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Sailing Federation
21 September 2003, 11:11 am
Championship Website Averaging 20,000 Users
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2003 ISAF World Championship
Bay of Cadiz

The Championship website is keeping both those here in Cadiz and the media and supporters around the world informed on the latest news and reports from the racing.
Averaging 20,000 unique users a day, the website provides the latest race results, reports and images, together with other related information such as entry lists, web cams.

All entries and results link through to the ISAF Sailor bio, which draws in personal and general information and images, together with the helm's world ranking and results of all past events that make up his/her ranking.

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Complimenting the written information on the website, ISAF together with ON Communications, is providing online video streaming of the daily highlights from the day's racing. The highlights, which are being produced by the Championship broadcasters Canal Sur, are available online at approximately 2200 UTC each day. So far, this service has attracted in excess of 25,000 views.

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ISAF welcomes your feedback to this initiative, and either fill in the questionnaire available on the video stream default page, or email ISAF
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