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Big Data and making it work for you

The focus for all businesses at present is to better understand their customers, their purchasing potential and their behavioural patterns. The easiest way to assess this expanse of data is through a central Customer Relationship Management system (CRM).

Sotic is working with the SugarCRM system to deliver a comprehensive CRM platform for clients that will fully integrate data feeds from third parties as well as the Sotic solution. Going forward, MatchDayCRM will manage all competition data, ezine subscribers, shop orders, ticket purchases and member data will be viewable, searchable and sortable from one single database.

SugarCRM is a very powerful database management tool and we envisage in the future businesses will use it throughout the organisation so that all communications and behavioural activity of customers can be tracked. Taking these feeds from all the data collection points and feeding them into MatchDayCRM will provide a single view of the customer base assisting with more cleverly targeted communications and promotional activity.

The CRM platform provides a range of additional tools beyond the storage of data including extensive reporting for different user groups, the ability to segment, document management, customisable dashboards, social and mobile integration and compatibility with most mail providers and multi-language and currency support.

MatchDayCRM has various degrees of complexity and clients can chose the level they wish to engage, the depth of integration and number of plug-ins and modules required. The cost of the product covers hosting and price per individual user licence. It is expected that MatchDayCRM will be available for client use at the end of the second quarter 2013.

CRM is not just about having the right technology, it's also about the analyses and interpreting of data and how best to use the findings to improve interaction and revenues.

For more information or to arrange a demonstration, please contact the Sotic Marketing team on +44 (0)207 691 2450 or email

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