Complete the Sports Club Survey and win great prizes 

Help Sport and Recreation Alliance to get best deal for grassroots sports clubs

The RYA is always looking for ways to help clubs and to shape the services and support that we offer. One of the best ways to do this is to collect information and evidence to help us understand what matters to your club.

The Sport and Recreation Alliance is currently running its biennial Sports Club Survey to help get the best deal for community and grassroots sports clubs.

The survey will also help the RYA to understand the challenges and opportunities sailing clubs anticipate and find out about member recruitment and retention, so that we can support clubs better in the future.

A great selection of prizes can be won through taking part in the survey including £500 worth of equipment for your club and a 2 night weekend stay at the Award winning Grange St Paul’s Hotel in London.

We would like to encourage all clubs to complete this survey. In the past the results have enabled us to compare sailing clubs with other sports as well as providing invaluable information about the issue clubs are facing. This has means we are able to advise and support clubs more effectively.

In addition to being entered for the prize draw every club who completes the survey will be offered a free audit from Utility Aid to find out if you can save money on your bills.

You can take the online survey now, where all of the instructions, information and the full list of prizes can also be found.

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Article Published: April 29, 2013 14:33


Tagged with: Dinghy Cruising, Dinghy Racing, Windsurfing

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