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26 September 2005, 01:59 pm
Former Olympic Champion Becomes YNZ President
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Yachting New Zealand News

Rex SELLERS was elected as Yachting New Zealand president at the 2005 Annual General Meeting held in Wellington yesterday. SELLERS edged out the only other nominee, Denis MOWBRAY of Christchurch for the position. MOWBRAY was re-elected to the Board of Directors.
SELLERS competed in the Tornado class at four Olympic Games winning gold for New Zealand in Los Angeles in 1984 and silver in Korea in 1988. Now 55 years of age he returns to the sport as President of the Member National Authority (MNA). He takes over the role from retiring President Geoff THORPE.

Residing in Howick, Auckland, SELLERS operates a commercial fishing business based in Nelson where he went to High School. He has been an owner operator in the fishing industry for over 20 years. He took up sailing at age eleven at the Nelson Yacht Club and went on to record a long list of national and international titles culminating in the pinnacle of Olympic success.

Since then he has been team manager and coach of national Optimist teams and also had involvement in Americas Cup campaigns. His depth of history in sailing will prove valuable in his presidential role, connecting with regions and yacht clubs nationwide.

Both MOWBRAY and Jim MURDOCH retain their positions on Yachting New Zealand's Board of Directors following yesterday's election. Soon a further two members will be appointed by the Board to complete the team of eight who form the governing body of sailing.

Those who attended the Yachting New Zealand AGM heard about appointments and initiatives that have taken place in the last six months at Yachting New Zealand. The Management team of Yachting New Zealand including Chief Executive Des BRENNAN, High Performance and Youth Director Marty WATSON and National Programmes Director Richard BROWN presented programmes that are being instigated or about to be launched by the national body. The membership showed their positive support for the progress reported on.

'Much has been achieved in the past six months,' said Chief Executive BRENNAN. 'Programmes underway extend across the broad range of yachting issues and activities. It was pleasing to have substantial membership support and agreement to lift members' investment in Yachting New Zealand and our sport. I welcome Rex as out new President - he is a much and deservedly honoured champion. The re-appointments of Jim MURDOCH and Denis MOWBRAY retain valuable knowledge and commitment to our programmes.'

Jodie Perkins
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