Images, Videos and Articles to Help You Celebrate International Women’s Day 2013 #iwd #womensday
Happy International Women's Day! Hope you're having a good one. If you're stuck inside most of the work day like I am, you'll be happy to find that you can still start celebrating International Women's Day before you return from the day's activities. And if you'd also like to find a last minute offline event, the round-up of online and offline celebration ideas and resources at the end of this post will help with that, too.

3 Unique Ways to Celebrate International Women's Day...

Women in Business Buzz – 21 Stories, Editorials and Articles from Around the Web (add yours)
Need something to read? Preparing for boredom on a subway commute back to reality after our phony snowquester? We've got you covered. We have 21 articles from around the web, a Slideshare deck on Networking, and our top five recent stories (in case you missed them.) They include controversial editorials, top contributions from our Women Grow Business private Facebook contributor community, and one of my other favorite groups on Facebook, Women Who Tech. We'll keep on updating it until...
Welcome our March #wgbiz Twitter Chat guest Ja-Naé Duane (@TheSunQueen) [with video]
You are going to LOVE this month's Women in Business Twitter chat. It's on Monday, March 11 at noon Eastern, and our topic is "No Women, No Excuse: Creating female leadership positions where there are none", with guest expert, Ja-Naé Duane. I’d love to relay your questions to our guest expert, so please reply with questions here or on Twitter, if you’re not sure you’ll make it to the chat.  I can ask on your behalf if there’s time, then you can read our archived copy. But if...
Small Business Forum Offers Free Live Marketing Help – Next Stop Louisiana
Want some live, in-person help with your web marketing? Well if you'll be near Lafayette, Louisiana on March 21, you're in luck. Web.com will be continuing its Small Business Forum live event series with Lafayette as the first stop on the 2013 schedule. And now, the Web.com team has teamed up with SCORE, to provide you with even more small business assistance. According to the update posted to Web.com:
The morning forums will help SMBs integrate their website, SEO, social media,...

by Tinu Abayomi-Paul - March 1, 2013

5 Things to Know About Women’s History Month

5 Things to Know About Women’s History Month
Happy Women's History Month! Do not be alarmed if you're hearing both cheers and jeers from the rest of the web about this momentous month of... celebration. (I was looking for a word that matched my alliteration but alas...) We'll get to why you may be seeing what appears to be negative press about it shortly. In the meantime, you can enjoy these other factoids.

5  Women's History Month Tidbits

1- It started today. :) Simple right? Women's History Month takes place in March. And...

by Tinu Abayomi-Paul - February 27, 2013

Marissa Mayer, Telecommuting and The Business Woman Reaction

Marissa Mayer, Telecommuting and The Business Woman Reaction
The top story I've been watching this week was the decision by Marissa Meyer, CEO of Yahoo, recently transplanted from Google, to end telecommuting at Yahoo by telling remote workers to come in or quit by June. I've been slow to form an opinion on the matter for several reasons. First, I know how hard it is to make difficult business decisions that affect more than just you.  You can't always do what's popular. And sometimes doing what you perceive to be right, or the least harmful,...

by Tinu Abayomi-Paul - February 25, 2013

XPotomac Live Blog In Progress

XPotomac Live Blog In Progress
In this spot, as Monday goes on, will be our live blog coverage of xPotomac (see our Friday post for more details). If you're an attendee, all you need to do is use the #xpotomac hashtag in order to get us to see your tweet. Feel free to use the #wgbiz hashtag too if you had a unique observation you think we may have missed.   (more...)