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Hal Sparks


The Official Hal Sparks Twitter.. As seen on VH1, MSNBC, CNN, Showtime and the Key Club

Photos and Videos by @HalSparks

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Scotland i' a wee bi' dangerous

This is in the limo.. He's trying to order a pizza to a moving car... It's tricky

Humpdays With Hal on Starts in 5 mins... And I am Wired!.. #p2

how do you like my guitar? anybody wanna play NM156?

Let your waffle shine...

Today's reading... #readingisfundamental

Me and my first computer.. A 128k mac... Still boots up :)

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that this dude probably sucks at Tetris...

How did I not know about this until now?!?!?!

I drink em by the brick! #WholeFoodsbeware

I'm MCing the ACT (Alternative Clean Ttansportation) Expo this morning in Long Beach..

Tools of the trade.. Playing with a Paul Stanley pick in the studio...

Oops ... "People are animals. They..."

... The lighting backstage at the Tower Theater makes me look like Dr. Manhattan ..

Scott f*cking Rockenfeld of ... err... umm... AWESOME!

w/ from today at the ... we talked vocal warm ups and styles.. great Singer

It should come as no surprise that the Electronic Yodelling Pickle is indeed... A choking hazard


Look into my eyes... (sex) Come to the comedy show at Benaroya Hall... (sex)... #Superliminaladvertising

Backstage in my T ... It's Showtime!

3 days in #NYC and I'm already starting to look like Neo... #gladItooktheredpill