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Life: Dads

  • Do You Know What Your Kids Are Watching?

    When I was a teenager, there was a commercial that said "It's ten o'clock, do you know where your children are?" The point of this commercial was to encourage parents to be involved in their kids' lives, know where they were, and have a curfew for them in order to ensure their safety and keep them out of danger. It was a good message for parents to hear.

  • Fatherhood

    Before the industrial revolution, fathers often worked side by side with their sons and instructed their children in spiritual values.

  • Anytime, Anywhere, Anyone

    Being a stay at home dad offers me little opportunity to evangelize. At least this is what I thought before my five-year-old son, Colin, asked me a question. The question came after a discussion between Colin and I where he began with this declarative question, "Daddy, did you know there are only one million, billion, and trillion… days?"

  • Building Relationships with Your Stepchildren.

    Whether you are just beginning a blended family, or have been in one for awhile, you know that there are many difficult adjustments that both parents and children must go through. Oftentimes stepparents have a hard time understanding their stepchildren and how to reach out to them. The may become frustrated when their expectations of a loving family aren't met.

  • Discipline: A Pendulum Swing

    When the subject is disciplining children, the opinions vary widely. The pendulum swings in a long, slow arc, encompassing every conceivable view.

  • Draw Your Children Into the Bible

    As a child, my biblical training consisted of mealtime grace and bedtime prayers. It wasn't until church youth group that I discovered a wealth of inspiration and encouragement awaited me within the pages of God's Word. I knew that when I had my own children, I wanted to do things differently.

  • Fatherhood isn't for Sissies

    Fatherhood isn't for Sissies - Blog Entry of Doug Clay, General Treasurer of the Assemblies of God.

  • Fathers who interact with children plant life-changing seeds

    On average, fathers spend 6.5 hours per week caring for their children. That's good news for kids because researchers and parenting experts say any time a father spends with his children is time well spent.

  • No Quantity, No Quality

    How often have you heard a family man say, “I don’t spend much time with my family, but I make sure what I spend is quality time.”  How does that work?  Take it from someone who has tried; planning quality time works about as well as planning to be spontaneous.

  • Rites of Passage for Your Son

    David Wills faced a monumental task. Governor Andrew Curtin of Pennsylvania appointed him to oversee the burial of thousands of Union and Confederate soldiers at Gettysburg. In addition, the 32-year-old attorney was to plan a dedication ceremony for this pivotal Civil War battle.

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