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  • 10 Lies Men Believe

    What Makes a Man? Every day our dysfunctional culture sends mixed signals about manhood as we are bombarded with messages that try to set the standard for us.

Spotlight Featured Column: Spotlight
  • LFTL Goes Where We Cannot

    We have the joy of running an agricultural program where we work with Muslim employees training them to implement enhanced farming methods. Each day we begin with a time of sharing the Word of God and praying together. 

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  • ManUp Leadership App

    "We believe God made men to lead. We also believe many of us have slipped into a state of being passive followers rather than passionate leaders. We believe it’s time for men to ManUp and take personal responsibility for their growth." Download the ManUp Leadership app.


    Men’s League is a discipleship structure based on the very first Christian men’s group: Jesus and the twelve. Men’s League develops twelve men at first, and then expands to seventy-two. Men’s League not only delivers powerful teaching, it also gives men personal coaching and a structure that keeps them engaged.

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We Believe Jesus when He says, "You can ask for anything in my name."
We Believe that it's not ok for anyone to die without an opportunity to hear.
We Believe therefore, that we must go complete the Great Commission.
We Believe through Jesus name, that lives and families will be restored.
We Believe we can address spiritual and physical poverty in our lifetime.
We Believe we are on the cusp of an unparalleled Spiritual awakening.
We Believe God will continue to do immeasurably more.

What are you believing God for? Step up and share it.