Jesse Jackson Jr. Faces Federal Prison Time for Embezzling Campaign Funds Jesse Jackson Jr. Faces Federal Prison Time for Embezzling Campaign Funds

Confirmed: Obama Made No Calls, Took No Action During Benghazi AttackConfirmed: Obama Made No Calls, Took No Action During Benghazi Attack

USDA Promoting Racial Division at Taxpayer ExpenseUSDA Promoting Racial Division at Taxpayer Expense

Michelle Malkin Michelle Malkin: Democrats Heart Medicare Fraudsters

Hey, remember when President Obama crusaded against Medicare fraud and vowed to crack down aggressively on scammers who've bilked the program out of an estimated $90 billion?

Mark Davis Mark Davis: When Good Ideas Become Bad Ideas

For the conservative willing to endure it, President Obama’s State of the Union address was actually a handy lesson in how the left garners support for barrages of spending.

Brent Bozell Brent Bozell: HBO Hates Popes, Loves Kennedys

Pope Benedict XVI shocked the world on Monday morning by announcing he would resign at the end of February.

David Spady David Spady: America’s Dreadful Debt Legacy

Americans live in a consumer culture. We like to buy things. When we can’t afford to purchase something we really want, we turn to credit cards and loans, even though we end up paying more due to interest payments. Over half the population paid interest on credit cards in the past year. “Buy now – pay later”.

John Ransom John Ransom: Report: Frickin’ Fracking Could Ruin Everything for Leftist Activists

A new report from the UK research team at Price Waterhouse and Cooper confirms what we knew all along: We’re right and they’re wrong. Really wrong; once-in-a-lifetime, disastrously wrong if grading on the scale the rest of us are subject to. Grading on the liberal scale, however, it’s just normal, everyday, run of the mill errors in judgment, math, worldview, physics and fluid mechanics that liberals deal with all the time.

Jonah Goldberg Jonah Goldberg: Operation Hubris

One of the great things about American politics is its capacity for punishing hubris.

David Limbaugh David Limbaugh: Liberal Media: Obama's Front Line

It seems the liberal media are more concerned about Sen. Marco Rubio's midspeech sip of water than about President Obama's State of the Union commitment to double down on his disastrous policies.

Mona Charen Mona Charen: What Second Term Agenda?

The lesson from the State of the Union address is this: Barack Obama has no second term agenda. Oh, sure, he campaigned furiously for the job, starting in about January of 2011.

Neal Boortz Neal Boortz: A Politician’s Guide to the Dollar Bill Savings Plan

Before this column is done I’m going to make a point on federal spending that really should open your eyes. Actually, you will think that it’s so basic and simple that it’s a wonder nobody has presented it to you in this manner before!

Oliver North Oliver North: Presidents and Promises

On Tuesday evening, Feb. 12, a capacity crowd filled a replica of the White House East Room for a presentation at the Nixon Presidential Library & Museum. After that, they stood in line to buy autographed copies of my latest New York Times best-seller, "Heroes Proved." All of them heard: "Lyndon Johnson sent my brother and me to war in Vietnam. In his first address to our nation as president, Richard Nixon promised to bring us home.

Pat Buchanan Pat Buchanan: Why Are We Still on the DMZ?

North Korea has just pulled off an impressive dual feat -- the successful test both of an intercontinental ballistic missile and an atom bomb in the 6-kiloton range.

Suzanne Fields Suzanne Fields: Plagiarism and Politics in Berlin

The Germans play "gotcha" with a decidedly Teutonic skill and attitude. The latest victim is Annette Schavan, Chancellor Merkel's education minister, who resigned her position in a gathering storm of accusations that she plagiarized the doctoral dissertation she wrote 32 years ago. The title sounds particularly apt: "Person and Conscience."

Ben Shapiro Ben Shapiro: Did the Left Create Chris Dorner?

Last week, former LAPD officer Christopher Dorner went on a murderous rampage throughout Southern California, shooting seven people, including five members of law enforcement, killing three.

Linda Chavez Linda Chavez: Pull the Plug on Hagel

Chuck Hagel's nomination to be secretary of defense is in trouble -- as it should be. The former Republican senator has so much baggage, it is amazing that the administration hasn't dumped him, as they did Susan Rice when her proposed nomination ran into trouble.

Paul Greenberg Paul Greenberg: The State of the Union: The Good, the Bad and the Eloquent

First, the good parts. They stood out. Indeed, the president's general tone Tuesday night, despite the reflexive class warfare here and there, was much less fast and furious than his re-inaugural address -- as if now he wanted to work with the opposition rather than just excoriate it.

Donald Lambro Donald Lambro: Nothing New in the State of the Union

President Obama's second term wish-list -- his ideas for jump-starting the job-starved economy -- looked a lot like his warmed-over, half-baked proposals of the past.

Daniel J. Mitchell Daniel J. Mitchell: Another Honest Liberal Writes about Gun Ownership and Second Amendment Rights

One liberal columnist naively wishes guns didn’t exist, but at least he recognizes that his anti-gun leftist friends don’t know what they’re talking about.

Charles Payne Charles Payne: New American Flavor

On Tuesday there was an event that underscored the problems facing the Republican Party. I'm not talking about the media's take on Marco Rubio and his need for a sip of water, I actually think he did a great job and being human is an attractive trait. The news actually came from Lay's Potato Chip and the results of its newest contest.

Jerry Bowyer Jerry Bowyer: Down On Downton: Why The Left Is Torching Downton Abbey

One of the first things one notices, if one is a regular viewer of BBC productions, is that Downton is unusually ideologically and religiously balanced. One of the other effects one notices when one watches a lot of BBC is that one starts referring to oneself in the third rather than the first person.

Fritz Pfister Fritz Pfister: Phony Jobs Math Not Helping Housing

Pent up demand is finite. After a certain period of time that demand becomes satisfied. Any sudden increase in interest rates and that demand disappears.

Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: Can People or Corporations Have Too Much Cash?

I believe the average 7th grader would easily recognize the inherent absurdity of such a question. However, the average economic writer does not understand what the average 7th grader does.

David Stokes David Stokes: Nixon at 100—Still Fascinating

Why do I still find Richard Nixon so fascinating? After all, my political views on many matters are arguably more conservative than his were and would likely be if he were alive and politically engaged today.

Phil Kerpen Phil Kerpen: What a Difference 50 Years Makes

President Obama opened his State of the Union address with a quote from President John F. Kennedy: “the Constitution makes us not rivals for power but partners for progress.” But Obama’s speech that followed and the agenda it advocated indicate he failed to study JFK’s famous 1963 State of the Union and its ambitious program of tax cuts and tax reform that successfully shifted the U.S. economy into high gear.

Night Watch Night Watch: Arms Race in Korea

Constrained by the US and by international arms control agreements from building its own ballistic missiles, South Korea has continued to modernize its air force and has developed cruise missiles against which North Korea has no defense.

Friday, February 15 | 09:58 PM ET
Friday, February 15 | 09:58 PM ET
Friday, February 15 | 09:58 PM ET
Friday, February 15 | 09:58 PM ET
Uh oh: Did Menendez Fail to Report Another Private Caribbean Flight?   (54)  
Chuck Hagel Won't Withdraw Despite High Chance of Nomination Defeat   (102)  
Arkansas Houses Passes Bill on Concealed Guns on College Campuses
VIDEO: Did Obama's State of the Union Sound Familiar?   (115)  
Catholic Bishops Ask Congress for Contraceptives Reprieve
Obama: 'I'm President Of The United State, Not The Emperor'
Cop-Killer Supporter Marc Lamont Hill Gives Bogus Explanation for Pro-Dorner Comments   (713)  
Friday Fun: Officer Frees Two Tangled Deer by Shooting Their Antlers Apart
LaPierre Slams Obama’s SOTU Address   (166)  
Watered-down Commentary   (199)  
While Obama Vacations in Palm Springs, Michelle Obama to Vacation in Aspen   (211)  
The Desolate State of Veterans Affairs
Good News: Tax Dollars Used to Pay "Stimulus" Recipients to Watch Movies, Play Cards   (91)  
George Soros Rakes in $1 Billion in Three Months   (116)  
House to Vote to Freeze Federal Worker Pay   (42)  
Obama Wraps State of Union Campaign Tour in Chicago
Senate Republicans Block Hagel Confirmation....For Now   (982)  
Obama Tackles Drones, Pennies, Guns in Google Chat
Paying for Obama's Proposals   (56)  
Senate Democrat: "I Want to Disagree With Those Who Say We Have a Spending Problem"   (403)  
LaPierre: NRA to 'Stand and Fight' Obama on Guns
Levin: Obama Delivered a “Castro-Like” SOTU Address   (90)  
Obama: Your Child Will "Lose" Without Free "High Quality Pre-$chool"   (85)  
Pennies, Marijuana and Cell Phones: The Top Questions for Obama's Google Hangout   (99)  
Join Conservatives on FB!
This Valentine's Day, Hug a Liberal   (70)  
Carney: The Whole Point of Sequestration Was to Avoid Those Spending Cuts   (343)  
Majority of Americans Want Spending Cuts, Not More "Investments""   (74)  
GAO: Post Office is "High Risk" Area of Government Mismanagement   (36)  
Obama's Treasury Secretary Nominee Gets Free Pass on Cayman Islands Investments   (206)  
Bloomberg's Next Target: Styrofoam   (116)  
"Reverend" Sharpton Leaves Out "Under God" In MSNBC Ad   (232)  
Obama Pushes Preschool Programs in Georgia Trip