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8 November 2006, 05:33 pm
Conference Goes To Korea
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ISAF Annual Conference 2009
Busan, Korea

Today in Helsinki, Finland, ISAF Secretary General Arve SUNDHEIM (NOR) and Vice-President of the Korea Sailing Federation Jun-Ho SONG signed a Memorandum of Understanding for Busan, Korea to host the 2009 ISAF Annual Conference.
Joon-Nyun KIM, Deputy Secretary General of the Korea Sailing Federation, was also present at the Signing Ceremony together with ISAF Vice-President Fiona BARON (GBR).

Busan is the largest harbour city in Korea and has a proud sailing history, having hosted the 1988 Olympic Sailing Competition, where the gold medal winners included Jose Luis DORESTE BLANCO (ESP) and Jochen SCHUEMANN (GER). In 2002, Busan also played host to the 2002 Asian Games, whilst last year the Volvo Youth Sailing ISAF World Championship came to the city. Amongst the winners then was Paige RAILEY (USA), who yesterday was named as the 2006 ISAF Rolex World Sailor of the Year.

2009 will be the second time the ISAF Annual Conference has been held in Asia, and the first time in Korea.

The 2007 ISAF Annual Conference will take place Athens, Greece. In 2008 Palma de Mallorca, Spain will host the Conference.

Meetings Microsite

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For all the news on the 2006 ISAF Annual Conference CLICK HERE.

ISAF. Image, Vice-President of the Korean Sailing Federation Jun-Ho SONG and ISAF Secretary General Arve SUNDHEIM:© ISAF
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