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Whether under power or sail, you simply can't beat the feeling of ultimate freedom you get from nosing your boat out of the marina and heading for new shores.

All with the promise of a snug anchorage and a yarn with your shipmates at the end of it.

'Travelling is not just about the destination, it's also about how you get there...'


A new way to learn about being crew
A new way to learn about being crew
Learn about being crew on board an inland waterways vessel.
Are you getting the most from your boating?
Are you getting the most from your boating?
Find out what Active Marina can do for you with over 100 events planned for 2013.
“Safety - not a gadget but a state of mind”
“Safety - not a gadget but a state of mind”
Learn from accidents and develop a safety mindset.
Boating abroad – understanding local laws
Boating abroad – understanding local laws
Boating abroad for the first time may be a daunting thought and understanding and knowing all the local laws and legislation can sometimes be baffling.
Fire kills
Fire kills
Fire can spread quickly on a boat but it’s the toxic smoke that will kill you first.
Government signs deal for new search and rescue fleet
Government signs deal for new search and rescue fleet
The new search and rescue service will operate a mixed fleet of 22 modern helicopters from ten locations in the UK.
RYA Active Marina crosses the borders
RYA Active Marina crosses the borders
Great news - berth holders in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland can now benefit from the RYA’s Active Marina programme.
Increased solar activity this year could affect marine navigation
Increased solar activity this year could affect marine navigation
As the sun enters its most active phase there will be an impact on the availability and performance of GNSS.
No change on red diesel abroad
No change on red diesel abroad
No change to using red diesel in your fuel tanks abroad.
Heat, light and nearly smoke
Heat, light and nearly smoke
An RYA member nearly goes up in smoke due to a too high a wattage bulb.
Portuguese requirements on the carriage of safety equipment
Portuguese requirements on the carriage of safety equipment
Portuguese recognise RYA concerns that application of national safety equipment regulations to foreign flagged vessels is impractical.
VAT changes for Croatia
VAT changes for Croatia
When Croatia joins the EU this year UK-flagged vessels in Croatian waters will need to be EU VAT paid.
Prepare yourself for a great 2013 season!
Prepare yourself for a great 2013 season!
Book your place on this winters RYA Active Marina practical workshops.
The Gathering Cruise Around Ireland
The Gathering Cruise Around Ireland
Cruise in company from Dublin to Dingle this July.
Conspicuity of LEDs for navigation
Conspicuity of LEDs for navigation
How effective are new lighting technologies when used with methods of enhancing visual imaging?
Wind farm survey results
Wind farm survey results
More than 80% of respondents to the survey experienced no difficulty travelling through a wind farm.
Cruising in the Malin Waters
Cruising in the Malin Waters
MalinWaters has launched a new website.
Join in Push the Boat Out day this July
Join in Push the Boat Out day this July
Thousands of people are planning to get out on the water on 21 July to show their support for the British Sailing Team.
Red Diesel: a game of two halves
Red Diesel: a game of two halves
A complex issue of semantics and EU law.
Offshore wind energy development
Offshore wind energy development
Round 3 will see the biggest windfarms yet to be built around the UK coast.
Do you cruise in the Pentland Firth or to Orkney?
Do you cruise in the Pentland Firth or to Orkney?
Marine Scotland is conducting a study into commercial shipping and recreational boating activity in this area.
Passage to Portland 2 – 5 June
Passage to Portland 2 – 5 June
Celebrate the Queens Diamond Jubilee in style.
Fuel storage
Fuel storage
RYA Cruising Manager Stuart Carruthers provides advice on storing fuel containing biodiesel.
AIS: Your feedback
AIS: Your feedback
Your feedback to the RYA Cruising News article: AIS transmissions from small craft.
Passage to Portland
Passage to Portland
A unique event taking place from 2-5 June 2012 for sail and motor cruisers.
AIS transmissions from small craft
AIS transmissions from small craft
Stuart Carruthers on the growing concern that ships are filtering out AIS Class B transmissions from small craft.
Marina di Pescara, Italy
Marina di Pescara, Italy
An invitation for RYA members to visit the Marina of Pescara.
Calling all sailors
Calling all sailors
Stuart Carruthers, Cruising Manager, asks you not to put the phone down...
RYA meets HMRC to talk red diesel
RYA meets HMRC to talk red diesel
RYA and BMF meet HMRC to discuss EU infringement proceedings over UK use of red diesel.
Updated Coastguard reforms
Updated Coastguard reforms
Government announces updated Coastguard reforms.
EU opens infringement proceedings against the UK.
EU opens infringement proceedings against the UK.
The EU has opened infringement proceedings against the UK over continued use of red diesel.
Buying over internet
Buying over internet
Be aware if you are buying over the internet
Proposed Coastguard modernisation
Proposed Coastguard modernisation
Transport Select Committee criticises current proposals.
Prevent the spread of invasive species
Prevent the spread of invasive species
Simple steps we can all take to help prevent the spread of alien species.
RYA challenges Belgian authorities' actions in fining UK boaters.
RYA challenges Belgian authorities' actions in fining UK boaters.
Gus Lewis, Head of Government Affairs, tells us why the RYA is challenging the actions of the Belgian authorities.
Fire extinguishers
Fire extinguishers
In the heat of the moment, will yours fit?
Beware the boat jumble
Beware the boat jumble
Jake Kavanagh’s guide to buying and selling at boat jumbles.
Watch your back!
Watch your back!
Protect your back when travelling on a RIB.
Up the Salcombe and Kingsbridge Estuary
Up the Salcombe and Kingsbridge Estuary
The RYA Guide to the Salcombe and Kingsbridge Estuary
Studland Bay
Studland Bay
Caroline Price reports on the latest MCZ discussions regarding Studland Bay on the south coast.
Stand-off and keep to sea
Stand-off and keep to sea
In bad weather you are generally safer where there is no land…
MCZ Update
MCZ Update
The English Regional Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) Projects have recently published their Third Progress Reports.
RYA response to proposed modernisation of the Coastguard service.
RYA response to proposed modernisation of the Coastguard service.
RYA makes it absolutely clear that all Coastguard services that are currently delivered must continue at the same level and are improved.
MCZs: latest progress reports
MCZs: latest progress reports
Draft MCZs have been identified but nothing is set in stone at this stage.
2012 Olympics; your chance to be there
2012 Olympics; your chance to be there
For the first time sailing will be a ticketed event at the 2012 Olympics, so don’t miss your opportunity to watch, cheer on, and support the British Sailing Team.
Give your bottom a good scrub
Give your bottom a good scrub
…and prevent the spread of unwanted visitors.
RYA concerns over west of Wight windfarm site
RYA concerns over west of Wight windfarm site
Proposed site poorly located from a wider navigational perspective...
Update on supply of low sulphur fuel
Update on supply of low sulphur fuel
Stuart Carruthers, RYA Cruising Manager give us the latest news on fuel supply.
MCA proposals on Coastguard modernisation
MCA proposals on Coastguard modernisation
Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) public meetings on proposals to modernise the Coastguard.
Be safe for the new season
Be safe for the new season
As we start to think about the season ahead it’s a good idea to check that your safety equipment is still up to the job. Here’s a quick check list of the key safety jobs you should do pre-season
Low-sulphur fuel now being supplied
Low-sulphur fuel now being supplied
Check at the pump what fuel you buying.
Haven't the foggiest idea?
Haven't the foggiest idea?
Knowing the type of fog is important for deciding when it is likely to clear.
Red Diesel to be 'virtually sulphur free'
Red Diesel to be 'virtually sulphur free'
Boaters advised to check the grade of fuel they are buying following changes to fuel quality due to come in January 2011.
Air sea rescue
Air sea rescue
If you, and/or a member of your crew, requires emergency evacuation from your boat a Coastguard helicopter may be sent to air lift you off.
Cruising abroad
Cruising abroad
Help for those looking to take their powerboat abroad or charter
The transfer of invasive species across international waters.
Watching marine life
Watching marine life
Getting up close and personal; but perhaps not this close. Guidance on how to manoeuvre safely around wildlife.
XM Liferaft Recall
XM Liferaft Recall
Orfordness Lighthouse
Orfordness Lighthouse
Decommissioning of Orfordness Lighthouse: no detrimental impact on navigation.
Round 3 wind farms – developers start scoping
Round 3 wind farms – developers start scoping
Phase one of development has commenced.
Storm clouds over Belgium?
Storm clouds over Belgium?
The Belgian authorities appear to be ‘seeing red’ over our use of red diesel.
RYA talks stop and search with the UK Borders Agency
RYA talks stop and search with the UK Borders Agency
In 2009, the RYA wrote to the Government to challenge the UK Border Agency’s “stop and search” techniques. This followed a number of letters from members who felt that their treatment by the UKBA was heavy handed.
Stop and Search: Your experiences
Stop and Search: Your experiences
The RYA contacted the Home Office regarding the rather high handed treatment dished out to a number of digruntled members by the UK Border Agency (UKBA) cutters. 
Should cruisers pay for Aids to Navigation?
Should cruisers pay for Aids to Navigation?
When you consider that it was back in 1514 that Henry VIII first chartered Trinity House to build and operate lighthouses, it's hardly surprising that our Aids to Navigation have become an integral part of the landscape and seascape. 
Prove it: using red diesel abroad
Prove it: using red diesel abroad
e-Borders: An Overview
e-Borders: An Overview
The Marine and Coastal Access Act explained
The Marine and Coastal Access Act explained
The RYA welcomes the groundbreaking Marine and Coastal Access Act which received Royal Assent on Thursday 12 November 2009. 
Windfarms: Round 3 contractors secured
Windfarms: Round 3 contractors secured
Anyone who has checked their heating bill recently will be well aware that energy supplies are a pretty big deal these days and it is possible they will have welcomed the news that Britain’s offshore windfarm programme is set to expand massively.
e-Borders: EU concerns
e-Borders: EU concerns
The UK border control scheme aimed at electronically logging the movements of everyone entering and leaving the UK. 
Folklore or Fact?
Folklore or Fact?
Lets face it, when it comes to weather, we Brits are a bit obsessed, and you can't beat some of the old weather folklore to have many of us nodding sagely.
How accurate are our forecasts?
How accurate are our forecasts?
Weather forecasting and the methods by which we get forecasts have come a long way in the last 20 years.
Understanding and using NAVTEX Weather Actuals
Understanding and using NAVTEX Weather Actuals
This article is for all those sailors who have found themselves weatherbound in some godforsaken port for an inordinate amount of time.
What's in your grab bag?
What's in your grab bag?
Cruising Europe: France & the Channel Islands
Cruising Europe: France & the Channel Islands
Cruising Europe: what paperwork do I need?
Cruising Europe: what paperwork do I need?
Wind Farms: How are they going to affect you?
Wind Farms: How are they going to affect you?
76 items 12345 next

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