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Donate to GiveWell

GiveWell (a.k.a. The Clear Fund) is a federally recognized tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization. Documentation is available in our official records.

Donate online

You can also donate online through Google Checkout below. Google Checkout charges standard credit card processing fees.

If you want to make an unrestricted donation to GiveWell, please make sure to check the appropriate option below.

Thinking of donating $5,000 or more? Please see our donation processing tips.

Unrestricted donation: we may use these funds for operating expenses or grants to charities, at our discretion (more).
For re-granting only: we will re-grant your donation to top charities, and use none of it for operating expenses.


If you have any trouble using Google Checkout, we can also accept credit and debit card donations through Paypal.

Note: you can also donate to our top charities directly. GiveWell collects no fees from donations to its recommended charities.

Recurring donations

If you would like to make a recurring donation, you can do so on GiveWell's recurring donation page.

Donate by mail

You can donate to GiveWell (a.k.a. The Clear Fund) by sending a check made out to GiveWell to

    182 Howard Street #208
    San Francisco, CA 94105

If you choose to send a check, please also complete this form and send it in with your check donation.

You may give an unrestricted donation to GiveWell, which we may chose to either use for operating expenses or to re-grant to top charities, or you may choose to give funds that we will only re-grant to top charities. If you would like us to re-grant your donation, please specify this by completing and mailing in this form with your check donation.

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