Keelboat Teambuilding Race Day
Compete in teams as you crash through the waves feeling the wind in your hair and the sun on your face.� A two day option combining the keelboat / racing with our Corporate Conference is a popular choice.
Choose Your Crew
Colgate 26 and Sonar keelboats with a 1: 5 instructor to delegate ratio
Morning Prep
Learn the basics of sailing in a team during your morning session
Afternoon Festivity
Compete for �The Pride of Cowes Cup� in the afternoon
Food Ahoy!
A hearty lunch will be provided to see you through the afternoon�s action
Crewing Options
This day can be run with 10 - 30 delegates crewing in teams of 5
Where corporate sailing activity does not fall within UKSA's charitable aims and objectives, it is operated through UKSA's separate trading company, UKSA Trading Limited, not UKSA, registered charity number: 299248. Any profits from UKSA Trading Limited are used to benefit UKSA.