Website Content

You can have the most beautiful, thoughtfully-designed website in the world, but if it is poorly written, you are losing out on one of your company’s best lead generation tools.

Jansen Communications’ website content writing and editing services ensure your website will get people interested in, and excited about, your company. I do this by:

  • Explaining exactly what you do and how you solve your customers’ pain points
  • Pointing out the many benefits of working with you
  • Avoiding SAT words, complicated phrases, hackneyed business clichés, and industry jargon
  • Keeping content clear, concise, and search engine friendly
  • Writing energizing calls-to-action

To help the project go as quickly and easily as possible, I developed a 5 step process to ensure outstanding results:

  1. Determining your the goals of your website – and what you do and don’t like about it – sets the stage for the rest of the project
  2. After a review of your target market(s) and their most pressing needs, I begin to formulate key selling points and benefits
  3. I conduct competitive research to find out what the other guys are doing right and wrong
  4. The writing and editing begins!  When possible, I work with the web designer on the site’s layout and navigation
  5. Once all content is approved, we work together to finalize your value proposition and calls-to-action

Want to learn more? Check out some projects here – or drop me a line here.

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