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May 2013
NAWBO prides itself on being a global beacon for influence, ingenuity and action and is uniquely positioned to provide incisive commentary on issues of importance to women business owners. NAWBO Focus is just one of the ways members, women business owners and stakeholders can participate. read more »

"Getting Our Fair Share" share your comments »

How are you financing your business dreams and different stages of growth? read more »

Save $50 when you register before June 30th for the NAWBO Women's Business Conference, October 3-5, 2013 at the InterContinental Miami in Florida. This year's theme is "The World Awaits" and conference content is designed to help attendees to dream and achieve big. read more »

As a result of the rule change, contracting officers will be able to set aside specific contracts for certified WOSBs and EDWOSBs at any dollar level, which will help federal agencies achieve the existing statutory goal of 5 percent of federal contracting dollars being awarded to WOSBs. read more »

Are you a woman entrepreneur with big plans, vision and passion? Do you know a dynamic woman entrepreneur who is on track to create a multi-hundred-million or billion-dollar enterprise? If so, we encourage you to apply or to nominate an outstanding entrepreneur for the Ernst & Young Entrepreneurial Winning Women Program. read more »