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Free Traffic Tips Weekday Podcasts

Free Traffic Tips Weekday Podcasts
Learn how to get free web traffic - that's right, I said Free Traffic - because it's not just how much money you make in your internet business, it's how much money you keep.

Note: This feed contains only the audio and video updates. See the website to subscribe to the feed that contains the 25 - 45 text-based tips of the week.

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Created by: Tinu Abayomi-Paul
Created on: 21 Feb 2005
Language: English

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Add this to another station SEO is Hopeless ? True or False? (1.78MB; download) -- For me, Id say the answer is false. Ive had some of my number one and first page rankings for almost 9 years now. The general answer though, is it depends. Theres nothing wrong with using certain loopholes to get ahead if youre not actually trying to trick the search engines into an answer. But [...]
Selected by: Tinu Abayomi-Paul [ stations ], Fri, 02 Jul 2010 19:22:15 PDT
Add this to another station [warning] personal but fun traffic tip ahead #audio #mp3 #gr (2.16MB; download) -- The free #blogdaily project and how to join. More information here: http://www.freetraffictip.com/warning-personal-but-fun-traffic-tip-ahead-audio-mp3-gr.php
Selected by: Tinu Abayomi-Paul [ stations ], Fri, 02 Jul 2010 19:21:18 PDT
Add this to another station [video] How to Get Your Blog Off Blogspot and Still Use Blogger (41.88MB; download) -- Blogspot is great for a personal blog, and Blogger's interface is very simple to use. With the addition of labels, business bloggers may not want to move to WordPress. However, you gain flexibility and the ability to leverage more traffic opportunities when you publish your Blogspot blog on your own server. The instructions on Blogger are a little confusing if you're new to this, so I made a video.
Selected by: Tinu Abayomi-Paul [ stations ], Sun, 17 Jun 2007 22:55:42 PDT
Add this to another station [audio post] 03.10.06 - Clip from Blog Optimization (0.30MB; download) -- "This Very Quick Clip from "7 Fatal Mistakes That Will KILL Your Blog STONE DEAD In The Search Engines...", part of the Blog Optimization Package discusses why it's smart to lightly optimize your blog posts and your blog itself, rather than forcing them to conform exactly to the imaginary ideal of the perfectly optimized page."
Selected by: Tinu Abayomi-Paul [ stations ], Mon, 27 Mar 2006 16:57:03 PST
Add this to another station Announcing: Increase Web Site Traffic Posting marathon - The beginning.. (0.36MB; download) -- "Maybe marathon is the wrong word... but there's going to be a lot of posting on that topic for the next six weeks. Listen to this post from Free Traffic Tip about the most recent name change, using talkr.com, which turns your posts into audio."
Selected by: Tinu Abayomi-Paul [ stations ], Mon, 27 Mar 2006 16:16:00 PST
Add this to another station audio post] 07.18.05 :: WAHM Radio Interview (25 mins) (0.00MB; download) -- In this Special Mini-cast: An Excerpt from Show #87 of the WAHM Radio broadcast, featuring and interview with lil ole me. What we're talking about * How I Got Started Online * Promoting and Branding Your Business with Blogs, RSS and Podcatting * The Effects of Article Marketing * Discussion of Different Blog Systems
Selected by: Tinu Abayomi-Paul [ stations ], Sun, 18 Dec 2005 06:15:38 PST
Add this to another station [audio post] 12.18.05 :: Holiday Sales and Traffic - 25 minutes (0.00MB; download) -- In This Minicast: * Five Tips for Increasing Holiday Sales and Traffic * My Secret Source of Holiday Traffic * What Is Traffic Reality? * Am I Really Shutting Down Free Traffic Tips? * More About Why My Blog Gets So Much Search Engine Traffic
Selected by: Tinu Abayomi-Paul [ stations ], Sun, 18 Dec 2005 06:11:30 PST
Add this to another station [audio post] 10.19.05 :: Linking Discussion 21 minutes (0.00MB; download) -- In this Mini-cast: * A Pod Fan Club? Who, Me? * Where Does One Find a Frank Ross Blog? And Why? * Why Do I Typically Refrain from Reciprocal Linking? Hint: It's not because I don't like to link. I do it all the time. * What's the Link Building Method that Put You In Control of the Results? * Why High Profile Article Marketing Kicks Article Marketing in the Gleuteus Maximus. (Ow. That has to hurt.)
Selected by: Tinu Abayomi-Paul [ stations ], Sun, 18 Dec 2005 06:11:10 PST
Add this to another station [audio post] 08.31.05 :: Article Marketing Mathematics (25 mins) (0.00MB; download) -- In this Special Mini-cast: This is the audio that accompanies the Free Article Secrets Tips which you can sign up for in the side bar to your right at http://www.freetraffictip.com . What we're talking about * How Article Marketing Can Bring You More Traffic * Where you can get a verified list of sites that accept articles - all working sites with links to the submission pages * More about the Effects of Article Marketing
Selected by: Tinu Abayomi-Paul [ stations ], Sun, 18 Dec 2005 06:10:49 PST
Add this to another station [audio post] 07.12.05 :: Podcasting - WTF (35 mins) (0.00MB; download) -- You'll get a half-rant/half-education on the merits and whys of podcasting for promoting business sites in this Mini-cast, entitled:: Podcasting - What the Fuss? Also a special hello to all them new iTunes folks. Howdy! I decided not to password protect this, in a separete area, so if you subscribed by feed or email because you were wanted the password, rather than because you've been meaning to, I'll tell you upfront that I changed my mind. :) So you're off the hook...
Selected by: Tinu Abayomi-Paul [ stations ], Mon, 18 Jul 2005 12:56:28 PDT
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