Thom Hogan: mirrorless will include legacy mounts

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Thom Hogan: mirrorless will include legacy mounts
2 days ago

A recent thread, "Mirrorless hype is over. DSLR rules." links an article at a u4/3 site. Links to both the thread and article are below. Reading through all that, I see a post by sderdiarian. The post is a collection of comments Thom Hogan made at the u4/3 site.

Anyway, Thom thinks cameras will eventually be all mirrorless. EVF will be good enough, they will be cheaper to manufacture, etc. OK.

He doesn't seem to think the transition to mirrorless obligates a manufacturer to develop a new mount. He mentions there will be DSLR-like mirrorless cameras in legacy mounts.

The K-01 is a mirrorless with a legacy mount. By DSLR-like, I figure he means a built-in view..EVF. Of course, the K-01 lacks that. However, add the EVF and Thom's prediction is here. In baby blue.

I find it interesting he doesn't think every switch to mirrorless will be accompanied by a new mount with shorter registration distance. In Thom's vision, legacy mounts remain.

He doesn't mention Pentax in his comment. Maybe he doesn't like Pentax.

Thom's comment: In the end, I still believe all cameras will be mirrorless. As I’ve written, it’s inevitable from purely the cost and production standpoint. But that’s still going to leave us with DSLR-like mirrorless in legacy mounts (Canon, Nikon, Sony) versus compact mirrorless in new mounts (Fujifilm, Olympus/Panasonic, Samsung, Sony). I still fail to see how the latter will take market share from the former (though Sony seems to be doing it to themselves ;~).

Thread: Mirrorless hype is over. DSLR rules.

linked article at u4/3 site

Edited 2 days ago by Tan68
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