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3 March 2002, 12:49 pm
Bruno Peyron on Orange|s Progress
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Orange photo:Martin-Raget

Jules Verne Trophy

After starting at 08:36 and 21 seconds GMT yesterday, Orange’s crew under the orders of Bruno Peyron, is juggling with a complex weather window. Bruno Peyron’s log reads:
The atmosphere and ambience are extraordinary, like since the beginning of this programme. We're a little tired but that's normal, each one is coping. We're going to put the power on steadily, but we know that we'll be suffering from even greater fatigue before the voyage is over. The ambience is the same, the motivation is still the same and the manoeuvres are going well. We're keeping it steady. The sun's out now, the winds from the North East and the temperature is rather fresh! As for the weather window, it's just right as far as wind strength is concerned, but the direction's not so good. We've got the wind dead astern, we're on a close reaching gybe heading due south for Spain, which will oblige us to gybe the other way to gain some westing and clear Cape Finistere. We're extending the route a little, but it's not important, we'll get ourselves organised, we'll have one or two slaloms like that to do.
Orange Press/News Editor
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