Posts Tagged NOI

Speaking Out On Broadband

08/02/2009 by Regina Hopper

The FCC is in the process of accepting comments from the public as they work to develop a national broadband strategy. NextGenWeb is committed to sharing the diverse stories of those who are utilizing American’s broadband networks to improve their communities and our quality of life. Please click on the links below to learn more about how broadband is connecting doctors and patients, expanding opportunities for minorities and people with disabilities, and revolutionizing the way people live, work and communicate.

Rob Atkinson, President and CEO, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation

In Rob’s interview with NextGenWeb, he discusses the role that broadband plays in enhancing innovation in many different industries. Rob calls broadband “a revolution” and points out the significance it will have to helping American come out of the economic downturn by stimulating innovation in sectors such as energy, education, the environment and healthcare.

Rob Atkinson is President and CEO of the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF). ITIF is a think-tank whose mission is to formulate and promote public policies to advance technological innovation and productivity internationally, in Washington, and in the states.

To listen to Rob’s interview with NextGenWeb, click here

To read the full ITIF NOI filing to the FCC, click here

Leroy Watson, Legislative Director, The National Grange of the Order of Patrons of Husbandry

In Leroy’s interview with NextGenWeb, he discusses the importance of broadband to rural Americans, paying special attention to the increased coverage and access to quality healthcare that broadband networks provide to these rural communities.

Leroy Watson is Legislative Director for the National Grange. The National Grange is the nation’s oldest general farm and rural public interest organization whose mission is to provide opportunities for individuals and families to develop to their highest potential in order to build stronger communities and states, as well as a stronger nation.

To listen to Leroy’s interview with NextGenWeb, click here

To read part one of the National Grange’s NOI filing to the FCC, click here

To read part two of the National Grange’s NOI filing to the FCC, click here

Claude Stout, Executive Director, Telecommunications for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Inc.

Click here to read a blog submitted by Claude discussing the importance of a national broadband plan to improving the lives of people with hearing loss.

Dr. Elizabeth Cowboy, Medical Director eCare-ICU Via Christi Health System
In her interview with NextGenWeb, Dr. Cowboy discusses how broadband networks are essential to the life-saving telemedicine programs utilized by the health care practitioners at the Via Christi Health System in Kansas. Dr. Cowboy also discusses how TeleICU is an important tool for achieving needed health care reform by providing the right care at the right time in the right place.

Via Christi Health System combines a century-old tradition of compassionate care with today’s leading edge technology to offer quality care with less pain and faster recovery for patients. Our outpatient surgery and imaging centers and home medical services offer quality care and convenience. Our innovative senior living communities and programs help seniors remain at home longer and live more independently even as their needs may change. Preferred Health Systems helps businesses provide an important employee benefit while containing healthcare costs

To listen to Dr. Cowboy’s Interview with NextGenWeb, click here.

To read the full Via Christi Health System filing to the FCC, click here.

Jennifer Simpson, Senior Director of Government Affairs with American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD)
In her interview with NextGenWeb, Jennifer discusses the types of broadband applications that have unique advantages for people with disabilities. Jennifer also discusses Coalition of Organizations for Accessible Technology recent NOI filing to the FCC which advocates that all members of the target population should have access to broadband in a manner that is effective, accessible, and affordable.

Jennifer Simpson is the Senior Director of Government Affairs with American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD). AAPD is the country’s largest cross-disability membership organization, organizes the disability community to be a powerful voice for change – politically, economically, and socially. AAPD was founded in 1995 to help unite the diverse community of people with disabilities, including their family, friends and supporters, and to be a national voice for change in implementing the goals of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

To listen to Jennifer’s Interview with NextGenWeb, click here.

To read the full Coalition of Organizations for Accessible Technology NOI filing to the FCC, click here.

Transcript of NextGenWeb interview with Jennifer Simpson

Floyd Mori, National Executive Director of the Japanese American Citizens League
In his interview with NextGenWeb, Floyd discusses the benefits of broadband to Japanese American citizens in order to increase economic opportunities, civic involvement, and job growth. Floyd also discussed the importance of private sector investment to ensure that all Americans have access to broadband.

Floyd Mori is the National Executive Director of the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL). The JACL is the oldest and largest Asian American civil rights organization in the United States. The JACL monitors and responds to issues that enhance or threaten the civil and human rights of all Americans and implements strategies to effect positive social change, particularly to the Asian Pacific American community.

To listen to Floyd’s Interview with NextGenWeb, click here

To read the full Japanese American Citizens League NOI filing to the FCC, click here

Neal Neuberger, President of Health Tech Strategies
In Neal’s podcast Interview with NextGenWeb, Neal discusses the fundamental role broadband networks play in the life-saving broadband applications health care practitioners utilize to provide 21st century health care solutions.

Neal Neuberger is the President of Health Tech Strategies and was recently selected as the first executive director of the HIMSS Foundation’s Institute for e-Health Policy. The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Foundation launched the new Institute for e-Health Policy in May 2008 to provide critical educational opportunities in the Washington, D.C., area for public- and private-sector stakeholders who both make, and are impacted by, e-health policy decisions.

To listen to Neal’s Interview with NextGenWeb, click here

To read the full Health Tech Strategies NOI filing to the FCC, click here

Harry Alford, Co-Founder, President and CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce
In Harry’s interview with NextGenWeb, he discusses how the power of broadband can transform a community, increase opportunity and solve critical social issues through job creation and increased access to health care and education. He also cautions against divisive policy debates that would slow and distract from efforts to make sure every American can take advantage of broadband’s diverse benefits. Harry said it best, “Universal broadband is too important to our country to let deployment get bogged down with debates about policy issues that cannot be resolved immediately and will only slow the deployment of new broadband technology.”

Harry Alford is the co-founder, president and CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce (NBCC). The NBCC is dedicated to economically empowering and sustaining African American communities through entrepreneurship and capitalistic activity within the United States.

To listen to Harry’s interview with NextGenWeb, click here

To read the full National Black Chamber of Commerce NOI filing to the FCC, click here

Care to Comment Anyone? At Least VOTE!

07/17/2009 by Tom Amontree

Google has launched a site encouraging people to submit ideas to help the FCC formulate a national broadband strategy. NextGenWeb has its own page highlighting some of the voices who have filed comments with the FCC on this issue. And we would never miss an opportunity to tout the importance of private investment in broadband infrastructure as well as the critical role public-private collaborations play in deployment as well as facilitating digital literacy and adoption.

Be sure to read AND VOTE for our comment and stay tuned for more information on this important issue. The national broadband strategy is due to President Obama next February.

NextGenWeb Speaks with Floyd Mori, National Executive Director of the Japanese American Citizens League

07/08/2009 by Regina Hopper

NextGenWeb recently caught up with Floyd Mori, National Executive Director of the Japanese American Citizens League, to discuss his recent NOI filing to the FCC regarding the National Broadband Plan. In his interview with NextGenWeb, Floyd discusses the benefits of broadband to Japanese American citizens in order to increase economic opportunities, civic involvement, and job growth. Floyd also discussed the importance of private sector investment to ensure that all Americans have access to broadband.

Floyd Mori is the National Executive Director of the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL). The JACL is the oldest and largest Asian American civil rights organization in the United States. The JACL monitors and responds to issues that enhance or threaten the civil and human rights of all Americans and implements strategies to effect positive social change, particularly to the Asian Pacific American community.

To listen to Floyd’s Interview with NextGenWeb, click here

To read the full Japanese American Citizens League NOI filing to the FCC, click here

NextGenWeb Speaks with Neal Neuberger, President of Health Tech Strategies

07/02/2009 by Regina Hopper

NextGenWeb recently caught up with Neal Neuberger, President of Health Tech Strategies, to discuss his recent NOI Filing to the FCC per Docket 09-51regarding the National Broadband Plan. In Neal’s podcast Interview with NextGenWeb, Neal discusses the fundamental role broadband networks play in the life-saving broadband applications health care practitioners utilize to provide 21st century health care solutions.

Neal Neuberger is the President of Health Tech Strategies and was recently selected as the first executive director of the HIMSS Foundation’s Institute for e-Health Policy. The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Foundation launched the new Institute for e-Health Policy in May 2008 to provide critical educational opportunities in the Washington, D.C., area for public- and private-sector stakeholders who both make, and are impacted by, e-health policy decisions.

To listen to Neal’s Interview with NextGenWeb, click here

To read the full Health Tech Strategies NOI filing to the FCC, click here

Universal Broadband: Eyes on the Prize

06/10/2009 by NextGenWeb

The advantages of broadband are exponential, especially for traditionally disadvantaged populations. That is the message from Harry Alford, co-founder, president and CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce, in this article published yesterday in Frost Illustrated. Alford understands how the power of broadband can transform a community, increase opportunity and solve critical social issues through job creation and increased access to health care and education. He also cautions against divisive policy debates that would slow and distract from efforts to make sure every American can take advantage of broadband’s diverse benefits. Harry said it best, “Universal broadband is too important to our country to let deployment get bogged down with debates about policy issues that cannot be resolved immediately and will only slow the deployment of new broadband technology.” It’s a powerful piece. We hope it gets the widespread audience it deserves.

Click here to listen to a podcast interview with Harry Alford, co-founder, president and CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce.

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