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11 December 2002, 11:42 am
Saving the Best for Last
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A Jubilant Bianchetti© Roy Riley/Marine Pics

Around Alone - Leg 2
Cape Town

The most spectacular of all the arrivals into Cape Town at the end of Leg 2 of Around Alone was Italian circumnavigator Simone Bianchetti on Open 60 <I>Tiscali.</I> The early evening air threw a soft pink light on Table Mountain and reflected on the sails

Sixth place was not the position Simone was looking for when he set sail from Torbay 57 days ago, however when he saw all the other 11 skippers assembled on the pontoon together applauding him on his arrival his first comment was "Well, if this is what it's like when you come in last, it's fantastic!" Exactly 90 hours after crossing the line he will set off again for New Zealand. It's going to be a lightening fast visit to South Africa and Bianchetti is getting right down to the business of preparing for the leg ahead.

The leg from England was difficult by any measure. Shortly after leaving Torbay he experienced autopilot problems and made a quick stop in France to have them checked by a technician. Once they were sorted he left for South Africa, but five days later disaster struck. The 30 meter carbon mast on Tiscali came crashing down ending the Italian skipper's hopes of a leg victory. Fortunately it was not the end of his race. In an amazing collaboration between Bernard Stamm and Pindar, he was able to rejoin the race a scant 10 days later. Stamm loaned his spare mast to Tiscali, and Pindar loaned the use of their converted tug Hatherleigh to transport the mast from France to Spain. Soon Bianchetti was back in the race; this time it was a race against time rather than a race against the other competitors. Before leaving Spain Simone predicted that he would be in South Africa by the 10th December, and as predicted his crossed the finish line at 17:58:59 local time (15:58:59 GMT) on December 10.

Leg 3 Restart: The yachts will leave North Wharf from 0930hrs, December 14th in procession out to the breakwater.

Provisional Results, Leg 2: Class 1
1st: Bobst Group-Armor Lux finish time 09:59:45 GMT 13th NOV - 29 DAYS 22HRS 59 M 45S
2nd: Solidaires finish time 19:42:55 GMT 13th NOV - 30 DAYS 8 HRS 42 M 55S
3rd: Pindar finish time 03:27:13 GMT 14th NOV 02 - 30 DAYS 16HRS 27 M 15S
4th: Hexagon finish time 02:54:12 GMT 15th NOV 02 - 31 DAYS 15HRS 54 M 12S
5th: Ocean Planet finish time 03:15:16 GMT 28th NOV 02 - 44 DAYS 16HRS 15 M 16S on the water. NB: NOT including the provisional 48 hour time penalty for stopping in Spain.
6th: Tiscali finish time 15:58:59 GMT 10th DEC 02 - 57 DAYS 4 HRS 58M 59S on the water. NB: NOT including the two provisional 48hr time penalties for stopping twice.

Provisional Results, Leg 2: Class 2
"1st: Tommy Hilfiger Freedom America finish time 13:48:13 GMT 27th NOV 02 - 44 DAYS, 2 HRS, 48M, 13S on the water.
"2nd: Everest Horizontal finish time 15:37:35 GMT 1st DEC 02 - 48 DAYS, 3 HRS, 37M, 35S on the water
"3rd : Spirit of Canada finish time 02:25:40 GMT 2nd DEC 02- 49 DAYS, 15 HRS, 25M 40S on the water
"4th : Spirit of yukoh finish time 20:05:51 GMT 3rd DEC 02 - 50 DAYS, 9HRS, 5M, 51S on the water
"5th: BTC Velocity finish time 10:59:24 GMT 8th DEC 02 - 54 DAYS, 23HRS, 59M, 24S
"6th: Bayer Ascensia finish time 11:22:36 GMT 8th DEC - 55 DAYS, 0HRS, 22M, 36S
"NB: NOT including the provisional 48 hour time penalty for stopping in Spain

Brian Hancock/ISAF Secretariat
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