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Updated JBQ Guidelines

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last updated Sept 2012

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Junior Bible Quiz Extras

Set Generator

Bible Fact Pak
Question Set

Junior Bible Quiz (JBQ) was created and designed to help children develop a love for the Bible and an understanding that its truth can guide their lives daily. Junior Bible Quiz offers a fun, exciting way to motivate children to understand the all-important truths in God’s Word. Through cooperative learning, children work together on teams to learn and understand the questions and answers from the Bible Fact-Pak. Then using cooperative competition the children meet with other teams for a fun quizzing match. There are twenty questions in a match, with two teams of quizzers trying to beat each other to the buzzers to get the first shot at the answers. It has been said that JBQ is the fastest growing discipleship program in children’s ministry.
Click here for information about the National JBQ Festival Facebook

In June of 2011, the JBQ National Advisory Committee agreed to update the Bible Fact Pak and include connections to the Fire Bible For Kids (NIV 2011).  Many individuals thought that this update would only affect quotation questions.  However, from the very beginning the NAC decided it was best to update ALL of the questions. George Edgerly, the original creator of the Bible Fact Pak, and other members of the NAC determined that there were a total of 79 questions/answers that needed updating.  The affected question numbers are listed below. Be assured, if you are studying from a Bible Fact Pak, BFP Study Guide or BFP Audio CD that has an orange cover, you are using the most up to date material.
59 128 240 373 424 500 533 545
63 143 265 374 440 502 534 547
72 165 278 375 482 505 535 548
73 174 326 377 483 507 536 551
77 199 355 388 484 513 537 552
81 209 359 395 487 515 538 553
87 216 360 409 488 517 539 563
106 218 362 411 489 518 540 565
108 233 365 421 492 521 542 573
115 235 366 423 499 532 544
Question Clarification: When creating the new Question Set Generator we used the database used to create the Bible Fact Pak Cards. We have discovered that question #556 was incorrect in the previous CD-ROM Version. The CD-ROM erroneously omitted the word “the” in the question. Both the 1984 version of the Bible Fact Pak cards and the NEW version of the BFP cards include “the” in question #556. Please remember the Bible Fact Pak cards are always the base product and everything else is derivative product so the correct version of the question is as follows:
#556 What three figures of speech do the Bible writers...


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