Are you making use of all our security features?


Posted on: Thursday 14th October 2010

Posted by: Unknown

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Despite fraud figures being down, it remains an ongoing problem for merchants. SecureTrading help you as much as we can by offering an excellent suite of counter fraud services as standard.

Core Counter-Fraud Services include 3-D Secure, Address Verification System (AVS) and Security Codes (CVV2, CVC2, CSC).

We also have an additional security feature that many of you aren’t making use of. Documented in our integration documents, namely the MD5 hash, the purpose of this feature is to prevent tampering on the amount field so that, for example, a £300 transaction does not get processed for 30 pence.

This feature has to be configured on the Merchant’s website and is submitted to the form page along with the actual field value (the amount). By implementing the MD5 Hashfeature, our system will detect that certain encrypted fields have been tampered with and fail the payment.

Full details on how to implement this feature, including some examples, can be found in the Payment Pages Set-up Guide, section 1.4 (pages 5&6), which can be downloaded here .

Elaine Payne, Customer Support Manager, SecureTrading

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