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9 March 2004, 05:09 pm
Concluded Today
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World Conference on Women and Sport

The III World Conference on Women and Sport concluded today in Marrakech in Morocco with a number of recommendations made. Some of those were published on the IOC website.
The conference recognised that the goal of Olympism is to place sport at the service of the harmonious development of human beings everywhere, with a view to encouraging the establishment of a peaceful society. The conference welcomed the commitment of the President of the International Olympic Committee, the Secretary General of the United Nations, and the President of the World Bank to promote women's rights in all fields of human activities, and took into consideration both the resolution adopted by the II World Conference on Women and Sport in Paris, France, on 8 March 2000 and the research on Women Leadership and the Olympic Movement undertaken by Loughborough University for the International Olympic Committee;

Recognising the effort made by all entities and persons involved with the promotion of Women in Sport but aware of all the challenges which lay ahead to be taken up in order to attain the following projected objectives:

1. Reaffirms the targets established in 1996 for the International Olympic Committee, International Sports Federations and National Olympic Committees to have at least 20% women on their executive boards and legislative bodies by 2005 and consider the period beyond.

2. Urges the International Olympic Committee, International Sports Federations, the Association of National Olympic Committees (ANOC), sports Confederations, National Olympic Committees and National Federations to correct the current gender imbalance and to ensure significant representation of women on all permanent commissions and working groups, and also highlights the need for the five Continental Associations of NOCs to ensure the inclusion of women on the Executive Council of ANOC;

3. Calls upon all delegates to be voluntary advocates for the promotion, training and empowerment of women in and through sport at grass root level, clubs and in National Federations;

4. Urges the International Olympic Committee, UNESCO and National Olympic Committees to advocate for the inclusion of physical and sport activities in educational institutions with government and international agencies in charge of education and sport;

5. Encourages the Olympic Movement and sport organisations to further the cooperation with the United Nations system, the World Bank, inter-governmental and non-governmental organisations to promote gender equality policies and programmes and support human and socio-economic development through sport;

6. Urges Olympic Solidarity Commission to review its policies and development programmes to ensure that funds provided are increased, and that a fair proportion is used for the support of women in and through sport;

7. Calls upon all athletes to serve as role models and mentors for young girls and women to develop their skills in sport and professional lives, and contribute to the promotion of diversity, peace and human understanding;

8. Requests that stakeholders and partners in the Olympic Movement be involved individually or collectively in preventive education campaigns against scourges such as HIV/AIDS, polio, and substance abuses which affect women and children;

9. Urges the sport communities to support and encourage sport activities for girls and women with disabilities;

10. Recommends that sport communities and media organisations work together to ensure a comprehensive and accurate portrayal of the image of women in sport, as well as including women in media training programmes;

11. Congratulates the International Olympic Committee and its Women and Sport Commission for organising this III World Conference on Women and Sport;

12. Expresses its sincere thanks to the Kingdom of Morocco and its National Olympic Committee for the excellent organisation of the Conference and traditional hospitality.
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