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8 May 2008, 11:04 am
Two New ISAF Interpretations Issued
The ISAF Regulations

ISAF Regulations

In response to requests, the ISAF Constitution Committee has issued their interpretations of the ISAF Articles and ISAF Regulations.
There were two separate requests for interpretation, one from the ISAF President (Interpretation 001-08) and one from the International Tornado Association (Interpretation 002-08).

Interpretation 001-08 relates to the meaning of the word "urgent" in the context of Regulation 1.6(b) regarding "urgent submissions" to the Mid-Year Meeting.

Click here to view Interpretation 001-08

Interpretation 002-08 is in regard to Council Alternates, Declaration of Interest and the ISAF Objects.

Click here to view Interpretation 002-08

In accordance with ISAF Regulation 3.2, "Any Member National Authority, Class, Officer or Committee Chairman or Vice-Chairman may submit a request in writing for an interpretation of the Constitution or Regulations."

The ISAF Articles, which form part of the ISAF Constitution, the ISAF Regulations and all past interpretations are available online:

ISAF Articles - click here
ISAF Regulations - click here

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