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Sailing Federation
13 December 2002, 02:38 pm
Round-up of the News and Views from 2002
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2002 - A Year in Review
The World

Want a good read over the festive season, then look no further than ISAF's `2002 - A Year in Review', which will bring you a review of the sailing news, sensations, achievements and more from 2002, complimented with stunning images.
2002 - A Year in Review will be published in five issues, covering:

Issue 1 - Published 20 December - News from January, February, March
Issue 2 - Published 23 December - News from April, May
Issue 3 - Published 26 December - News from June, July
Issue 4 - Published 28 December - News from August, September
Issue 5 - Published 31 December - News from October, November, December

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Simply, go to ISAF Sailor - and, if not already registered, complete the simple registration, before proceeding to Email Services (in the left-hand menu) and subscribing to `2002 - A Year in Review'

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