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About Light for the Lost

Light for the Lost (LFTL) serves to “empower the church to provide God’s Word for every person on the planet.” Providing a variety of resources such as audio,visual and printed materials, LFTL has one guiding principle: all Light For The Lost assistance must be to provide resources directly related to evangelism.

LFTL is a men’s ministries initiation, administered by National Men’s Ministries but fulfilled by the church as a whole. Through the generous giving of churches, individuals and businesses, LFTL is assisting missionaries and missions projects around the world with evangelistic resources to share a message of hope.

John 4:35 says, “Look at the fields...they are ripe for harvest.” LFTL provided resources are multiplying and empowering the efforts of missionaries in communicating the story of Jesus to a ‘ripe field of people’. Are you ready to make an eternal impact?

Contribute today with a special gift and/or sign-up to give on a monthly basis through our Councilman program. Councilman are individuals that contribute monthly and receive a special newsletter once-a-month sharing testimonies and stories of what their contributions are doing.





Thursday, August 8, 2013

12:30 pm – 2:00 pm

Rosen Centre Hotel, Orlando, FL

Ticket Price: $40

LFTL Celebration of THE Light — You are invited to join Assistant General Superintendent Alton Garrison and Light for the Lost as we honor what Jesus has done through our ministry during the past 60 years.  The luncheon will feature a new multimedia presentation that shares the story behind Light for the Lost and how the ministry is making an eternal impact by providing resources to those in need.


Visit for registration and details regarding General Council.



Online Spotlight magazine link

Spotlight is the official monthly newsletter of Light for the Lost to share stories and testimonies of what God is doing through evangelism resources provided by LFTL.

Click on the link to the left or click here to view the current edition.

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