories :) I imagine they left the hot-shoe and articulated screen off the first version on purpose, so now original users will want to upgrade. They have to give people reasons to upgrade and trickle features out, that is just the nature of business.

By calking (1 week ago)

Yep. And the next version will be even "better" and incompatible with current accessories....hahahaha. I enjoy making photographs and almost every camera made today in the right hands can make brilliant photos. When you shoot instead of seek upgraded bodies and lenses you tend not to miss what you don't know about.

By CyberAngel (1 week ago)

They are selling this beauty to make some PROFIT
and I thought that Sony was some sort of Salvation Army.
My goodness! It's a capitalistic co.!?!
(remark: buy shares, get stock, opt. bonds)

By Airless (1 week ago)

Would have preferred 24-90mm

1 upvote
Doug Janis
By Doug Janis (1 week ago)

Too wide for the sensor without adding substantial bulk, even shortening the tele end or going to f/2.5 or thereabouts as max. aperture.

Trade-offs for size.

1 upvote
Elaka Farmor
By Elaka Farmor (1 week ago)

The iso 3200 shots are impressive indeed......

Kexi Cao
By Kexi Cao (1 week ago)

ditto. Even the two 6400 shots are not bad at all. I returned the original RX100 due to not so great high ISO. I will give a second look on this one.

Comment edited 3 minutes after posting
1 upvote
By KakoW (1 week ago)

Hard to believe you can get good ISO 3200 shots from a camera fitting in your jacket, when you look back not even ten years ago...

By Impulses (1 week ago)

Ten years ago digital cameras were barely mainstream!

1 upvote
Snap Judgements
By Snap Judgements (1 week ago)

I am sure this will be a really good 1" sensor camera. I loved the RX100 other than poor ergonomics and dealing only with screen for composition.

I don't get the pricing, not when some really to notch cameras are available around the same size.

By Impulses (1 week ago)

Really? There's not very many advanced compacts (that can shoot RAW, have control rings, etc) at the same pocketable size to begin with, like 5 by my cont, and there's actually none with a sensor this size... Unless you're gonna count stuff like the GR/Coolpix A, but those serve a niche within a niche.

The RX100/II gets away with the price precisely because no one else's building anything like it...

By Tapper123 (1 week ago)

Don't make snap judgements! ;-P

Seriously though, check out all the previews around, i.e. Imaging Resource etc. This camera is seriously impressive. Like the original RX100 before it, it has no competition in its size class.

Michael Knight
By Michael Knight (1 week ago)

just another idiotic flamer...

By devlin2427 (1 week ago)

Very impressive high iso performance. I think this well into larger sensored mirrorless territory.

By Timmbits (1 week ago)

1. design is form and function... looks are ok, I guess, but at this price, not even a hint of a handgrip is a pity... we'll be seeing a lot of $700 cameras wearing $1 adhesive-backed rubber strips on the front.

2. bye-bye nikon1... between the rx100ii and larger-sensor mirrorless cameras, you just weren't meant to be.

Comment edited 25 seconds after posting
By Impulses (1 week ago)

Didn't someone make a nice metal stick-on grip for the RX100? I doubt something like that would take away too much from pounds portability... Tho I agree, if they had enough wiggle room for an articulating screen surely they could've sculpted a bit of rubber into the grip. Hardly a deal breaker tho.

1 upvote
By Impulses (1 week ago)

lol According to the hands-on article, Sony themselves will sell a glue on grip... Can't wait for the price on that gem.

By marike6 (1 week ago)

"bye-bye nikon1, you just weren't meant to be"

Except for the fact that Nikon is fourth overall in the worldwide mirrorless market because of the N1.

And if the first RX100 didn't kill the Nikon 1, how do you think the RX100 Mk 2 will pull off this feat? I've owned both, and the RX100 has some advantages (higher res files, bit more DR, more pocketable). But aside from being an MILC with way more focal length choices including fast primes like the 18.5 f/1.8, the Nikon 1 just destroys the RX100 for AF performance (as it does pretty much all mirrorless cameras).

Sure if 28-100 is all you ever need, the RX100 is a great choice. But love or hate the Nikon 1 they are a success and one upgraded compact from Sony won't change this fact one bit.

By radissimo (1 week ago)

see my links above

By Timmbits (1 week ago)

@marike6: you are right! the nikon1 lives on, as an official camera for kids.

re. grip: unfortunately the rubber grip is only 2/3rds height.
To get proper leverage, you have to buy two, and stack one above the other's bottom half. It is as if the Sony designers reluctantly came out with a grip to silence us and satisfy their bosses, but still resist in the form of a grip that isn't full height. For you see, you have to grip at the top to keep it from pivoting, not the bottom.

Comment edited 9 minutes after posting
By marike6 (1 week ago)

@Timmbits Most people don't even know or care that the Nikon 1 and RX100 both have a 1" sensors, so it's only in the gear-head world of DPR forums that someone would argue that a fixed lens compact will "kill off" a popular CSC simply because it has the same sensor size or slightly better IQ.

Did the Canon GX1 kill off m43? Not even close.

But the RX100 is undeniably a great compact. But shooting my daughter's soccer match, BIF, or any kind of shallow DOF images, the "kids camera" Nikon V1 is a far better choice. It just is. And that's because camera choice is based on the kinds of subjects people plan to shoot, not DxOMark, spec sheets, or whether a camera fits in your skinny jeans.

Seagull TLR
By Seagull TLR (1 week ago)

@Impulses The Sony AG-R1 attachment grip is us$14.99

By Tapper123 (1 week ago)

Heads up, college students: register with a legit school email and setup your school info. Then visit Sony's education store and you'll see the RX100 II preorder for $675! It works and I placed my preorder at that price.

By shademaster (1 week ago)

Regarding price. Since RX-100 mkI is still selling like hotcakes at original MSRP, seems like people will pony up $100 more for the mkII.

Regarding the "it needs a grip" argument. I dropped my S95 on a recent trip and now the display hangs away a bit from the camera with a gap :( There is something to be said for "stick it in your pocket" and there is also something to be said for "heft" and "handle".

By Impulses (1 week ago)

price hike = the result of no direct competitor

A decent grip is not exactly hard to add tho, there's a number of good ones out there for the original one.

1 upvote
By Plastek (1 week ago)

I'm still clueless why RX100 doesn't have any competitor. Seems like Sony caught everyone with pants down.

Donald Chin
By Donald Chin (1 week ago)

1" BSI-CMOS sensor is interesting, let wait and see more samples from the real world.

By ET2 (1 week ago)

I think imaging-resources have the studio samples and they are claiming one stop better jpegs

By sabad (1 week ago)

Very impressive, I believe Sony has got a winner here again, I am probably going to replace my LX5.

By Digitall (1 week ago)

$750? cmon Sony.

By CG33 (1 week ago)

Yes, the price is a little too high, but if this camera had the Leica badge it would cost at least US$3,000. :)

By Digitall (1 week ago)

Indeed, $2500 at least :)

Michael Knight
By Michael Knight (1 week ago)

steep price. but my RX100 is much more usable than my SLR.

SLR is great when you go out with a bunch of photographers. but seriously, I got a wife and kid and this camera can at least allow me take photos with their nags... even my 4 yr old kid took a great portrait shot of his 4.5 yr old cousin...

never had a regret for having this camera. my only regret is that now my SLR is mostly sitting in the shelve... FREEDOOOM!!!

Comment edited 44 seconds after posting
Total comments: 119