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4 March 2004, 10:26 am
Cheyenne|s Lead Over Orange|s 2002 Track Continues
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WSSRC Round The World Record
Round The World

Australian waters are ahead as Cheyenne powers her way through the southern ocean, currently 1291 nm SW of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Yesterday Cheyenne cut through 577 miles, at an average speed of 24.04 kts, all adding to the current lead over Orange's 2002 track.

Blasting conditions throughout Wednesday carried Steve FOSSETT and crew aboard the maxi-catamaran Cheyenne past the longitude of Cape Leeuwin at 1918 GMT to a new Ouessant - Leeuwin record - and into Australian waters as their Round The World record attempt progresses towards its New Zealand mid-point. Under 2 reefs and storm jib and with boat speeds reaching 36 kts, yesterday's 577 nm run (avg 24.04 kts) left Steve Fossett's team 1,474 miles ahead of the current RTW record track - set by Orange in 2002.

The 125' maxi-catamaran crossed Cape Leeuwin (115 8E) some 25 days 14 hrs 8 minutes after the start at Ouessant on February 7th - 3 days 17 hours ahead of the Ouessant - Leeuwin time set by Orange in 2002 (then a record for this passage) and 14 hours faster than the very fast time set by Geronimo in 2003.

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Day 26 Position Report ©

Cheyenne crewman Fraser BROWN reports:
Day 26: "Blasting - We have finally got the good full-on Southern Ocean conditions that you come here for. We have had the last 2 full days of incredibly blasting conditions riding on strong North Westerlies with squalls coming through increasing the wind from 35 to 40 knots. We have been sailing at a 100 to 110 wind angle with 2 reefs and storm jib and even reefed the storm jib at one stage. We have been sitting on the good numbers all day and night topping out at around 36 knots, this boat was built for these conditions - we haven't yet stuffed the bow in which is enabling us to drive as hard as we can.

Great conditions through the night - wet and fast driving with clear goggles on just seeing the white caps around you and the B and G displays. We have just broken the Ushant to Cape Leeuwin record beating Geronimo's time. Nice to break something other than the boat. We are currently about 1300 miles ahead of the record but not quite halfway so heaps can happen yet. We are in Aussie waters and heading straight east at 51 South soon to be under kiwi land, then next up the Horn.

Bring it on. Sheet on and send it."

Fossett Challenges (As Amended by ISAF Secretariat)
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